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fol. 68v2
fol. 68v2
Herbal section
Astronomical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 68v2.jpg|thumb|right|folio 68v2]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 68v2.jpg|thumb|right|folio 68v2]]

Revision as of 23:02, 27 August 2015

fol. 68v2

Astronomical section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 68v2
teeody shcthey psheody shocthy ykeody shdy shot ytchy 
dchaiin shey dcheedy qokeey shekeey dal dy sheetey daldy 
qoeeey shekeey shkeey s alchey cthy shteody qoteeody dam 
okeey sheoy keol ycheety okeody shey qokey chol chekody 
scheos seekey okey chody okeos cheo salar oalchdm 
okeodaiin ykeeody shsdy shyokeey dalches okos cheky otees oteydy okechoy
yteody cheteedy chedady c*eectheey otychdy oteey cpheeody otey chkey daiin chey
daiir oteeys rar ockheey dorchy   okchy qokeechy dal chy chokeeey sory 
choteey daro 
otey dalar 
yshesos ar shy 
socths chety 
yteody chetey 
otchos alamchy 
adairchdy aiin 
dchedal daiin 
ykeeepol ypchy 
otosey sary 
oteoys orasaly 
otchdy chetal 


See also