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P: text
podairol odaiiily shoaldy opchol otol ol chcphy qotchar s
qoteotor chy okchafdy qokchey dol otchol chal otchm
ycho okaiin okeol eees oldaiin okeeor daiin qotcholm
okchey dair sholol oldal otchor mar
dor chear shor dol oaldary
tshol shor shkshy okol daiin otshor olsar
otor oiin sho shol qokol daiin sol daiin ylg
qokaiin dain qokor okal g dam chor olol dam
otshy dal dar oldar ar or qoto l chees g
dor chy kshol chol cthol otol oloiir
y okaiin doroiin olols oiin ol cheen ols
olaiior oloro eeeoly

Latest revision as of 23:54, 11 September 2015

fol. 23v

Herbal section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 23v

P: text

podairol odaiiily shoaldy opchol otol ol chcphy qotchar s 
qoteotor chy okchafdy qokchey dol otchol chal otchm 
ycho okaiin okeol eees oldaiin okeeor daiin qotcholm 
okchey dair sholol oldal otchor mar 
dor chear shor dol oaldary 
tshol shor shkshy okol daiin otshor olsar 
otor oiin sho shol qokol daiin sol daiin ylg 
qokaiin dain qokor okal g dam chor olol dam 
otshy dal dar oldar ar or qoto l chees g 
dor chy kshol chol cthol otol oloiir 
y okaiin doroiin olols oiin ol cheen ols 
olaiior oloro eeeoly 


See also