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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 39r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 39r]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 39r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 39r]]
[[fachys]] [[ykal]] [[ar]] [[ataiin]] [[shol]] [[shory]] [[cthres]] [[y]] [[kor]] [[sholdy]]
sory ckhar or y kair chtaiin shar are cthar cthar dan
syaiir sheky or ykaiin shod cthoary cthes daraiin sa
ooiin oteey oteos roloty cth*ar daiin otaiin or okan
dair y chear cthaiin cphar cfhaiin        ydaraishy
  * odar o y shol cphoy oydar sh s cfhoaiin shodary
P: text in paragraphs
  yshey shody okchoy otchol chocthy oschy dain chor kos
  tedo chshd cphhofy chdain shey fsey dy orain cheepaiin ofy shey koly dy
  daiin shos cfhol shody      dain os teody
olchey cheky qokedy shekshey qolain chckshy chdy dair shckhey dold
qokalchdy chekaiin checkhy dar shed qokeedar eeedy dar or cheey dy ckhy
tohedy chdy olaiin chedy shckhdchy chol or ordy chees aly okalcheg
dchdy chdy ykaiin
pchdaiin she dam qofchedy shedy kchdy dydy opchekaiin shockhchy shdalo ry
dchdar chedy cholal qokedar chdy chckhdy dar ar al ydy eeesaiin
lchedy shedy qokaiin chkeey fchedy okam chcfhhy saiin chcphy dairom
tchedy shol odal qokaiin shdaiin
  pchdar shedy ar aiir okair ykeols shedy qockhdy laiin syky
dshdy ar aiin y ykar chdy [[ykal|ykal]] olkaiin qokaldar cheol dar aiin
tolchdaiin chckhy saiin olor chls aiin oky ches aiin dal
ytor chdar shey qokaiin chor kar sheolkedy otedy tedy saiin
  daiin shckhy chekl ol daiin chedy ykeey daiin otal chdam qokam
qolkain olcheol daiin dar ol dld iir ador aiin ofcheefar
T: title under third paragraph (end of text)
oteol cholkal qokal dar ykdy
* ydain cphesaiin ol s cphey ytain shoshy cphodales
oksho kshoy otairin oteol okan shodain sckhey daiin
shoy ckhey kodaiin cphy cphodaiils cthey she oldain d
dain oiin chol odaiin chodain chdy okain dan cthy kod
daiin shckhey ckeor chor shey kol chol chol kor chal
sho chol shodan kshy kchy dor chodaiin sho kchom
ycho tchey chokain sheo pshol dydyd cthy daicthy
yto shol she kodshey cphealy dasain dain ckhyds
dchar shcthaiin okaiir chey rchy potol cthols dlocta
shok chor chey dain ckhey        otol daiiin
cpho shaiin shokcheey chol tshodeesy shey pydeey chy ro d*
*doin chol dain cthal dar shear kaiin dar shey cthar
cho*o kaiin shoaiin okol daiin far cthol daiin ctholdar
ycheey okay oky daiin okchey kokaiin **chol k**chy dal
d*eeo shody koshey cthy okchey keey keey dal chtor
*eo chol chok choty chotey        dchaiin 

Latest revision as of 00:35, 12 September 2015

fol. 39r

Herbal section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 39r

P: text in paragraphs

tedo chshd cphhofy chdain shey fsey dy orain cheepaiin ofy shey koly dy 
olchey cheky qokedy shekshey qolain chckshy chdy dair shckhey dold 
qokalchdy chekaiin checkhy dar shed qokeedar eeedy dar or cheey dy ckhy 
tohedy chdy olaiin chedy shckhdchy chol or ordy chees aly okalcheg 
dchdy chdy ykaiin 
pchdaiin she dam qofchedy shedy kchdy dydy opchekaiin shockhchy shdalo ry 
dchdar chedy cholal qokedar chdy chckhdy dar ar al ydy eeesaiin 
lchedy shedy qokaiin chkeey fchedy okam chcfhhy saiin chcphy dairom 
tchedy shol odal qokaiin shdaiin 
pchdar shedy ar aiir okair ykeols shedy qockhdy laiin syky 
dshdy ar aiin y ykar chdy ykal olkaiin qokaldar cheol dar aiin 
tolchdaiin chckhy saiin olor chls aiin oky ches aiin dal 
ytor chdar shey qokaiin chor kar sheolkedy otedy tedy saiin 
daiin shckhy chekl ol daiin chedy ykeey daiin otal chdam qokam 
qolkain olcheol daiin dar ol dld iir ador aiin ofcheefar 

T: title under third paragraph (end of text)

oteol cholkal qokal dar ykdy 


See also