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P: text
poeeo ckhey odain cheop sheody shocfhey dy sheep cheody yodam
daiir air chety cheo ckhy chockhy cheotey shkchey s odaiin shey
qykeeody cheooky qokeody sheey okeody cheody cheeody cheekeody
dchos cheocthy cheody qotchody octhody okeeody chteody cheody s
qokcho daiin cheeodam
tsheodal okam chckhey okchdy doctho opchey dy kodain oforam
daiis sheedy qokeedy chctey otchod shekey tedy okoldm
tair sheedy lchedy ckhchdy okchy chedy dal qokedam
odair sheeo ckhy sar al daiidy dcheckhey daiin chedy cthedy
qoctchey kedy shedaiin s cheos ykeos qcthhy tcfhy
dshedy ctechy cphedom

Latest revision as of 01:25, 12 September 2015

fol. 57r

Herbal section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 57r

P: text

poeeo ckhey odain cheop sheody shocfhey dy sheep cheody yodam 
daiir air chety cheo ckhy chockhy cheotey shkchey s odaiin shey 
qykeeody cheooky qokeody sheey okeody cheody cheeody cheekeody 
dchos cheocthy cheody qotchody octhody okeeody chteody cheody s 
qokcho daiin cheeodam 
tsheodal okam chckhey okchdy doctho opchey dy kodain oforam 
daiis sheedy qokeedy chctey otchod shekey tedy okoldm 
tair sheedy lchedy ckhchdy okchy chedy dal qokedam 
odair sheeo ckhy sar al daiidy dcheckhey daiin chedy cthedy 
qoctchey kedy shedaiin s cheos ykeos qcthhy tcfhy 
dshedy ctechy cphedom 


See also