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okeodof sheod ychoopy opch dal dorshefy ytody daldeam
teodal tchedy dshey okshedy okeedy dcheeky daldy qotal sy
ytos s ar sheeky okechdy okchdal dar otal chody cheky
shokeshy daiin cheos shky dol shckhy dal kodal chekal dal
shdy shedefam qokedy chokal dal
tchod sheody shckhhd chos chor sheo keody chepar shsopam
qokeos sheody chekeor chody kotody qotchdy chckhd ytchdy
dchekcsdy cheody qokchdy qokol keedy cheky chety kody
pody sheody chpadar sheey feedly cheoseesey kchy qofchal
dshol keedy qokyr okaiin dol kal daiin otal dakar okag
yteeod aiin shekeod s aiin ykofar otaiin otar chedy kara
qekar okedy cheky dal chekal chckhy kal kal dar chkchody
ydees shey daiin dalkal ykedaiin shedar okchdy oty

Latest revision as of 01:45, 12 September 2015

fol. 66v

Herbal section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 66v

P: text

okeodof sheod ychoopy opch dal dorshefy ytody daldeam 
teodal tchedy dshey okshedy okeedy dcheeky daldy qotal sy 
ytos s ar sheeky okechdy okchdal dar otal chody cheky 
shokeshy daiin cheos shky dol shckhy dal kodal chekal dal 
shdy shedefam qokedy chokal dal 
tchod sheody shckhhd chos chor sheo keody chepar shsopam 
qokeos sheody chekeor chody kotody qotchdy chckhd ytchdy 
dchekcsdy cheody qokchdy qokol keedy cheky chety kody 
pody sheody chpadar sheey feedly cheoseesey kchy qofchal 
dshol keedy qokyr okaiin dol kal daiin otal dakar okag 
yteeod aiin shekeod s aiin ykofar otaiin otar chedy kara 
qekar okedy cheky dal chekal chckhy kal kal dar chkchody 
ydees shey daiin dalkal ykedaiin shedar okchdy oty 


See also