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(Created page with "fol. 104r Recipes section Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: folio 104r pchdar chedy char qopchedy ocphedy qopchedy shedaiin oteeo chey q...")
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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 104r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 104r]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 104r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 104r]]
P: text
  pchdar chedy char qopchedy ocphedy qopchedy shedaiin oteeo chey qopchedy sain  
  pchdar chedy char qopchedy ocphedy qopchedy shedaiin oteeo chey qopchedy sain  
  oar aiin yteeody cheodaiin cheodar saiin chey tair osaiiin chcthedy teedaram   
  oar aiin yteeody cheodaiin cheodar saiin chey tair osaiiin chcthedy teedaram   
Line 27: Line 29:
  dsheedy qokaiin chear olkchedy charaiin  
  dsheedy qokaiin chear olkchedy charaiin  
  tshedar chllo rl shed kchedy chokor cheedy opchar cheor chckhey taiin dam  
  tshedar chllo rl shed kchedy chokor cheedy opchar cheor chckhey taiin dam  
  ol sheo ckhey chol kechdy okeedal lkain chol keeody otchor aiir chol kar alol  
  ol sheo ckhey chol kechdy okeedal lkain chol keeody otchor aiir chol kar [[alol]]
  daiin char qotal okechol olkeeor olkeeodal lkaiin chalkeeedy qokam  
  daiin char qotal okechol olkeeor olkeeodal lkaiin chalkeeedy qokam  
  sar okair chckhey qodaiin chckhy checkhd l raiin otain ar aisam  
  sar okair chckhey qodaiin chckhy checkhd l raiin otain ar aisam  
Line 50: Line 52:
  okcheochy cheey qoeedaiin qokeey ar cheol olkair qokoiin otaiin okam  
  okcheochy cheey qoeedaiin qokeey ar cheol olkair qokoiin otaiin okam  
  daiin olcheeo l s aiin otain ar chedy qokaiin otaiin otain  
  daiin olcheeo l s aiin otain ar chedy qokaiin otaiin otain  

Latest revision as of 16:08, 12 September 2015

fol. 104r

Recipes section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 104r

P: text

pchdar chedy char qopchedy ocphedy qopchedy shedaiin oteeo chey qopchedy sain 
oar aiin yteeody cheodaiin cheodar saiin chey tair osaiiin chcthedy teedaram  
daiir octhedy otech ykar otedy otody qoteeos yteeody oteedy oky okal daram  
ol sheedy qokeedy chedal qodaiin qodaiiin chry 
kchdal qotaiin qoshedy ol chl ol chedacphy al lod pchdair opchdy qod 
ycheeody aiin lkar cheeo dain ockhedy qokeedy qotain otchdy tain chedam 
dchodees sheos odaiin otchedy qodain shedy chedy qodain okar ar okaim 
olsheedy lkeedy lkeody qokaiin chedal qokar odar qokal okor otar 
ycheeoy qokecho qokol cheeo dam 
tol chedal cheockay otyd os l air shdy qokchd octheody cholfor otalr 
otodchy lkeody qokair otoly shodor cheey okar olkeedy 
tshdol qotchedy qokoeey qoteode lo sar al octhy qotor opchey qotam 
olcheol qodain chokar okcho lkain okar cheody okeeody qodam chdy 
daiin choaiin qokechy qotal cheo lor saiin olkeechey otal ol oeeal 
sor chodaiin chody okar otol keechdy okal kaiin cheodaiin 
ocheoithey qoctheody ykeeodey qoepchy opchey qoty shtey yteedy shody 
ykeeshedy olkeeody qotey qokar chedy qokedy oteechy chyteody otarody 
dcheeokeody qokain qolar or chockhar otal kshedy 
toaiin chdar otar shd qotar olkchedy cheokeey kary opair otor airod lshd 
dsheoy qocthey qokchdy qokaiin chol rar cheody cheekan ar ain ar alam 
dsheedy qokaiin chear olkchedy charaiin 
tshedar chllo rl shed kchedy chokor cheedy opchar cheor chckhey taiin dam 
ol sheo ckhey chol kechdy okeedal lkain chol keeody otchor aiir chol kar alol 
daiin char qotal okechol olkeeor olkeeodal lkaiin chalkeeedy qokam 
sar okair chckhey qodaiin chckhy checkhd l raiin otain ar aisam 
shar sheey kar sheody 
pchedar qokaiin qotaiin dl ral cheodl cphaiin daiin ar qekeeey qoparaiin 
olcheear chedar or arorsheey olkeechy or char cheeol sor or aiin otam 
ysheo daiin shody yteedy cheedar or air cheoltar arodly 
okeeo lkeeo dain lkeodaiin qokeeo lkechey okeody otechdy opcheocf qopaiin 
qokeeo aiin oksheey okolchey lcheeey oteey lkechedy qokaiin chedar cholcham 
ysheeody qoete okshey otechshy cheol kaiin shoda lkaiin cheodain qokar alchd 
okchechy qokcheedy okchdal qokal char olkeeey olcheo lkaiin chey roly 
pchol ksheody qokeshedy qokal chedy qokaiin otaiin cheody qokal taiin cholxy 
yshoiin qocheeol chedaiin qodal chey chol cheol olaly 
psheody qotar chopar qotaly qotsheod qotechy kaiin okar qopchar opam 
okaiin cheodal qoaiin okar oraiin okar oteody qokaiin okal qotir 
okaiin orcheol qokchol kcheody qotchdy 
pcholor ar aiin alkchdy qotal chol qoar aiin qopcheedy qotair ofaiino 
olkeeos olkaiin oair qcthy oiinol al ly oeear chcthy olched qotaiiin 
qoteey qokeor saiir qoty qokl lkaiin yteedy qokain oqockhy dar 
y lshedy cholkar 
tsheodl qokaiin qokchedy ykchdy pchedy qokeedy oteey qokain oteol dal 
okcheochy cheey qoeedaiin qokeey ar cheol olkair qokoiin otaiin okam 
daiin olcheeo l s aiin otain ar chedy qokaiin otaiin otain 


See also