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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 104v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 104v]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 104v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 104v]]
P: text
pchdoiin opcheedy orar oltcheey opchedy ol ear aiir aly cheodaiin cheekain dam
ychedaiin qoteed chockhy otaiin ydaiin qokamdy otarar alched otair oram
shod chedy qotaiin odaiin okeol ockhhy chol qokeedy qotair oeedaiin ol dl
qoteedy chedaiin chokar qotol qotched chol chey qol chedy qoeeey qokeedy
dcheol chdeey oeeodain sairol chedal
solchd shol sheol qokchy qoko l chedy shedy qokain cheedy cpheo opchedy qotody
o scheo lchody cheey qocky cheoain ochedy cheedy chedy sol cheodalol
tchodls cheeody cheeool ls air ykeedy chotedy qotchedy chedy qoeky qoteeo lo
ycheo lcheod otaiin qokeedy qokaiin cheor ol chedaiin qotar ched qoty dal
shol cheedy qokaiin qoteedy otaiin oteedy qotedor okain cheos cheeo lchey
ycheedy qocthey ykchedor cheeky qokchd qotol qokol qokol daiin
polchechy oteoy chotchs cheeta oteeey oteedy qoty ched l cheol par oltedy chedam
ycheol cheody qoeechdy qokeol qotaiin chedar cheo lkaiin cheetar aiin chataiin
ytchedy qokeeo lcheolshedy s aiin cheky daindl
tolkshey chocthy qokeochy qokchy qotcheo qotcheo dlchd chedy tchdy qotchdy ram
dcheedy qockheey chdor as aiin chcthhy dchdar chdy qokchedy olkchy qokain dadam
ycheechy cheey cheos air otkchedy cholkchy qotchdy qotol sheedy orain cheol
dcheeoy qokaiiin qokaiin lkar ytaiin otcheochy sarain
pcheor chol chpcheor cholkshedy qotol sheedy qokchy qotched sho fchor ols aiin chekal
or sheeo lcheedy qokeey qochey qotcheedy qotchedy qokol chor chorol chdar otam
yshor sheedy qokaiin shokchey qokeey chodain
ytchedy qokchedy qotchy qokchedy qokchd lsaiin qchor sheos ytaiin cheytal
tchey qokchey qochey qodeey qodaiin chodaiin chckhdy dairar otar qotair ol
ykoiin cheor cheeey daiiin cheo dalaiin chockhedy chedaiin otor qokar ary
dsheey qoykeey lchedy qokedaiin orchcthy daiin cheey sair ol aiin chedy
ysheor cheey qodaiin chodar chochs
pchoror shor sheol sheol sheol qokchedy chdor sho r aiin chpchs aiin al
olsho lsair olcheey qokeechy qokchy daiin chody qodaiin cheody
kche shodaiin qokeey cheokcheo lol kaiin qotchdy lcheo lchedy lcheed chaim
ycheol kaiin cheody shaiin qoeeol otairor cheeody okcheey lkair ar ar adam
ycheoraiin cthey chol sheody qokair qoeey cheey lkeedy
pchedy kchedy cheocphy orain cheeos aiiinro lcheedy lcheedy qosaiin cfheo arals am
yteeey cheeod ykeey kaiin qokaiin cheey or ol ar odar chedain etar arair ary
ycheo lkeed qotain okaiin chokain okain cheol olcho
psheodar sheedy qotchedar oteedy qotaiin okaifhhy sheody qokedy topaiin am
sar aiir sheos qoiiin okeedy qokcheodaiin
posairy ytedar chedy shoefcheey kechy sar odl air shey qopcheey sol ain orodam
okechey chedy chchy qotain qokain chey or aiin cheo or aiin chedain okam
ysheey rar akain char lkeey roiir shey cheey kas ar lkchs ar y rais alod
qokeeey okchedy qokeey aiin odain orchedy qoky
tchedy qotechy otcheeo lkeeda qoty raiin cheedy qotaiin oteedy qotain
oteedchey qoeeda lchal cheedy qoteey sheey tcheo dar cheed qotain chedy
chey keeey qockheey okeey okeeedy qokeey okeeey qoteodaiin okain orom
daiin ycheeo chey okeeey qokeeey okeey okeey

Revision as of 16:10, 12 September 2015

fol. 104v

Recipes section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 104v

P: text

pchdoiin opcheedy orar oltcheey opchedy ol ear aiir aly cheodaiin cheekain dam 
ychedaiin qoteed chockhy otaiin ydaiin qokamdy otarar alched otair oram 
shod chedy qotaiin odaiin okeol ockhhy chol qokeedy qotair oeedaiin ol dl 
qoteedy chedaiin chokar qotol qotched chol chey qol chedy qoeeey qokeedy 
dcheol chdeey oeeodain sairol chedal 
solchd shol sheol qokchy qoko l chedy shedy qokain cheedy cpheo opchedy qotody 
o scheo lchody cheey qocky cheoain ochedy cheedy chedy sol cheodalol 
tchodls cheeody cheeool ls air ykeedy chotedy qotchedy chedy qoeky qoteeo lo 
ycheo lcheod otaiin qokeedy qokaiin cheor ol chedaiin qotar ched qoty dal 
shol cheedy qokaiin qoteedy otaiin oteedy qotedor okain cheos cheeo lchey 
ycheedy qocthey ykchedor cheeky qokchd qotol qokol qokol daiin 
polchechy oteoy chotchs cheeta oteeey oteedy qoty ched l cheol par oltedy chedam 
ycheol cheody qoeechdy qokeol qotaiin chedar cheo lkaiin cheetar aiin chataiin 
ytchedy qokeeo lcheolshedy s aiin cheky daindl 
tolkshey chocthy qokeochy qokchy qotcheo qotcheo dlchd chedy tchdy qotchdy ram 
dcheedy qockheey chdor as aiin chcthhy dchdar chdy qokchedy olkchy qokain dadam 
ycheechy cheey cheos air otkchedy cholkchy qotchdy qotol sheedy orain cheol 
dcheeoy qokaiiin qokaiin lkar ytaiin otcheochy sarain 
pcheor chol chpcheor cholkshedy qotol sheedy qokchy qotched sho fchor ols aiin chekal 
or sheeo lcheedy qokeey qochey qotcheedy qotchedy qokol chor chorol chdar otam 
yshor sheedy qokaiin shokchey qokeey chodain 
ytchedy qokchedy qotchy qokchedy qokchd lsaiin qchor sheos ytaiin cheytal 
tchey qokchey qochey qodeey qodaiin chodaiin chckhdy dairar otar qotair ol 
ykoiin cheor cheeey daiiin cheo dalaiin chockhedy chedaiin otor qokar ary 
dsheey qoykeey lchedy qokedaiin orchcthy daiin cheey sair ol aiin chedy 
ysheor cheey qodaiin chodar chochs 
pchoror shor sheol sheol sheol qokchedy chdor sho r aiin chpchs aiin al 
olsho lsair olcheey qokeechy qokchy daiin chody qodaiin cheody 
kche shodaiin qokeey cheokcheo lol kaiin qotchdy lcheo lchedy lcheed chaim 
ycheol kaiin cheody shaiin qoeeol otairor cheeody okcheey lkair ar ar adam 
ycheoraiin cthey chol sheody qokair qoeey cheey lkeedy 
pchedy kchedy cheocphy orain cheeos aiiinro lcheedy lcheedy qosaiin cfheo arals am 
yteeey cheeod ykeey kaiin qokaiin cheey or ol ar odar chedain etar arair ary 
ycheo lkeed qotain okaiin chokain okain cheol olcho 
psheodar sheedy qotchedar oteedy qotaiin okaifhhy sheody qokedy topaiin am 
sar aiir sheos qoiiin okeedy qokcheodaiin 
posairy ytedar chedy shoefcheey kechy sar odl air shey qopcheey sol ain orodam 
okechey chedy chchy qotain qokain chey or aiin cheo or aiin chedain okam 
ysheey rar akain char lkeey roiir shey cheey kas ar lkchs ar y rais alod 
qokeeey okchedy qokeey aiin odain orchedy qoky 
tchedy qotechy otcheeo lkeeda qoty raiin cheedy qotaiin oteedy qotain 
oteedchey qoeeda lchal cheedy qoteey sheey tcheo dar cheed qotain chedy 
chey keeey qockheey okeey okeeedy qokeey okeeey qoteodaiin okain orom 
daiin ycheeo chey okeeey qokeeey okeey okeey 


See also