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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 105v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 105v]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 105v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 105v]]
P: text
  polairy oair olpcheey ykaiin olpchedy opchedaiin dairody ypcheddy sairy  
  polairy oair olpcheey ykaiin olpchedy opchedaiin dairody ypcheddy sairy  
  ysheod ykeeedy keshed qodaiin oteodair or chkas otaiin chpor or otchy otor  
  ysheod ykeeedy keshed qodaiin oteodair or chkas otaiin chpor or otchy otor  
Line 43: Line 45:
  yshey ckhy sheo qoeeo lkaiin chs okol tchdy sheeey okaiin ar aildy  
  yshey ckhy sheo qoeeo lkaiin chs okol tchdy sheeey okaiin ar aildy  
  cheody oaiir aiin okshey   
  cheody oaiir aiin okshey   

Latest revision as of 16:15, 12 September 2015

fol. 105v

Recipes section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 105v

P: text

polairy oair olpcheey ykaiin olpchedy opchedaiin dairody ypcheddy sairy 
ysheod ykeeedy keshed qodaiin oteodair or chkas otaiin chpor or otchy otor 
dshedy qoedaiin ytoiin okair qotol dol okoldy qokedy opched oteedy qotaiin 
olkeeol orchsey qokeedy chdor olar ol keeol chedaiin 
pchedal qopchdy daiin chedy daiin okaildy opchedaiin opcheo olkeedy sairom 
dcheo fcheeody ckheey dar aiin al dar ar daiiidy otedy oteody ytaiin g 
ycheeo lkaiin otair ol olkaiin okairody lchedr 
fodal kedar olpchesd araiin ksheeol opchedy pchedy opcheddl pchdar air odar 
lcheey qoeees y daiin okairy otchedy ockhedy otchey daiin or r ain ookam 
ykeey ky che oiiin dal kaiin okairo lkair chedy sodar air al oral odam 
roees aiiin ol okaiin os aiin chckhoda qoteedy ckhddl aiis opar kaiishdy 
ysheedy aiin okeol ykedor ar ar alkair otos otaiin otal tair am 
saiin opchedy qokchdy otar al kair okees lkeedal 
pchedaiin chckhdy qokaiir olpchedy olord aiiin kail odar kard chtchy 
ycheey kar ykeey otaiin otal dar chdos kalchedy opchdy daiin oraiin r 
daiin cheey dal chl okair aiin cpheor aiin okal chodaiin otaiin opaiim 
olr aiin chey lraiin lkl dl lklor daiiiolkaiin 
pchor chedaiin okaiin cholkal qolkaiin oltchdy qopchsd opair orair karaim 
ycheey aiin otleey lkaiir cheeo taiin okeed ail kchey rokaix am 
porair chopchdy chedain otair otchod aiin alol cheo ypchedy kair odl lpaim 
ykeeo daiim sheey qokaiin cheotdaiin qoekeeykeody qopaiin or aiikam 
daiin cheodaiin chedal air okaiin cheey 
tcholkaiin odal kl chees aiiin shees qopdaiin chodr alkeey paradam 
alcheey okaiin otar oto daiin ckheol lkol fchedypaiin 
kchdaldy alfo lfcheedy ofaiis opchey fchedy qotor oeeeodr qopar aifhhy dl 
lkl sheeodees otaiin otar otal or aiin chedor alkaiin chs alkaiin ry 
sheoe arxor eesy qopcheoain orkchdy daiin oteedy kol kair otaiilody 
oeoar ar al odor aiil otaiin 
tdol tor oaldar aiir otokeedy karody qoeedy sho qopchedy daiin opairam 
dchedy cheey qokor otaiin otair otair okeedy taiin aiin s aiin sy 
ychtaiis aiichy dol aiin otaiin aiidy okchd otor daiin 
poar keeo daiin qoair ar aiphhey qoeedeody qokaiin qotedais aporair apy 
lsheody tair oteey oteeo ol otaiin okeey qokaiin ar aiir al dal 
sheeo daiin chsd qokeeey dair okaiin otaiin chedaiin olkal lkl dain 
doee okcheeo lkaiin otcheedy chor aiin odaiin chedy otaiin al kaishd 
laiin sheod okeeody qoaiin ytaiin otair chdal dydaim chdaiin ockhhy 
yshey ckhy sheo qoeeo lkaiin chs okol tchdy sheeey okaiin ar aildy 
cheody oaiir aiin okshey  


See also