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fol. 46r
Herbal section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 46r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 46r]]
pcheocphy qotedy chety dy chepchx yfcheky osaiin shee qoteol daiin shee dy daly
rodaiin sheeoly qoor sheoteoly chckhy daiin sheksheet shedy xor aiin sheckhy
daiin shor [[ykal]] chckhy daiin she dalshedo qokol s aiin shee ykar daiin
tshedar chol kaldy chckhy qokaldy chekal chckhy sheky sheky dalocthhy
okeedy shekeey ykey shedy chdy shky qotsheod ytedy ytey cheor
tedy dytedy shee keedy ypchedy chdalor sheedo odor aiin opchedy dykedy chdam
xol shol qokaiin ytchdy qokchdy s ar chdy cthy otedy chedy qokar chcthhy m
dsheol chy chckhy shy shdy chky chody cthdy s cheos chey
tshdy shdy feeedy dyfchdy shol kchs ytaly fchdy dy karal shky yty dardam
tchey shy chkal chd qokdy shdy aloldy olaiir sheol
pchdair shd shepdaiin shdy oifhedy qopchdy ldy shear opdarshdy sayfchedy
techy daiin sheockhy choky r aiin ches shey kar sheckhy chdy chckham
arakaiin shol okeey chol dar ols lain y
otshealkar sholkshy qokar cheol okal dam chdam qokam
qokar sholkal olkeody
* [[Search engine|Search engine]]
==See also==
* [[Cracking the Voynich code|Voynich Project, MAIN Page]]
* [[Cracking the Voynich Code 2015 weekly progress|Voynich 2015 (Andrew and Lifei) Weekly Progress]]
* [https://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au/students/wiki/projects/index.php/Projects:2014S1-44_Cracking_the_Voynich_Manuscript_Code Elec Eng 2014 Project Wiki]
* [https://drive.google.com/a/student.adelaide.edu.au/folderview?id=0B3xk_r8iaE_IYURhTEhLd1dyeVk&usp=sharing Voynich Manuscript Project 2015 Google Drive]

Latest revision as of 13:25, 15 September 2015