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==Journal articles==
[[Md. Saiful Islam|Md. S. Islam]], [[Jakeya Sultana|J. Sultana]],  [[Javid Atai|J. Atai]], [[Mohammad Rakibul Islam|M. R. Islam]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''',  "Design and characterization of a low-loss, dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber for terahertz wave propagation," ''Optik,'' '''Vol. 145''', pp. 398–406, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.07.061 [https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:LpHykl0McycC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318761824 ResearchGate] [https://www.academia.edu/34153155 Academia]
[[Jakeya Sultana|J. Sultana]], [[Md. Saiful Islam|Md. S. Islam]], [[Javid Atai|J. Atai]], [[Mohammad Rakibul Islam|M. R. Islam]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''',  "Near-zero dispersion flattened, low-loss porous-core waveguide design for terahertz signal transmission," ''Optical Engineering,'' '''Vol. 56''', No. 7, art. no. 076114, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.56.7.076114 [https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&imq=Derek+Abbott&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:cpgjJtNNFA0C Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318588451 ResearchGate] [https://www.academia.edu/34102887 Academia]
[[Md. Saiful Islam|Md. S. Islam]], [[Jakeya Sultana|J. Sultana]], [[Javid Atai|J. Atai]], '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]],''' [[Sohel Rana|S. Rana]], and [[Mohammad Rakibul Islam|M. R. Islam]], "Ultra low-loss hybrid core porous fiber for broadband applications," ''Applied Optics,'' '''Vol. 56''', No. 4, pp. 1232–1237, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.001232 [https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:AOwgc6nnr1EC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312472548 ResearchGate] [https://www.academia.edu/31701259 Academia]
[[Md. Saiful Islam|Md. S. Islam]], [[Jakeya Sultana|J. Sultana]], [[Javid Atai|J. Atai]], '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]],''' [[Sohel Rana|S. Rana]], and [[Mohammad Rakibul Islam|M. R. Islam]], "Ultra low-loss hybrid core porous fiber for broadband applications," ''Applied Optics,'' '''Vol. 56''', No. 4, pp. 1232–1237, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.001232 [https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:AOwgc6nnr1EC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312472548 ResearchGate] [https://www.academia.edu/31701259 Academia]
[[Md. Saiful Islam|Md. S. Islam]], [[Jakeya Sultana|J. Sultana]], [[Sohel Rana|S. Rana]],  [[Mohammad Rakibul Islam|M. R. Islam]],  [[Mohammad Faisal|M. Faisal]], [[Shubi F. Kaijage|S. F. Kaijage]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]],'''  "Extremely low material loss and dispersion flattened TOPAS based circular porous fiber for long distance terahertz wave transmission," ''Optical Fiber Technology,'' '''Vol. 34,''' pp. 6–11, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yofte.2016.11.014 [https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:kk7MRXTjMocC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311227649 ResearchGate] [http://www.academia.edu/31713169 Academia]
[[Md. Saiful Islam|Md. S. Islam]], [[Jakeya Sultana|J. Sultana]], [[Sohel Rana|S. Rana]],  [[Mohammad Rakibul Islam|M. R. Islam]],  [[Mohammad Faisal|M. Faisal]], [[Shubi F. Kaijage|S. F. Kaijage]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]],'''  "Extremely low material loss and dispersion flattened TOPAS based circular porous fiber for long distance terahertz wave transmission," ''Optical Fiber Technology,'' '''Vol. 34,''' pp. 6–11, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yofte.2016.11.014 [https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:kk7MRXTjMocC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311227649 ResearchGate] [http://www.academia.edu/31713169 Academia]
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*[http://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au/personal/dabbott Back to Derek Abbott's homepage]
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*[http://www.adelaide.edu.au Back to the University of Adelaide homepage]

Latest revision as of 13:34, 24 August 2017

Journal articles

[1] Md. S. Islam, J. Sultana, J. Atai, M. R. Islam, and D. Abbott, "Design and characterization of a low-loss, dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber for terahertz wave propagation," Optik, Vol. 145, pp. 398–406, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.07.061 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia

[2] [3] J. Sultana, Md. S. Islam, J. Atai, M. R. Islam, and D. Abbott, "Near-zero dispersion flattened, low-loss porous-core waveguide design for terahertz signal transmission," Optical Engineering, Vol. 56, No. 7, art. no. 076114, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.56.7.076114 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia

Md. S. Islam, J. Sultana, J. Atai, D. Abbott, S. Rana, and M. R. Islam, "Ultra low-loss hybrid core porous fiber for broadband applications," Applied Optics, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 1232–1237, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.001232 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia

[4] Md. S. Islam, J. Sultana, S. Rana, M. R. Islam, M. Faisal, S. F. Kaijage, and D. Abbott, "Extremely low material loss and dispersion flattened TOPAS based circular porous fiber for long distance terahertz wave transmission," Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 34, pp. 6–11, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yofte.2016.11.014 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
