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− | fol. 86v5
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− | Herbal section
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− | Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 86v5.jpg|thumb|right|folio 86v5]]
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− | pshdal choky sheody lfchy fyshey qoky opy ypar oraiin ytor aiin opy
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− | losair yteody qokar shy qokar shor qopchol tal ol ytal otam otam
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− | shedy chdy qokar okeeey sheokaiin cheoky oteeodail otaiin otain
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− | ypchery oky sheeey qoty qotaiin sain chepy ltedy dar olkar am
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− | daiin or otol otshey otal olkey chcthody ytar dal ar okary
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− | olkeedy shety ytar ytaiin shdam araiin ytaiin
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− | pdaiin qoteedy opchey qopor otol kshdy qopcheey shdar fchcfhy
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− | octhal shckhy otshey opor shey tor ar otar aiin chdy tar cheeg
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− | lkaiin otain r al ykain chaiin [[ykal]] ykaiin otal or alkam
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− | ykar olkal kar shedy shor qokar chor or ykaiin otam ytam
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− | taral okar octhey sal kaiin ytal chey otal aiiin olkam
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− | poraiiindy otshs al ar shey tair sheody qopchesy lfar air amod
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− | daiin shar otam ytaiin otal teody cthy or aiin otar aiiin
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− | qoar aiiin al ody ar aiin qokeeey cheey qotaiin ykar aithy
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− | ykar ar alody or eees aiin okar qokaiin ykar al ol chsky
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− | dcheytain qoko daiin ykalkain ykar alkaiin dalkalytam
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− | ockhedy ched ytaiin ykaiin qotal yshey otaiin olkam
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− | poldaiin sheo tesaiin otcho lkaiin os al ody qotar ytedy daiin
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− | ycheeytydaiin ykeeo chey shckhy shoky oty oty otain olkchdy
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− | ychor ar aiin ytaly otaiin ykaiin otar ytar aiin ytaiim
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− | oar ar aiin okaiin yteey ytaiin qokees aiin yteey qotey lkey
| |
− | ykaiin ykeey [[ykal]] chod aiin oeey teodkaiin otodaiin okain
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− | ykaiin or aiin okol chokar sheol qokar cheey oraiiin ody
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− | oar aiin ykain okal kchody chckhy otaiin olkar otaiin
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− | sair kain ar alosheey qoeey lkesy
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− | pochor air shoar pshody shody qopchy ocfhdy dar olpshy dam shey
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− | pchor ypchor aiin otar shody pchykar ytar odar oeees aral om
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− | odaiin oal kar ar or ytdar qokeeey teodyteytar an ytarar
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− | ysheoar qoteody qokar shody qokal tchey ytchy tal tar
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− | odaiin otches chey chodaiin shedy otal kchol shy olkeeeary
| |
− | tol kaiin ytchdy chol ytedy ytain qodaiin ytody ykeshy ar
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− | dshey ytchy dy qotal shdy or aiin chody chey ol teody aiin
| |
− | qokeey ol kaiin ol kain olkeedy qopcheey oty daiin otam
| |
− | oteey ol tey choaiin ysheedy ychedy ytaiin otam aiin
| |
− | ychey or aiin ytair ytaim otal shod qokchy qoody saim
| |
− | shody qoty chody ytody olkey otoloty oltal oky dam
| |
− | dchol chedy qotain otaiin ol cheody olkeeody oreeem
| |
− | sol odaiin ykeeshy ytchey lchody ykar shey ytaiin
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− | yteody chedy qoteey octhy dy
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− | ==Back==
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− | * [[Search engine|Search engine]]
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− | ==See also==
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− | * [[Cracking the Voynich code|Voynich Project, MAIN Page]]
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− | * [[Cracking the Voynich Code 2015 weekly progress|Voynich 2015 (Andrew and Lifei) Weekly Progress]]
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− | * [https://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au/students/wiki/projects/index.php/Projects:2014S1-44_Cracking_the_Voynich_Manuscript_Code Elec Eng 2014 Project Wiki]
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− | * [https://drive.google.com/a/student.adelaide.edu.au/folderview?id=0B3xk_r8iaE_IYURhTEhLd1dyeVk&usp=sharing Voynich Manuscript Project 2015 Google Drive]
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