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(Created page with "fol. 113v Recipes section Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: folio 113v P folorarom otchey qotar air otair opchedy qokeedody cheykee...")
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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 113v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 113v]]   
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 113v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 113v]]   
P: text
  folorarom otchey qotar air otair opchedy qokeedody cheykeeoy rol lkar chsamoky  
  folorarom otchey qotar air otair opchedy qokeedody cheykeeoy rol lkar chsamoky  
  teoar ain qotar ycheey otaiir otaiin okchy lkchdy oteol ar al araiin okal cheyor  
  teoar ain qotar ycheey otaiir otaiin okchy lkchdy oteol ar al araiin okal cheyor  
Line 56: Line 56:
  ycheol cheey qol lsheedy qokaiin chedy kain qokeeedy lkaiin okal dy  
  ycheol cheey qol lsheedy qokaiin chedy kain qokeeedy lkaiin okal dy  
  yshey teeo oteedy qokeey otaiin olaiin cheokain lkeey ltal keedy  
  yshey teeo oteedy qokeey otaiin olaiin cheokain lkeey ltal keedy  

Latest revision as of 16:28, 12 September 2015

fol. 113v

Recipes section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 113v

P: text

folorarom otchey qotar air otair opchedy qokeedody cheykeeoy rol lkar chsamoky 
teoar ain qotar ycheey otaiir otaiin okchy lkchdy oteol ar al araiin okal cheyor 
sar aiin chotar okeeodar qokain olol olam 
fchoctheody keeodar oteedy rchedy qokechy otches oporaiin oteody otaiin otl aroshy 
dcheos otaiin otedy otodaiin qokeey rchchy qeeeear oteedy qokeedy otedar ar t oteesal 
tcheolchy lcheol chockhy cheodoiidaiin 
fcheshd teody lkeeody oteedy lchealaim shockhol opchedy qotaiin otar ar al oteal 
ycheody qokeeor choltar olkam chokam odal sheckhy qokchedy otor otar toky 
dair ar okaiin chokaiin checkhol cholkaiin olchy 
polaiin oteol otedy ar ar al kedy qokeedy olar aiin kchey dal otor ar opchey ro 
or sheor oteeo cheey olkeey otol chotair otar qotar okar oko lkedal ram 
solchedy otsheody arl olchey oror 
poraiin otar ar okol shedy qokchedy otchdy qotor qoteedar roral fchee llor 
dar al sheey qotaiin chor cthol okeshos olchedy qokaiin okal okaiin olo 
*ar ar okeey oeky otcheedaiin ol tchdy pcheol kcheor raiin cheey qokaram 
daiin chl lkeey lkaiin chdain qokain sheor okalchedy qokar olkam ar 
saraiin shedy lcheey olkar okaiin cthor oraiin yteeeor 
pychdar chckhedy otshedy tcheepchey lky lkches qokody lkeshdy fchocthar opam 
daiin qokeeody qokar okaiin qokaiin okar checthy okalched lchal qckham 
lkaiin chckhhy chody otchar or otary olaiin 
polaiin otar qotain chtol tarol cheol kaiin chpkcheos okar aithchr lo 
okaiin okaiin cheeky raiin olal okaiin cheody okaiin okaiin otar aly 
ykaiin al kar okain qokaiin chokair okar al cheody qokar otal lkl lol 
olkeey lcheey loar cheos 
tokary lkchey lkeedy otey pcheol qopchey cthol opaiin ol keeor opshedy qotam 
okiin al keechy qoteeol otar ar otchey otaiin al otaiin otol qotody loty 
ycheeol cheeo alkeedy 
paiir oteey lkaiin oshox ar ash opheey cphedy opcheody okalchdy qotol oky 
ykeeol chedy qokeey olkeeey okaiin ar cthey okaiin al lor air arald 
ysheey qoeey or aiiin okeeol otain ar al okaiiin aiin shody otcham 
daiiin cheol teeoar shek lchedy okaiin chckhaiin otaiin otaiin araral 
sheol keey qokain char ar olar aiiin okar 
polsaisy oteo qokeedy qokaiin okal qofcheol qokaiin opalor lkch ofchr 
daiin cheaiin okchey cheky qokain otecheedy qokaiin chckhey cheoram 
qokaiin air lor chedy otain 
ofaral olkaiin okar okeeedy tshedy qokeedy otcheypchedy tsho lteam 
qol aiin olaiin oteeey lchedy qokair ydaiin 
pcholky otar airol okeedy chokor sheedy oteey teear otorsheey qoteal 
osheol cheol ar aloiiin oteeey otain chekey qokain chcthy qotam lr 
oraiin cheor alkain oteey ar aiin otaiin okeey lkeeedy qoeeeey aiin 
dair aiin okain ar aiin cheody 
pol keeo dy qoeees aiin oraiin oteol fchedy oteeey dar otakeol ol 
ycheol keey lkeees or aiin otaiin chkain olar olchedy qok aiin os 
daiin cheal otain okar otaiin oloiin 
polaiin arol shear okeeeody lsar lkeey opchedy qokchdy ota aram 
olkaiin cheey lain al cheey 
polaiin ksheeol lkaiin tair shey qotain ar akal shey qopchedy ldy 
ycheol cheey qol lsheedy qokaiin chedy kain qokeeedy lkaiin okal dy 
yshey teeo oteedy qokeey otaiin olaiin cheokain lkeey ltal keedy 


See also