Difference between revisions of "68r3"

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Line 7: Line 7:
C1: Outer ring of text
C1: Outer ring of text
  odchd otchdy cheoteeo oshchey chokol cheody chedy oteodaiin otchodal sol cheor oteo oteey oetchdy opcheody
  odchd otchdy cheoteeo oshchey chokol cheody chedy oteodaiin otchodal sol cheor oteo oteey oetchdy  
  dchedy daiin oteeody da*cheedy oteeody qochecth*m dchreo okeodly do ls oschaiin cheockhedchy chodal cheody
  opcheody dchedy daiin oteeody da*cheedy oteeody qochecth*m dchreo okeodly do ls oschaiin cheockhedchy  
  chol al oteodched okedy qokeey choky dol daleesd okinaiir  
  chodal cheody chol al oteodched okedy qokeey choky dol daleesd okinaiir  
R: Radial lines - clockwise from 09:05
R: Radial lines - clockwise from 09:05

Latest revision as of 02:05, 12 September 2015

fol. 68r3

Astronomical section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 68r3

C1: Outer ring of text

odchd otchdy cheoteeo oshchey chokol cheody chedy oteodaiin otchodal sol cheor oteo oteey oetchdy 
opcheody dchedy daiin oteeody da*cheedy oteeody qochecth*m dchreo okeodly do ls oschaiin cheockhedchy 
chodal cheody chol al oteodched okedy qokeey choky dol daleesd okinaiir 

R: Radial lines - clockwise from 09:05

dchey qokeey dcheey daiir otchal 
toees ykeoshe qokolchey qokchdy 
toees chcphy qokchdy dol okyld 
dchykchy daiir chok ockhodar 
qokol chdchol qoteey chetechy okchdy 
dchokchr shhy okey oteos okolshy 
pchody qokchy dshol dsy otgoldl 
kchoty oteey daiin dcheeody oteey 

X: Labels on stars in sectors

dchol dal 
a cphy 
chdy yky 
o cthyd 

C2: Inner ring of text, around moon

otchody chokchy okol cheol dar cho keol dolaiin okeol oly 


See also