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fol. 70r2 | fol. 70r2 | ||
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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 70r2.jpg|thumb|right|folio 70r2]] | Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 70r2.jpg|thumb|right|folio 70r2]] |
Revision as of 23:03, 27 August 2015
fol. 70r2
Astronomical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:sal air am shedy chokal choikhy shokeey choky chol dy okeeal oteedy dgs dair aiin okees okeear okeear ar alekeey ar kam oteeodalsy chekeoar chokey dar dcheoky otar doithy dair otchetchar okseo lal kchm okar ar dar otar ar chedal oar al aldaiin ykeeeedaiir sheol dar chal ykees aiis dl cheey r keeo d oteeodar aiin aral daiir sheedal sheodaiin choar char choteoly cho oteey chotey csoeky chedy choteos am oteodar ockhh oches air chess ctheey sheeody shopcho yteody ykaldy oteeos aiin shey shee fora r aim cheoteeodal sho choetchaldy dal aiir ches otes ar dalol chtam opaiir chekeo oteedy oteeo okol chotal otol al dl otoy ar arodchedy cheecpheey oteeos ees cheol sheeey okeedaly cheeoekey ykeed* r oteey s al s air oteody dar aiir ody cheeos chey daiin otoeeseor ai r chedy oko dar al sho chotol dal dy
otchsy ol shy oteo sal ol keey oteol choky otchoshy
otchey sheol chkey shep al r ar chly sheteal aram dair cheey s chotey dshy dam chchetal ykemy ykeeo y s al shey cthy shekey qokal aiir oteom daiin okeey shoaiin ckhhey otal shshy tal dam tal cheeod dal chcthy qetal ddl ar chal dal ytar arl yol al aloees ytaiir otal dal daiin daiin she tal qokal chol ckhhy dy ytas alal dalam dal cthol oparam dyshol shol shol shocthhy dalaly yokal chol kshody tol cheey okal daiin chotal qokal chol chotals qokal shkal dal shy qokal chdy qotal chey key okechy chdy cham okaiin chcthhy s or ary