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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 84r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 84r]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 84r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 84r]]
X: Labels on top illustration
  or shekar  
  or shekar  
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P: text
  kal chedy qokeey otedy dytedy okeedy olshed opshed ykcsedy qotedy opoly  
  kal chedy qokeey otedy dytedy okeedy olshed opshed ykcsedy qotedy opoly  
  tol or sheey chckhdy schckhy dal yshedy otedy qol or ol eedy qokeey oroly  
  tol or sheey chckhdy schckhy dal yshedy otedy qol or ol eedy qokeey oroly  
Line 58: Line 57:
Y: labels on margin illusstration

Latest revision as of 14:16, 12 September 2015

fol. 84r

Biological section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 84r

X: Labels on top illustration

or shekar 
ol shy 

P: text

kal chedy qokeey otedy dytedy okeedy olshed opshed ykcsedy qotedy opoly 
tol or sheey chckhdy schckhy dal yshedy otedy qol or ol eedy qokeey oroly 
qokeey dar shedy qokedy qokeedy qokedy chedy okain chey qokedy dar olar dy 
tor shedy tedy rol ol cheol shedy shckhy qokal olkedy 
pchol cphol sol teol tedy qotedy qokeedy qokeey ol keedy tey qokedy qopor oly 
otchy ol shedy qokedy shedy okedy shckhy chckhy olchey schey dal chckhy ral 
qokey sol yqokain qolkeey qotedy qokain shedy salchedy 
pshol pchcfhdy qokeedy dy qokedy daiin shckhedy qokaiin checthy dar checthy am 
qokaiin chol cheky okaly chey okal chedy tory otshedy qokey lshedy 
qotchsdy ykeedy qokal ol shedy qokedy qokeedy qokeedy chedy raiin chey otar dar 
dar sheor shcthy qokeor qotedy rshedy qolchey oteey qol shedy ol daiin olor 
pol tar shedy qokedy okal shey qokar chckhy otchey qokchedy chey qokaiin 
pchedy qotchedy otaiiin chcthy shedy otedy qoty qotedy ol okedy otedy rom 
qotol shcthhy oty dar shcthy schdy qokeedy olkey 
palchd fchedy shcthy olky dar opalkaiin oqofchedy oraiiin ofoly oroly 
sor ol olaiin oqol yqor or ckhedy chkedy okain shedy qokolchedy olain 
qokeedy okeey dar olchedy qsolkeedy rar checkhy otar chedy olchcthy lor 
dchdy qokedy ol chckhy olchdy sar or ykeedy chetey sain shedy shekam 
ykchdar or arar shedy qokal daiin shedy olkedy qokedy qoky chedy daiin 
qotar ytedy tedy dar olkedy qotedy shckhy chtol tedy dar or oly 
shol tchdy tedy ykain shey cheol ytedy alkedy okedar olkeed ol ary 
dshey teey sor ol shedy dar aldy otedaiin shckhchy chckhy daiin aryly 
qokal daiin dain otey cheor air shckhy orair oro 
shey dar shey dain aiin shedy orol ykar okedy qoky chedy okedar chey alol 
qoteedy qokol otedy shedy qokeedy dol ol dam 
sor olchdy lshedy qokchy dol otedy ytchor olky 
dshedy sheedy qokedy chedy teedy qokeedy 
qokeedy dkedy olcsedy qokal shckhy olkeedy 
dshedy oteedy qotar chekar or shedy saiin 
okaiin otchdy qokain csedy qokeey qotedy 
qokain otchedy skeey rcheky dol okechy 
ykedy qotedy chcthy olchcthy dar ar osy 
yt*yl chedy qokor shekedy okedy ithhy dam 
doledy qokedy ar aror okedy okedy 

Y: labels on margin illusstration



See also