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(Created page with "fol. 111v Recipes section Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: folio 111v koshey qokal chckheal opcheodair alkain sheokain cheok okeal s...")
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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 111v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 111v]]   
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 111v.jpg|thumb|right|folio 111v]]   
  koshey qokal chckheal opcheodair alkain sheokain cheok okeal shedy ralchy  
  koshey qokal chckheal opcheodair [[alkain]] sheokain cheok okeal shedy ralchy  
  sheekeey cheol keedy qokair shecthy qokeol okechedy qokedy qopchedy qokedam chy  
  sheekeey cheol keedy qokair shecthy qokeol okechedy qokedy qopchedy qokedam chy  
  dain chedy shedal otedy oteeo chedy qokeey dain chcthar otar qotain otaim  
  dain chedy shedal otedy oteeo chedy qokeey dain chcthar otar qotain otaim  
Line 22: Line 22:
  qokain sheol qokain chckhey lchedy okar al qotal shedy otain far aiin am  
  qokain sheol qokain chckhey lchedy okar al qotal shedy otain far aiin am  
  solkain shey okaiin sheey qokain chkal chckhy saiin ar lchal she otain  
  solkain shey okaiin sheey qokain chkal chckhy saiin ar lchal she otain  
  tair shedy qochdaiin okain sheey kaiin shey otain alkain o l r ol dain  
  tair shedy qochdaiin okain sheey kaiin shey otain [[alkain]] o l r ol dain  
  qokaiin cheal tain qokain shey qokain char shcthey qoky chy qokaiin  
  qokaiin cheal tain qokain shey qokain char shcthey qoky chy qokaiin  
  shain qokal shar qoteal qotain chedy qotain shcthy qokshedy qotain ar  
  shain qokal shar qoteal qotain chedy qotain shcthy qokshedy qotain ar  

Revision as of 17:51, 2 September 2015

fol. 111v

Recipes section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 111v
koshey qokal chckheal opcheodair alkain sheokain cheok okeal shedy ralchy 
sheekeey cheol keedy qokair shecthy qokeol okechedy qokedy qopchedy qokedam chy 
dain chedy shedal otedy oteeo chedy qokeey dain chcthar otar qotain otaim 
daiin chey chokedair air alolshedy qotedy qokedar oteedy okedy chedy lkam 
qokeed o aiin otedy qokedy chedy qokeey qokeedy qokeol shedy qotedal lol 
okeeo okchor oteedy cheal qokeey lkeey chol lkaiin oteed aiin ar al keedy m 
qokeechey qokaiin oteaiin fcheeol kain okeey l lcheedy otal kain chedain al 
sho otchey cheol kechy chcthey okain ol lkeey qokain checkhy chedar am 
lshey shedal okear lkedy cheolkeey lkey okeey qokeey qokey qokain am 
soiin shed qoksheo lor cheo lol aiin shey qokain chear qoteol shcthy ldy 
ylcheey shear aiin sheeor otain otedy qokain chedkain shedaitain chalg 
qear ain shey okeeey qokaiin checkhy sho lchal sheeay shckhey kshar tar 
sheaiin okaiin chckhy cheol kedy chetar okaiin shal lchdal tedy tar amd 
qocheol qokain chear ol ain shedy qotaiin qokeechy olkeey lkain lal gm 
rain sheo l otain qokaiin al kain chedy otal lchedy qokain chtal otain l ls 
qokain sheol qokain chckhey lchedy okar al qotal shedy otain far aiin am 
solkain shey okaiin sheey qokain chkal chckhy saiin ar lchal she otain 
tair shedy qochdaiin okain sheey kaiin shey otain alkain o l r ol dain 
qokaiin cheal tain qokain shey qokain char shcthey qoky chy qokaiin 
shain qokal shar qoteal qotain chedy qotain shcthy qokshedy qotain ar 
sair air ain qol rar ain cheey lkeey lkain cheokain sheo qo qokain chear alam 
saiin ychear olsheey chetain chedy qokain okain al chan okal chey lkeeey 
qokaiin sheckhy qokar chalkain chckhedy lcheol okaiin qokain cheol daiin lom 
cheodain qokar otain chedy lkain chey shckhy qokl chedy qokar chctham 
tair alchedar shykaiin chdy 
polanar okshey qokain chey kal keedy qopchedy qopchey ltchs alpchdar 
ol sheey tsheey olkar sheey otain ches shy qokl chey qokl cheor ldar llo 
qorchain okain chear lkain 
polkiin cheopaiin otain shedy pchedy opcheedy qokain chcfhey otchey lldy 
shokar okeokain sheekain qokain chechey qokeey qetain otain ar lkain lky 
pochey oteain chekain cheal lain chey qokain chey lkain chal ldy llm 
tar chey tain chkar alkar chey qol chedy okain chey lcheey char an 
ysheal qoair ain okan sheainy qokan chan aman cheal char 
polar okar teody qokain talol tarol opchedy qotar otar chtal sam 
oain okaiin chcthy lkain lchey lshekain qotal shedy chkeey lkeeed lkain y 
shain okaiin chey qokar ar ar ain olr ar olor 
polchey lkarshar okain qokain shalkl dy tor chey keedy lteedy raldl 
ycheey oaiin checkhey otain qotl chear chedy qokeey okeedy lkeey 
dsheey qokal chedy chcthy qokain chedy lkeey shey qokain chedy lchdy 
ykeeey lkain chckhy chokain chckhal sheckhedy qokeey qokeedy lchsl 
oteey lchedy teeedy lkeey oteedy okedy chedy qokeey checthy qotal 
cheeo lkeeo chear qokeain okeeor cheedy okain chedy chedy teedy lcheam 
ycheo daiin sheeky chokeal sheekar okaiin otain chear alo laiin chotam 
dain teeodain cheeal olaiin or 
pol laiin okain sheal pchedain opchey polshy okshey opchedy qopchais alky 
sol chey lkeey rolkeey chckhy okeeey lchedy lkeain checthy qotain aly 
sain cheey qokeey chey tain olain okeeedy chekain chckhey lchar 
psalar cheey qekal cheykaiin tain chal al skaiin akchedy opchdal opchy 
sory cheey chkain chal lor sheey qokain okain chey qokain okeey 
shaiin qoiiin okain chey qokeeey okain chees ar ol loeees otain or 
sain cheal chckhy okain okalaiin choty chckhy 


See also