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kdchody chopy cheey qotchol qotoeey dchor choiin
chodey cthey chotol odaiir qotchy cthody chodchy
qoteey cho chodaiin sho qochy chey tcheodal daral
ochol ol teey otolchey
pchocthy chokoaiin cpy cheeen opchey shosaiin r
choees okchor qotol cheey daiin chy choiin daiin
ocholshod daiin choteol chol dol shol otaiin
schodain cheo r cheody
fchodees shody qotchey qokchey qocphy chokoldy
ochoaiin chor sody pchodaiin chetody choky dchy toy
dchod qoteeody ytchy qotshey dchaiin cholody
shoiin cheody otchey otchy tchy qoteey daiin dar
ochaiin chor chor cheey tchey

Latest revision as of 23:47, 11 September 2015

fol. 20r

Herbal section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 20r

P: text

kdchody chopy cheey qotchol qotoeey dchor choiin 
chodey cthey chotol odaiir qotchy cthody chodchy 
qoteey cho chodaiin sho qochy chey tcheodal daral 
ochol ol teey otolchey 
pchocthy chokoaiin cpy cheeen opchey shosaiin r 
choees okchor qotol cheey daiin chy choiin daiin 
ocholshod daiin choteol chol dol shol otaiin 
schodain cheo r cheody 
fchodees shody qotchey qokchey qocphy chokoldy 
ochoaiin chor sody pchodaiin chetody choky dchy toy 
dchod qoteeody ytchy qotshey dchaiin cholody 
shoiin cheody otchey otchy tchy qoteey daiin dar 
ochaiin chor chor cheey tchey 


See also