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Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 103r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 103r]]
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi: [[File:VM 103r.jpg|thumb|right|folio 103r]]
P: text
pchedal shdy yteechypchy otey ylshey qoteey qotal shedy yshdal dain okol dal dy
dain shek chcphhdy daloky opchedy peshol chep ar otchy sal lkeey sar ain ok** chedy
yshdain sheek cheoty chokal chedy chckhy or orol okain chal ot kar ot** chym
ychedy qokedy okedy qokeey okey chdarol loty chedar aly
pocharal okedar shedy oteey qokey lkar sheeky okalor shedy rkar otan okdy
ocheey dain shek okeedy okey shedy qokealdy shcthy qotedy qot******** san am
sain chey she olshedy qokeey okeeody qoeedy olshedy
daroal okey chedy okey rain okechy qoisol qotar adchey ofcho lteody oral kechdy lo
oteeos ar cheal okeey shey lkaiin shey lkeor otain shedy otey l ledy okeedaram
daiin ol oain okeol chal okam chety shedy otaiin shedy teolshy oteedy sarain
dar oteey otain lol shedy okain chey qorain shey otoy qokeol key daikhyky
oain shey shckhy oteey qokeol keedy shar aiin otedy
podar sheor qotedy okeey qokar checkhy qokain chedy pchdy tshdy dal kasol
okain shekain chedy qokeechy qoky shey lol s aiin chey eekain chcthy qoky
qotedy qokeey shol qotey shkain
dshol sholkar sedaiin cheey rar okeey shefhedy opcheol oteedy tchey shky
sar shey qokey keedy qokeey chckhy qokal oty or aiin
polchedy qokeol okain checthy oteey lshedy okain qokain qokalshedy oteys
okaiin chey qoy shey qokaiin chedy qokain oteol lkar okaral lkldy lr
ychain shckhy qokaiin shey qokain shedy olor
pcheam sokedy dalkar otal qokal chepy okedy qoky pchedy okaly qokeedy lor
dalshy okain shckhody shdal qokeedy shedy qotar chcthy chepar otar opchy
daiin sheckhy lchedy chckhy shol
tchoky okeal shedy qokal oty opchedy qotain shcthy otey dain oteey oky
dar shey qokain chckhey chey kain chedal okeeey qoodain okain oteey ol
oteedy okeey qotchy shey olcheedar shey lotos
qokechy okeey qokeey lkeeody sheey qokeey lkeol tchey qokchy okeey qokaly
deshedy qokchey dalkain okaiin chedy qokeey otain ain ol cheey lkeedy
qokechchy shokeey qochey qokeey chal chedy
pcholkchdy sheckhy qokey okaiin shedy chpchy opchedy oteeykshy chdaly
soiin eeol kaiin chal okaiin shckhy qokal shdar shchdy okaiin chty
okeey shedy qokedy qokal shety otedy shcthy oraiin
qokeey chechy qokey shckhy choldy qokaly shedy yteedy qotail seedy
sheod oshey cheedalaiin
qokeear chain olain chey kain sheol shedain qokeedy ykeedy lcheg
okool chedy okeedy qokeedy qokeey shdy otey qokeey
pchedy qokeey qokeodair qokshy qokeedy qokeedy chsky shey shalky
otechedy qokain shcthy chckhy lokeedy checkhy lokain shedy okeey
ykeedy qokeey lsheey qotal shedy oteey
qokeey sheeol shckhy sheol shody ol aiin otedy qoteey lotar otam
cheol sheeey qotey oteeal oteedy shetsho keeos shey qokeedy qokal dal
tshey sheol cheolshy chalal
tar cheal ol sheey qotal sheal qokal sheedy okeshedy shokey qokaiin
odeeey qokeey shey sheal otshedy
qokeedy qokeedy shol shedar chedy qoteedy oteedy olkeol ltary
chol keey qokeey cheol chorol shedy qokeey qokeey ol laiin chedan
ssheey okeeol lchey qokaly lcheedy oloraiin
polarar lshedy qotolaiin qokeey qokeey shkchy opchealol kchy sam
okeey lr ain l ol sheed qokeey sheol qokeedy shedy qoky leeesain am
ssheey lshey qol cheey chey qokeey okeey qokain cheey qotain
saiin chekeey shey cheosaiin
pchedal oteey qol keedy qokeey qoty chepchy qopchey lkaiin otalsy
sshey qokedy qokaiin shdy qokeey chedy qokeey qokeey lchedy loty
dshey qoteeey darchedy qokey qoty

Latest revision as of 16:05, 12 September 2015

fol. 103r

Recipes section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 103r

P: text

pchedal shdy yteechypchy otey ylshey qoteey qotal shedy yshdal dain okol dal dy 
dain shek chcphhdy daloky opchedy peshol chep ar otchy sal lkeey sar ain ok** chedy 
yshdain sheek cheoty chokal chedy chckhy or orol okain chal ot kar ot** chym 
ychedy qokedy okedy qokeey okey chdarol loty chedar aly 
pocharal okedar shedy oteey qokey lkar sheeky okalor shedy rkar otan okdy 
ocheey dain shek okeedy okey shedy qokealdy shcthy qotedy qot******** san am 
sain chey she olshedy qokeey okeeody qoeedy olshedy 
daroal okey chedy okey rain okechy qoisol qotar adchey ofcho lteody oral kechdy lo 
oteeos ar cheal okeey shey lkaiin shey lkeor otain shedy otey l ledy okeedaram 
daiin ol oain okeol chal okam chety shedy otaiin shedy teolshy oteedy sarain 
dar oteey otain lol shedy okain chey qorain shey otoy qokeol key daikhyky 
oain shey shckhy oteey qokeol keedy shar aiin otedy 
podar sheor qotedy okeey qokar checkhy qokain chedy pchdy tshdy dal kasol 
okain shekain chedy qokeechy qoky shey lol s aiin chey eekain chcthy qoky 
qotedy qokeey shol qotey shkain 
dshol sholkar sedaiin cheey rar okeey shefhedy opcheol oteedy tchey shky 
sar shey qokey keedy qokeey chckhy qokal oty or aiin 
polchedy qokeol okain checthy oteey lshedy okain qokain qokalshedy oteys 
okaiin chey qoy shey qokaiin chedy qokain oteol lkar okaral lkldy lr 
ychain shckhy qokaiin shey qokain shedy olor 
pcheam sokedy dalkar otal qokal chepy okedy qoky pchedy okaly qokeedy lor 
dalshy okain shckhody shdal qokeedy shedy qotar chcthy chepar otar opchy 
daiin sheckhy lchedy chckhy shol 
tchoky okeal shedy qokal oty opchedy qotain shcthy otey dain oteey oky 
dar shey qokain chckhey chey kain chedal okeeey qoodain okain oteey ol 
oteedy okeey qotchy shey olcheedar shey lotos 
qokechy okeey qokeey lkeeody sheey qokeey lkeol tchey qokchy okeey qokaly 
deshedy qokchey dalkain okaiin chedy qokeey otain ain ol cheey lkeedy 
qokechchy shokeey qochey qokeey chal chedy 
pcholkchdy sheckhy qokey okaiin shedy chpchy opchedy oteeykshy chdaly 
soiin eeol kaiin chal okaiin shckhy qokal shdar shchdy okaiin chty 
okeey shedy qokedy qokal shety otedy shcthy oraiin 
qokeey chechy qokey shckhy choldy qokaly shedy yteedy qotail seedy 
sheod oshey cheedalaiin 
qokeear chain olain chey kain sheol shedain qokeedy ykeedy lcheg 
okool chedy okeedy qokeedy qokeey shdy otey qokeey 
pchedy qokeey qokeodair qokshy qokeedy qokeedy chsky shey shalky 
otechedy qokain shcthy chckhy lokeedy checkhy lokain shedy okeey 
ykeedy qokeey lsheey qotal shedy oteey 
qokeey sheeol shckhy sheol shody ol aiin otedy qoteey lotar otam 
cheol sheeey qotey oteeal oteedy shetsho keeos shey qokeedy qokal dal 
tshey sheol cheolshy chalal 
tar cheal ol sheey qotal sheal qokal sheedy okeshedy shokey qokaiin 
odeeey qokeey shey sheal otshedy 
qokeedy qokeedy shol shedar chedy qoteedy oteedy olkeol ltary 
chol keey qokeey cheol chorol shedy qokeey qokeey ol laiin chedan 
ssheey okeeol lchey qokaly lcheedy oloraiin 
polarar lshedy qotolaiin qokeey qokeey shkchy opchealol kchy sam 
okeey lr ain l ol sheed qokeey sheol qokeedy shedy qoky leeesain am 
ssheey lshey qol cheey chey qokeey okeey qokain cheey qotain 
saiin chekeey shey cheosaiin 
pchedal oteey qol keedy qokeey qoty chepchy qopchey lkaiin otalsy 
sshey qokedy qokaiin shdy qokeey chedy qokeey qokeey lchedy loty 
dshey qoteeey darchedy qokey qoty 


See also