From Derek
fol. 70v1
Astronomical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
R2: Outer ring of text
sheal dalalody oteoshey okoksheo shokey raiin otor ochy sais cheody cheey oteoeey oamr chcthy dlal oteodaiin ykeody oteody sheo daiin oteedy chekalchs dar shoteeody okeeo dal cheody okchoteees oteeody cheokeo otaiin shes toar aly daly sheal daly
S2: Labels in outer band of nymphs
otalchy tar am dy opchey sal otokaiman okalal otyly oalcheg otchodals okolshy otshshdy otol ypsharal
R1: Inner ring of text
dal daiin okey otodal cheokeeo okeodal shol olaiin saiin sheo qokeeol oteeykey chekeal oteosaiin chekey okeolol chees oteey opotey dal al s otecheo
S1: Labels in inner band of nymphs
okoly otolaiin oteo alols asaly oteoeey otal okeal ar oteas araydy