From Derek
fol. 75v
Biological section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
K: Loose letters near the right-hand corner of the page
s l l o r
P1: text above top pond
pchedar opchedy qokedy opchedy qopdy dain chetas chcphhy qotam sor sheky qokain okal dal olchedy daiin chckhy lkar chckhy rom dl shckhy kain olchey qokain daly rd dl shedy qoteedy cthedy loly qokchdy qokal dal ol chety lchdy csedy ched otedy qotedy otar qokeed chedy ky okedy lchedy dar ody dchedy dar olchedy otedy qoky s qokedy rshey qol chey ol chey keed sol key dykedy qokol dar oly ocheain cheedy qokal dain sheeky qoky sshedy tedy otedy tedy taral qol sheckhy qokedy qokedy qokaly sor chedy qoky olshty qokydy ral ol oloin olkey olshed qokaly qokar chedy qokain ty lshdyqo odchedy qolshdy shokshdy qokain or shedy qolol keedy qokalom sal shedykain qokain sheckhy ld saiin ckhy lshedy
L1: Labels on nymphs in the top pond
okshy saral dokal darol dal dy dal shd dalkar qokal dly ory oty lchy dary dal daldy qoted rkal ykedy olkchy otoly
P2: text between the two ponds
tol sheor qokal dar olked orol kchey otain olchey okar sheky dedy kedy qoqokeey olkain qol sheedy qokeor sheedy qokal or chey qokar ol aiin dlshedy qokain dal qol qol ol sheedy cheey dal ol sheey qokain olol sal shedy qokain shey qoin ol shey ol shey qoky qol cheey chl or sheolo ol sheey qolshey qokain okaiin charor pokain okeedy or chesy sol shey qokeey qotedy olkedy chey tal dy qol olshees ol sheckhy qokain ol chedy qol chedy qol keey qolchedy chealy yshey qokar olchedy qor oiin okeedy qokeed qokeey qokeey otey qoky dy ychey qotain sheckhy qokedy qokedy lsheckhy qokain dal tol olchedy qokain olshey qokain dar ol shedy qokedy qokeedy qokar olshedy oldy qokeor chedy shckhy dol ycheedy saino ol cheedy qokar otar dal daiin por shey okain chedy qol sheol olchedy
L2: Labels above the lower pond
otal opal okeey lol olol ytedy
P3: text
kolkedy qokedy qoky lpchdy qotchdy lol okshey qolkchy lchdy soiin ol otchdy ykeechy qokchdy daiin ol olsheey qoly oteey qol chey qokey oldy oly ly sshey qol dy qokar shey ldy qokal dain dain oqoky daiin okal sheedy qoteedy qokeey ly ykeedy qokain otain shety octhey shedy otol chckhey ldy okeshey olkedy olkedy qol chey qokey olchedy otey orol
L3: labels at left of lower pond, below channel
otedy oteey qotedy
P4: text below and to the left of pond
okedy qeky tedar oly solchedy solkedy qokeedy qokol olkol