Omid Kavehei
{{Infobox person{
− | person_name = Omid Kavehei
− | image_name =
− | birth_date =
− | birth_place =
− | death_date =
− | death_place =
− | fields = Nanoelectronics, nonvolatile electronics, biomedical devices and neural engineering, memristive devices and systems, unconventional computing, neuromorphic VLSI, cellular neural networks and array computing.
− | workplaces = University of Melbourne
− | high_school =
− | undergrad_university =
− | undergrad_degree = Computer System Engineering (2003)
− | project_advisors =
− | masters_university =
− | masters_degree = Computer Systems Architecture Engineering (2005)
− | masters_advisors =
− | doctoral_university = University of Adelaide
− | doctoral_degree = Electrical & Electronic Engineering (2012)
− | doctoral_advisors = Said F. Al-Sarawi and Derek Abbott
| awards = since 2008
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (2008)
D. R. Stranks Travelling Fellowship (2009)
World Class University Fellowship (2009)
Simon Rockliff Scholarship (2010)
Research Abroad Scholarship (2010)
World Class University Fellowship (2010)
ANN Young Nanotechnology Ambassador Award (2011)
Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Excellence (2012)
Early Career Research Grant, Melbourne School of
Engineering (2012)
University Doctoral Research Medal (2012)
MERIT Based Access Time to Melbourne Centre for
Nanofabrication, Melbourne Materials Inistitute (2013)
− Postgraduate University Alumni Medal (2013)
− Omid Kavehei obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer System Engineering with the highest rank in 2003 and 2005, respectively. His final year research projects in his B.E. and M.E. were carried out on current-mode computing and very large scale integration design aspects of arithmetic circuits, respectively. Throughout his study he carried out several research projects on system-on-chip design, digital signal processing, analogue computing, operating systems (grouping), distributed systems, real-time control and bioinformatics. He was accepted to the PhD program on Computer Systems Architecture Engineering at his alma mater, Shahid Beheshti University (aka: National University of Iran), with highest rank in written and oral exams. In March 2008, he finished a Coursework Doctorate with 93 percent average. He also served at his alma mater as a research and teaching assistant and a casual lecturer for VLSI and Electronic design courses.
− In July 2008, he was granted an Australian Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) and University of Adelaide Scholarship to pursue his PhD under Said F. Al-Sarawi and Derek Abbott, the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, the University of Adelaide. In 2009 and 2010, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Technology Park of the Chungbuk National University, South Korea, hosted by Kamran Eshraghian. His PhD was recognized as the best postgraduate research at the School and the University through different prestigious awards and prizes: Postgraduate University Alumni Medal, Gertrude Rohan Memorial Prize, University Doctoral Research Medal and Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Excellence. During his candidature, he received a DR Stranks Travelling Fellowship, 2009, Simon Rockliff Scholarship for the most outstanding postgraduate mentorship from the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering and DSTO, 2010, Research Abroad Scholarship, 2010, and the South Korean World Class University program research fellowships, 2009 and 2010. He was also a student member of the IEEE, IEEE Communications Society, the Institution of Engineers Australia, Australasian Association for Engineering Education and an executive member of the SA IEEE student chapter called the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society of Adelaide University. In 2011, he received the Young Nanotechnology Ambassador award from the ARC Australian Nanotechnology Network.
- 1 Doctoral degree
- 2 Postdoctoral positions
- 3 Awards (since 2008)
- 4 Scientific genealogy
- 5 Google Scholar profile
- 6 Journal articles (for a complete list please visit Google Scholar profile)
- 7 Conference articles (for a complete list please visit Google Scholar profile)
- 8 See also
- 9 External links
- 10 Back
- 11 Journal articles
- 12 Back
Doctoral degree
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering (2012), the University of Adelaide, Australia
- Thesis: Memristive Devices and Circuits for Computing, Memory, and Neuromorphic Applications, under Said F. Al-Sarawi and Derek Abbott
Postdoctoral positions
- 2012 Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne and Bionic Vision Australia
Awards (since 2008)
- 2008 Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australia
- 2009 D. R. Stranks Travelling Fellowship, Australia
- 2009 World Class University Fellowship, South Korea
- 2010 Simon Rockliff Scholarship, Australia
- 2010 Research Abroad Scholarship, Australia
- 2010 World Class University Fellowship, South Korea
- 2011 ANN Young Nanotechnology Ambassador Award, Australia
- 2012 Early Career Research Grant, from Melbourne School of Engineering, Australia
- 2012 Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Excellence, Australia
- 2012 University Doctoral Research Medal, Australia
- 2013 MERIT Based Access Time to Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, Melbourne Materials Inistitute, Australia
- 2013 Postgraduate University Alumni Medal, Australia
Scientific genealogy
Google Scholar profile
Journal articles (for a complete list please visit Google Scholar profile)
− [1]
− K. Eshraghian, O. Kavehei, J. M. Chappell, A. Iqbal, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Memristive device fundamentals and modeling: Applications to circuits and systems simulation," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100, No. 6, 2012, pp. 1991–2007,
− [2]
− O. Kavehei, S. Al-Sarawi, K. R. Cho, K. Eshraghian, and D. Abbott, "An analytical approach for memristive nanoarchitectures," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 374–385, 2012,
− [3] K. Eshraghian, K.-R. Cho, O. Kavehei, S.-M. S. Kang, and D. Abbott, "Memristor MOS Content Addressable Memory (MCAM): Hybrid architecture for future high performance search engines," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1407–1417, 2011,
− [4] O. Kavehei, A. Iqbal, Y.-S. Kim, K. Eshraghian, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "The fourth element: characteristics, modelling and electromagnetic theory of the memristor," Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 466, No. 2120, pp. 2175–2202, 2010.
Conference articles (for a complete list please visit Google Scholar profile)
− [5]
− M. R. Azghadi, O. Kavehei, S. Al-Sarawi , N. Iannella, D. Abbott, "Triplet based spike-timing dependent plasticity in silicon," Proc. 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society, (JNNS 2011), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan, December 15–17, 2011, art. no. P3–35,
− [6]
− M. R. Azghadi, O. Kavehei, S. Al-Sarawi, N. Iannella, and D. Abbott, "Novel VLSI implementation for triplet-based spike-timing dependent plasticity," Proc. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, (ISSNIP 2011), Adelaide, Australia, December 6–9, 2011, pp. 158–162,
− [7]
− O. Kavehei, K. Cho, S. Lee, S.-J. Kim, S. Al-Sarawi, D. Abbott, and K. Eshraghian, "Fabrication and modeling of Ag/TiO2/ITO memristor," Proc. IEEE 54th International Midwest Symposium Circuits and Systems, (MWSCAS), Seoul, Korea, August 7–10, 2011, pp. 1–4,
− [8]
− O. Kavehei, S. Al-Sarawi, K.-R. Cho, N. Iannella, S.-J. Kim, K. Eshraghian, and D. Abbott, "Memristor-based synaptic networks and logical operations using in-situ computing," Proc. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2011), Adelaide, Australia, December 6–9, 2011, pp. 137–142,
− [9]
− O. Kavehei, Y.-S. Kim, A. Iqbal, K. Eshraghian, S. F. Al-Sarawi, D. Abbott, "The fourth element: Insights into the memristor," International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, (ICCAS 2009), Milpitas, CA, USA, July 23–25, 2009, pp. 921–927,
See also
External links
Journal articles
[10] Y. Gao, D. C. Ranasinghe, S. F. Al-Sarawi, O. Kavehei, and D. Abbott, "Emerging physical unclonable functions with nanotechnology," IEEE Access, Vol. 4, pp. 61–80, 2016, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
[11] Y. Gao, O. Kavehei, S. F. Al-Sarawi, D. C. Ranasinghe, and D. Abbott, "Read operation performance of large selectorless cross-point array with self-rectifying memristive device," Integration: The VLSI Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 56–64, 2016, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
[12] Y. Gao, D. C. Ranasinghe, S. F. Al-Sarawi, O. Kavehei, and D. Abbott, "Memristive crypto primitive for building highly secure physical unclonable functions," Scientific Reports (Nature), Vol. 5, Art. No. 12785, 2015, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[13] O. Kavehei, K. R. Cho, S. J. Lee, S. Al-Sarawi, K. Eshraghian, and D. Abbott, "Integrated memristor-MOS (M2) sensor for basic pattern matching applications," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 3638–3640, 2013, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[14] O. Kavehei, S. J. Lee, K. R. Cho, S. Al-Sarawi, K. Eshraghian, and D. Abbott, "A pulse-frequency modulation sensor using memristive-based inhibitory interconnections," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 3505–3510, 2013, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[15] K. Eshraghian, O. Kavehei, J. M. Chappell, A. Iqbal, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Memristive device fundamentals and modeling: Applications to circuits and systems simulation," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100, No. 6, 2012, pp. 1991–2007, ResearchGate
[16] O. Kavehei, S. Al-Sarawi, K. R. Cho, K. Eshraghian, and D. Abbott, "An analytical approach for memristive nanoarchitectures," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 374–385, 2012, ResearchGate
[17] K. Eshraghian, K.-R. Cho, O. Kavehei, S.-K. Kang, D. Abbott, and S. M.-S. Kang, "Memristor MOS Content Addressable Memory (MCAM): Hybrid architecture for future high performance search engines," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1407–1417, 2011,