From Derek
fol. 70v2
Herbal section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:R3: panel f70v2, outer ring of text
okcheo dar otey ykeey tchy otsheo oteotey shey sheckh opcheol dair dateey sal ody choteey choeteedy oteoteotsho yteos alain sheodaly ckho aiin cholkal chotear oteody cholaiin oteeeo al ol sheeor okey chol dy otees cho r ol ar otoaiin oteeody sos todaiin chokain otalal otcham
S2: panel f70v2, outer ring of labels between stars
oty oky ody oty or okaly otody otald otal dar okody opys am chckhhy otaly otal rar otal dy okeoly okydy okees otalalg okasy otar
R2: panel f70v2, middle ring of text
chedaiin otchy dair shchey daiin chalaly oteody chotol chedy oteatey otcheor ar alody daiir oteedar otchy tchy dale al cheoltey oteedy sheeteey s h*s keeol ykeeos shey okear ar ar alos daimdy otar am ar al otard
S1: panel f70v2, inner ring of labels between stars
otaral otalar otalam dolaram okaram oteosal salols okaldal ykolaiin sar am
R1: panel f70v2, inner ring of text
otal dlay oteoal dal aildy otaiir ar oteey shal o qoteeal ar al otaiin al teodaiin oteeo cthey otchos oteos aiin d*iy
C: Central star