From Derek
fol. 72v3
Astronomical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
R1: outer ring of text
soees otchs otedar oteody oteodal oteos ote*k** *eody sheokay sheody shedykeyl eteodys okoleeolar okeey shedy otey sho shol teody okol*** yklede*y okechly olaiin shokche** lol chopchey teey teoda cher okecheay otechol chsor cheey daein oyteiedar chr cthy otycheedy oteeoly chokory
S1: Labels on stars, Leo, outer ring
ok*olo ogeom oreeey okam okey oteeeody okyeeshy **ofaiin okoly otoly ofalals reeeos ocfhey daiin chcpy oteey dchyr cheolpy okeeol okaly okaldy
R2: middle ring of text
shos otchy **eody cheokey okeoekol oteos aiin yal eeedy okeos aly shy okay okeeey okeedaly cholairy oke cheesy okeeol chey otey aldy chdy del ok*eoloky oty aiin cheis otoly ok**** etoteear
S2: Labels on stars, Leo, inner ring
otoly yty sholeey oky chcthhy loly oeemy odair an okary oecs aiin oteesod epal otaly
R3: inner ring of text
okeserr or cskesol okeol yiin cholal ykesodarar oleeo dy shedy soear aldy oteor cheor