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fol. 86v3

Cosmological section

Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
folio 86v3

P1: Paragraphs on North side of page

tchedy qokeedy qoedy qopchy raiin olpchey qokaiin 
sain ychedy qoeeey otair cheody ytain qokaiin 
taiin ytaiin ytaiin ytaiin or ar ytar am 
ykaiin qoeedy qor aiin ytechy ar aiin aram 
ysheey qotaiin chdy ypsheor ytain otain ytam 
daiinls aiin chcthy ykaiin ykaiin chdar araiin 
sain ytaiin ytapy odeeey dal dair ytam 
sar aiin otey otais 

P2: Text on East side of page

tshedal ypchey shdy qopcheeody opchdy olfchey ypchey qotaiin 
dshedy qokeey qotchy shedy qokaiin chdy otor otaiin ykaiin 
qodaiin yochedy qotchey qoky daiin chdy oteedy qoty daiin om 
shor yteey oteedy shedaiin sheey otaiin ytaiin otodar aiin 
teeos aiin yteey qoteey otchey qoteeody cheeor cheedaiin 
ycheeody daiis oteey qoedy oteey olteey 

P3: Text on South side of page

toeeedchy okchey qokchedy shedy ytcheodar 
ytchey yteey chdal or cheey daiin cheokaiim 
tchedy chy tchey otchedy qokal oeedy lkam 
oees aiiin yteeedy chedy qotaiin cheody 
ytchey otaiin kshd qotar chear or am 
yteeo dy chedy qokal yteey qotar am 
dcheey teeody oty otchedy daiir aiim 
ykeeedy qoteey qodaiin okeeey 

P4: Text on West side of page

tchol olkey cfhyaiin opchedy okchedy or acheody e*ol shedy yteey daiin dady 
ychey ol keeey qotchedy qokeey qotchedar sheedy qokaiin qokedy ykaiin qotaiior am 
tcheod oteey yteeody chdy chedos shedy cheos *s aiir sheey ytchcseey oteeodam 
yteedy ykeey daim choaiin checkhy sykeeeochy tcheey otodaiin opaiin otchey otam 
osheey or sheey tcheody qokain qodaiin olkar chedaiin ychedy qokody cholkain 
ar aiin shodain shor chalkar shekshol okchor 

Q: Text in central area of page

tshdcsey dalkshdy shocfhy saiin or airody chedaly 
dcheody skeeody qokshey chodain ykched raraldy 
dsheody qokchey dal or odaiin sar 
pchedaiin dchedy qokchdy qopchol shol sheody rolkam 
dchey otain olkechy qokam chol kchdy chol tchdy dar aiin dy 
lshodair ykcho dar chody ykeeody qochey chcthey lkar ary 
dshedy kshey tchdy shdy ralkchedy ytchol qoty okshy tam 
ytchdy dar shol or alor 


See also