From Derek
fol. 100v
Pharmaceutical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
T: Panel 100v, top row of plants
tolchd chols opchor rolsy
M: panel 100v, second row of plants
sol eesos ykchochdy ykchdy dchdy dalsy
B: panel 100v, third row of plants
okcheor ytchol dykchal chos cthoral
P: panel 100v, bottom block of text
cthdeecthy sheocphy qoteody ckhoor ar chor oteey daiin qokomo sor cheey dair ol cheol qoolkeey chol cheey qokeol chotols ykeeol chol chey eeoseeos sheeo okeol ches okeor okeol dy chockhey cholkcheol qokeol okol chol chotor chso solcthy tocheo sol cheo cheeor odaidy ckhod sh chod qokeol sal sain cheokeos chockhy chocthey kchody chockhhor chckhey dan ycheoky shokeesy qokeey chokeol soraloaly cheor ol chockhar soral okor ol choy ly araroy okar cheeeal cheokeol orey daiin cheky chory