From Derek
fol. 101v2
Pharmaceutical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
R1: Plant labels - first row
sairaly otaldy otal yta dokor orar otorar otala soraly
R2: Plant labels - second row
okol arom orar am or* dytoly olkor dolary odor olaran
P: text on panels 101v2 and 101v1 (one logical page)
tolchor cheopor or ody cpheyr shee fol soiin otsheey oto*** ***kcho pcholy chor or choror sy dorar okoraiin orolodain or aiin or o or omam chor s aiin okor cheeor sheeol qokol*** ***ol qoor cheey qokeod oeeo r choy s okeeody chodaiin cthy okody dar ycheor oeo dain cheokal ykhody cheeods oraiin qoeey cthey*** ***eocthy dain chedo dydy kshar lol keeol otal or ol aiin okeod ykeey dain olcheol*** ***opcheol cthey qekeoldy qocthor sheody qockheey odaiin sho ytolaiir sodaiin dy oaiin ol olor daiin okeey qok ykeol daiin qockhy daiin olch*** ***dar qokeol dol oraiin oldaiin keeol * rch qokeeeor sydy cheor okeey chol do dar teeal sheol qokeor qkhol olchor chokey chor ctheey da*s* ***daiin cheeody cheey keo cheol daiiin deeor cheedy daiin dair yteol chor qockhol daiin ckheey chey kchey dos** ***iin okeey ckheo lcheody kcheol daiin eteeys ctheody ctheockhosho olchor olaiin okeol cheo kol ches sheey qoor qokeody cheor okey*** ***oiin cheey cthey ory ctheey qokeey shol ody cheol oralar shey qokarary sol chol choly okeey dal qol shckheol chol cthear keey*** ***cheeo ol chs oraiin qokeeey saiir qodaiin cheol qokeey daiin cheodam
T: centered title spanning f101v2 and f101v1
teol cheol ekchey ****or cheol cthol** cholaiin chol qkos