Energy storage requirements for the SA grid

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Honours students

Project guidelines

Project description

SA obtains approximately 45% of its electrical energy from renewable sources – large scale wind and small scale solar PV. To reliably integrate these intermittent sources into the grid will increasingly require energy storage in a variety of forms such as pumped-hydro and batteries together with virtual energy storage in the form of demand side management. The storage requirement will progressively increase as controllable fossil fuel generation sources are withdrawn from the system.

The objective of this project is to develop tools to assess the energy storage requirements to ensure reliable supply with high levels of intermittent generation.

Useful notes

Approach and methodology


Project deliverables

  • Place all written work to be place on this wiki. A Semester 1 proposal report and a Semester 2 final report are required.
  • Fill out a short progress report on the wiki each week, every Friday evening, to briefly state what you did that week and what the goals are for the following week.
  • Just hand up a labelled CD or USB with your complete project directory at the end. One for each group member
  • Make a fun YouTube presentation of your whole project (designed to attract lots of hits). You can have supplementary YouTube videos that are instructional, with details for future groups (these are designed to not be entertaining nor get many hits).
  • You carry out a project exhibition in Semester 2.
  • You carry out two seminars. One in each semester.
  • Any purchases you make on the project account (eg. books) are the property of the university, and should be handed in at the end.

Relationship to possible career path

See also

Useful papers we wrote

[1] D. Abbott, "Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 68, No. 5, pp. 23–32, 2012, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

References and useful resources

If you find any useful external links, list them here:
