Cipher Cracking 2009

From Derek
Revision as of 20:51, 19 March 2009 by Dabbott (Talk | contribs)

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Honours students

Project guidelines

Project description

In this project you will attempt to solve a murder that took place in Adelaide in 1948. This crime remains unsolved till today, but you can use engineering to bring our knowledge closer to the killer. You can read the details about the dead body and the circumstances [1]

Associated with the dead body was this secret code:


(See the original photograph, as there may be an extra line, and some of the M's may be W's). To this day code crackers have been unable to decrypt it.

Weekly progress and questions

This is where you record your progress and ask questions. Make sure you update this every week.

Useful notes

As useful bits of information come to light, just list them here:

  • It was the Edward Fitzgerald loose translation's (plus his own additions and recombination of poems) of the Rubaiyat that was found on the body. Call number is 891.5 O5.B in the BSL.
  • The grave site is at West Tce Cemetery: grave site number 106 on row 12 of an area of the cemetery called "Plan 3." To find it, the easiest way is to go to a road called "Road 5 East" and then walk about 40 paces along row 12.
  • The ABC TV documentary show called Inside Story screened an episode of "The Somerton Beach Mystery" at 8pm, Thursday, August 24th, 1978 (Sydney time). Need to try to get hold of a copy.

Approach and methodology

You have an advantage that as engineers you know more about information theory and statistics than the average policeman or code breaking expert. You will take a structured approach to writing software code to use a process of elimination to say whether particular coding schemes were used or not.

Start with the Playfair cipher and the Vigenère cipher to begin with and you should find that you can easily test the above sequence of letters to prove the Vigenère cipher was definitely not used. Then you can go onto exploring other encryption schemes

Note from Matthew: If you include the extra line, I'm not so sure you can prove it's not the Vigenère cipher. Also, given the date of the murder, and the dates of invention of some ciphers, there are some you could reasonably rule out (e.g. I doubt it's RSA for historical and technical reasons), however you can still implement them and try them out :). If you dig into some of the historical documents on the case you may find clues to possible decryption keys.

We would also like you to perform simple statistical tests to show if English was the most likely language or not in the original message. Also you should be able to prove if the code is the beginning letter of a sequence of words or is composed of whole words. A list of letter frequency rankings for different languages can be found here.

Then if you have time and if you are excited to take this project to a higher lever you can start to check out the work of the great electrical engineer Claude Shannon and apply his techniques from information theory. You can measure the information content in the message in terms of bits for starters.

Possible extension

If you knock off this project too easily and are looking for a harder code cracking problem to try your software out on, you can progress to analyzing another famous unsolved mystery: the Voynich Manuscript


We don't really expect you to find the killer, though that would be cool if you do and you'll become very famous overnight. To get good marks we expect you to show a logical approach to definitely eliminating which coding schemes were definitely not used. In your conclusion, you need to come up with a short list of likely possibilities and a list of things you can definitely eliminate that the code is not.

Relationship to possible career path

Whilst the project is fascinating as you'll learn about a specific murder case—and we do want you to have a lot of fun with it—the project does have a hard-core serious engineering side. It will familiarize you with techniques in information theory, probability, statistics, encryption, and decryption. It will also improve your software skills. The types of jobs out there where these skills are useful are in computer security, comms, or in digital forensics. The types of industries that will need you are: the software industry, e-finance industry, IT industry, telecoms industry, ASIO, ASIS, defence industry (e.g. DSD), etc. So go ahead and have fun with this, but keep your eye on the bigger engineering picture and try to build up an appreciation of why these techniques are useful to our industry. Now go find that killer...this message will self-destruct in five seconds :-)

See also

References and useful resources

If you find any useful external links, list them here:
