From Derek
fol. 69r
Astronomical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
P: Text paragraph above diagram
tcheeos shey opaiin chey shey qokeeashdy ol ot otal sar daiin shey okaiin shkechy sheey tey chy cthy otol cham sheosaiin ctar choetey okal chy ykar ytchey cheotam ycheo raiin ychey otaiin okchor yty chkal shol
C: Outer ring of text
shy chtairy ytoetear ytey cholam dair ar yteey chdy okair os air chy to s aly chetar ar aly dalr al ody dal daiin otolam ytcheodytor oteos chop otaky ar odain chtaly oto dar archol okeeo chey dy dchochar ar ytal air al
R: Radial lines between "flower stalks"
okchocthy okar ar cheg ar ithor ary sair chekey dairam okcho dal okar ar sol aiir okeytam okeos ar alg docheeo kody sar dchokey shkchody al chor al ylcho ral soir al okody otedy okody cheody sar chokeod okeea dkochy cthody dy chodchy chotal okeo sho qotam okeodar oteody ykeeos al dair dar ykeey dal oky doly dal dar chyky okchol qokol dalo ykechody otar dary dar aloly
S: Inner ring of text
okoeese dainkey ochs cheor yteey okcheo dar cho okchos al aiin
W: Letter labels on central disk sectors (between star arms)
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