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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
14:39, 26 October 2014 Text conversion example.png (file) 2.09 MB A1210982   2
20:37, 23 October 2014 Vms p20.jpg (file) 587 KB A1210982   1
20:37, 23 October 2014 Vms p18.png (file) 207 KB A1210982   1
17:53, 23 October 2014 Pmi formula 1.png (file) 44 KB A1210982 Reverted to version as of 05:12, 23 October 2014 4
16:32, 23 October 2014 Vms p141.jpg (file) 1.15 MB A1210982   1
16:32, 23 October 2014 Vms p129.jpg (file) 1.07 MB A1210982   2
16:31, 23 October 2014 Vms p77.jpg (file) 969 KB A1210982   2
16:30, 23 October 2014 Vms p101.jpg (file) 940 KB A1210982   3
14:48, 23 October 2014 Shannon entropy formula.png (file) 25 KB A1210982 A formula for the calculation of n-gram Shannon entropy (in bits) 1
13:47, 23 October 2014 Elegant enigma cover.png (file) 853 KB A1210982 Cover of 'The Voynich Manuscript: An Elegant Enigma' by Mary D'Imperio 1
15:55, 22 October 2014 Entropy comparison.png (file) 161 KB A1210982 Comparison of the Shannon Entropy (in bits) of several languages with that of the Voynich Manuscript, for Unigram, Bigram, and Trigram word entropy. 1
14:25, 22 October 2014 Punctuation VMS 1.png (file) 92 KB A1210982 Test 1
14:23, 22 October 2014 Punctuation hungarian 1.png (file) 99 KB A1210982 Test 1
14:21, 22 October 2014 Punctuation both 2.png (file) 120 KB A1210982   1
13:56, 22 October 2014 Punctuation both 1.png (file) 86 KB A1210982 Comparison between Significant End-of-Line characters in the Voynich Manuscript and in our Hungarian text. In detail, an "End of Line" Character is one which appears before a line break in the text, and the ranking shown on the graph is the frequency o... 3
12:20, 22 October 2014 Driver16 bigrams comp.png (file) 349 KB A1210982 Ranked chart of the PMI scores (highest to lowest) of the 500 highest ranked bigrams in the Voynich Manuscript and 10 Comparison Texts 1
16:36, 21 October 2014 Transcription accuracy stolfisection.png (file) 140 KB A1210982 The approximate precision of the transcriptions of each page in the Voynich Manuscript, with a colour indicating the section of that page (As delineated by Jorge Stolfi) 1
16:35, 21 October 2014 Transcription accuracy gradient.png (file) 115 KB A1210982 The approximate precision of the transcriptions for each page in the Voynich Manuscript, with a colour gradient showing the average number of transcriptions for that page. 1
16:19, 21 October 2014 Transcription completeness.png (file) 136 KB A1210982 Completeness, as measured by number of lines transcribed, of each transcription in the EVT file. 1
14:01, 6 June 2014 Gantt chart june.png (file) 84 KB A1210982 Gantt chart updated as of 6-6-14 showing current week, progress to date, and future goals 2
11:50, 6 June 2014 F9v original.jpg (file) 148 KB A1210982 Folio 9v of the Voynich Manuscript. Courtesy of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. 4
10:35, 6 June 2014 Unique words per page.png (file) 306 KB A1210982 Chart showing the unique words per page (blue) and the normalised unique words per page (red) which takes into account page length 1