From Derek
fol. 100r
Pharmaceutical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
L1: panel 100r, top row of plant labels
chosaroshol sochorcfhy otear chofary sar char daiindy
L2: panel 100r, second row of plants and labels
osaro chalsain soity sosam dakocth sofal
P1: panel 100r, middle text
pcheol sheod qocpheeckhy shodol cthdaoto ch qeos sheey chcthso s dsheor cthey qokeey oteey ykeeodain sorary daiin daiin deeamshol shor chkeey qoteey qokeody qoteold qokeol so raiin otal ykecho dcheor shol qokeeol chor chol qokeeody dorean
L3: panel 100r, third row of plants and labels
okeeos shockhey orol olcheom okols oteol
P2: panel 100r, bottom block of text
folshody chol daiin fchodycheol cphol qotees shey oreso alcfhy soiin chol cphol shol shol qockhol chor chol sho keey cckhhy ykeeam saiichor sheor qockhody odeor yksheey chol sheody sai cheol raiin sheor qkeeody chol daiin ctheol olcheol cheky cheol cheockhy okeol yaiin chekeey chol cholody chos olchor qokeol okeeol cheols al chol cheol cho chckheody otolchey