From Derek
fol. 71v
Herbal section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
R1: Outer ring of text
osheo parar oteeodaiin she ateey daiin oteokeey dal al oteey teey dy otchy keey shseor ochey **** **** eodal sheeolody alody cheol otar otam oteodar chpchy cpar al aiin oteochor okeodaly oteey teeey okeey keor or arol cheols okaikaly
S1: panel f71v, Taurus light, outer ring of star labels
char orom chfaly okolar otchody olcphy otaiin okaraiin okar ar aly opalar am dan opalor ar
R2: Middle ring of text
okol sheeor chal oteeos al shsky okalar ar okeo dar oty oto kaiin chey tol otchr chtos cheor shepchol otor sheo shopcho ar aly okeo cheey otal al shldy otaly
S2:panel f71v, inner ring of names
ofacfom otalody otalaiin otar shor sholshdy
R3: Inner ring of text
kal okeey okeosar otaiin chkeeal okal cheekaiin okaiin okchor dar oteey