From Derek
fol. 73r
Astronomical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
S0: Labels on stars, Scorpio, outside the diagram
otoly chockhy okedy yteeody
R1: outer text ring
ypolcheey salchedal chepchey daraly oteos air ar oteosdal chotchy soteees alshey ches al chees cheoly leiir* choteey cheteey cheteeeosaiin chetchody chedar ar cheteey oteor ar air alor shetch ytchy cheody ykeydom oteos alar alcheky
S1: Labels on stars, Scorpio, outer ring
otey otaly okeody oteedyl okesdy okery oksedy ykeeory oteeosy shekal oteedyg okedal chdy dalshey opaiin okeos
R2: middle ring of text
oteey dar al opaiin olalaiin sair ar chopchedy chdar orom otoreees olteey okees otar chey oteas ohor opar chey daiin qoiheey scheey dal cheesy
S2: Labels on stars, Scorpio, inner band
okeos okary ot*ad ootady oky chefy otal shek ar kar
R3: inner ring of text
osaiin chedain oteey chedaly okechs chepchees aly oteodal