From Derek
fol. 82v
Biological section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
L1: Labels on illustrations at top of page
otechdy otedy daiin oty otedal
P: text
tokol olfchedy qokeedy qokedal shol qotal otdal dal olshedy qokedy lshedy qotol dol shedy shedy dy dar otedy chetedy lokam dair ol chedy qotedy qotedy chsdy qotal qoty qokal qokedy lo qokain sheol qoteedy chedy qokey qokedy qokol chedy chedy lchy solshedy lchedy dolshedy qokal sheckhy shey teeol oteedy qokedy qotey qokal shoky qokal chedy qotal shedy pcheol dar qokeey cheeky qokol dal shedy pchdy rol qotedy rol dal shol dar ol qoky qol chedy qokar qoteytyqoky chcthy qoky tchedy qocthes qokar chckhy qokain cholkaiin chckhdy qokoldy dolchedy lchey rol rol cheey sain shey tar sheckhy qokal qokain cheal tedy rchedy pchedy rsheol dal qokedy lchey cheey raiin shes qokchey qokain okal dy lchedam orain shedy qok char okai qokeedy rcheey qotedy chtedy rches aly ykeedy qokeedy chedy qokar okeey lkedy qokal olkeedy qokeedy oky qokol chedy cheal chedy oty chdy dy checkhy otal chls tolsheol qokedy qolkedy rshedy qokedy rsheedar oinaly dain chey qokeeey qoky okaiin okain olkain otain okaraly qokain chedy qolkshey qotal shey qokain olcheckhy ly yshedy qolchey qolaiin otain olkeedy qotshedy oll dshedy qokaiin olchedy qokal shedy qotal dytary lgl qok sheol kechey qoty ral tchdarol sheytchdy qokal saiin shey qokol chol qol sheedy qokal shedy qokaiin qokain sheal qolchedy qokaiir olkaiin shedy tchal olkair sheeky qolchey qokar shey qokain otshedy daiin chey qoky shedy qokaiin olkeedy qokechedy qotar pol olor chey qokain shedy qokain olchesy ol r aindar qokeey rain chey qolkain oky otaly qokalsh olshalsy sar ol loraiin chey qokain oroiiin qody shar aithy qokchey kchey olkain opchedy qfol shty oral yckhey qokain cheky otaiin olor okain qolkeey qotar olkain cthor chey qsain qokeey qokain otain otal okeedy qokal dym saiin shey qokeedy qokar sheecthey qokaiin daltedy rcheold sol chey r alchey chol olkol chckhy dalchckhy olkain olkeeyr pcheol shedy qokaiin sholdy
L2: Labels on illustration on left and right margins
okalchy olkeedy
L3: Labels on illustrations at bottom of page
okain olkol okooky okedor otedol oteedy okol otoldy