From Derek
fol. 88r
Pharmaceutical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
T: top labels
otorchety oral orald oldar otoky otaly
P1: panel f88r, top text
dorsheoy ctheol qockhey dory sheor sholfchor dal chckhod sal sheom kol chear shekor qokor daiin sar raiin oky sam oain or om otam okeom cheeor qokeody dar or om cheody qokeol cheol saiin cheos cheol doleeey or cheom cheomam yokeody cheom qoor chees ykeor shy sam
M: panel f88r, middle row of labels
otaldy oram dary okol sorory otyda
P2: panel f88r, middle text
koaiphhy cphol orchor pcheoly otchol oldy sal saly dchey chokol daiin qoekol qoekol qockhoy okol cheol dsheol qokeey s chy saiin chor oteor aiin chosals teol chor olsheody qokeol shoikhy ol sheeol sheol dg ychey okaiin chol cheor ol chorcholsal
B: panel f88r, bottom row of plant labels (between paragrpahs 2 and 3)
ofyskydal otor am ofaldo
P3: panel f88r, bottom text
poeeas sheoky olkeey cthol poldy s okoldy qokol chol qokol qokol chol cheey or aiin oldal ykar cheol chol chey ckhey s or shear ar alsy kor chey qokol cheol chody qokol kchor chol dal ykeeey cheor cheotey cheol qokeor chetchy ofal dar chear chol dol qoekeor cheom