From Derek
fol. 89r2
Pharmaceutical section
Transcription by Takeshi Takahashi:
L1: top row of labels
odory doly opchosam saloiin sheol opcheor
P1: panel f89r2, first block of text
qokcheody cheodal dair cholkeedy qokedy cheyd cheo dal qoair shey cphoeedol deey qockhey choldy daim chos aiin cheodal daiin chy chedain dolchsyckheol daiin choy cheedy tchodol chor choldy chos dol okcheeg toy daiin daiin daiin ody qokeey cheoldy qody cheor s ain daiin oky cheody cheoky
L2: panel f89r2, second group of labels
otoldy okol shol dy opcharoiin
P2: panel f89r2, second block of text
porechol qoda qoteol oldaiin otol sheor shor ol daiin otchol cheol otolfcho dar cho lkeopol oeeor or daiin olkey okeol okey okeeol qoor ol chor cheky shol daiiin chol cheol kol dam olcheol dol cheol tos ol chor ydaiin chey s oiiin chckhy qokeol okey okeey keey coeky qokol okeey dal cheeody ockhy ycheo keeo ckho saiin okeo daiin ockhy s ockhey saiin sheeky
L3: panel f89r2, third group of labels
korain y sodar cheys cheody oforain okshd chos
P3: panel f89r2, third block of text
kolches sheol qokeoefy sheey opcheor opcheol shody sholdy qokol chey oldy sheodal ytoldy daiin cheok okeol daiin dal dair qokeey okeol daiin ykeody okeeeo ees cheey ykeol cheo cheky yokeeol cheol qokeey qokeol chey eeeokor okeey key daiin qokeol cheey qokeey saiin oteos doiin dal sheol s aiin qocheey daiin qokeeol qokeody chol cheol ykeo qo qol cheo loiiin daimom scheor sy sorcheey dol cheor cheea keeo qokeey daiin ycheas y okeey keeokechy cthey daiin dy qokol cheor okoiin okeoy qoeey cheo r cheey qokeol cheal s aiin o cheol soiiin dair chey daiin o r ain or ain ol daiin qoaiin ol chkaiin daiin okar s air yl dairl
L4: panel f89r2, fourth group of labels
okain yorain ofakal otalsy ytarem otolarol