CSI Adelaide: Was Trayvon Martin murdered? 2013 weekly progress

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Weekly progress and questions

This is where you record your progress and ask questions. Make sure you update this every week. The deadline is every Friday evening. However, if you sometimes slip a little into the weekend (so long as you don't do it too often) we won't be too hard on your marks.

Please remember that we make use of this progress section to give you your project mark. Your mark will suffer if you don't complete this section.

Briefly record (i) progress, (ii) problems/questions, (iii) goals for following week.

Semester 1 Week 1


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Attended literature search training session with Kay Leverett
    • Briefly researched the information behind the murder of Trayvon Martin including listening to the 911 calls
    • Briefly reseached Techniques used for voice recognition
    • Attended "How will I be assessed in Honours?" lecture
  1. Goals for Week 2:
    • Meet with Supervisors Derek and Allison
    • Define the scope of the project based on the information gained from our meeting.
    • Begin researching technical approaches to the problem


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Had a literature search training session with Kay Leverett in the Barr Smith Library.
    • Briefly researched the case of the murder of Travorn Martin.
    • Listened to the 911 call with screams in the background.
  1. Goals for Week 2:
    • Meet with Derek and Andrew.
    • Define the scope of the project based on the information gained from our meeting.
    • Determine what software is necessary for our project.

Semester 1 Week 2


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Attended Risk Management lecture
    • Attended first meeting with supervisors Derek and Andrew
    • Used Audacity to separate screams from 911 calls and extract a speaking sentence of Zimmerman
    • Used Spek to generate spectrographs of the scream and Zimmerman speaking
  1. Goals for Week 3:
    • Organise Proposal seminar time
    • Approach University of Adelaide Theatre Guild to provide volunteers for sample screams and spaeking sentences
    • Compile Proposal Seminar


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Had first meeting with Derek and Andrew.
    • Downloaded and experimented with Audacity and Spek as well as a few other programs.
    • Initial attempt at obtaining a spectogram from the 911 call, using advice from Andrew.
  1. Goals for Week 3:
    • Organise proposal seminar time and content.
    • Arrange for University of Adelaide Drama Club to provide sample screams and vocal samples.

(Fill the rest in yourself)

Semester 1 Week 3

Andrew A.

Wrote some Matlab code to examine sound files as spectrograms. :-)


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Identified project goals and objectives
    • Conducted risk anaysis of project
    • Approached Theatre Guild regarding volunteers for Voice samples
    • Proposal development
  1. Goals for Week 4:
    • Generate powerpoint presentation for proposal
    • Run proposal draft past supervisors
    • Present project proposal
    • Confirm details with Theatre Guild for voice samples


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Compiled Gantt chart.
    • Identified project goals and objectives.
    • Identified team roles and responsibilities.
    • Approached Theatre Guild regarding volunteers for Voice samples.

  1. Goals for Week 4:
    • Generate powerpoint presentation based on the proposal we have written.
    • Present proposal and have it be a great success.
    • Begin obtaining voice samples (strictly legal means).
    • Confirm details with Theatre Guild for voice samples.

Semester 1 Week 4


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Collated information for Proposal presentation
    • Generated power point slides
    • Presented proposal to group
    • Borrowed Andrew's recording device
  1. Goals for Week 5:
    • Obtain scream and speech samples from Theatre Guild
    • Begin analysing samples
    • Further reasearch on zerocrossing


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Generated powerpoint presentation.
    • Presented proposal.
    • Endured scrutiny over design choices.
  1. Goals for Week 5:
    • Obtain scream samples from drama club.
    • Analyse them for spectogram samples.
    • Return Andrew's recorder as soon as possible.

Semester 1 Week 5

Stevie-Rose Treloar

  1. Week 5 Progress:
    • Discussed requirements for voice samples with Melanie from the Theatre Guild
    • Continued reasearch on zerocrossing and phonemes and collated technical papers
    • Confirmed required voice and scream sample types to be obtained from volunteers
  1. Goals for week 6:
    • Confirm date and time with Melanie from the Theatre Guild
    • Collect voice and scream samples from volunteers
    • Begin top level analysing speech samples

Klem Speck

  1. Week 5 Progress:
    • Analysed George Zimmerman's sample dialogue to determine what should be in samples obtained.
    • Obtained the various phonemes most commonly used in the english language in order to obtain samples of them from the drama club.
  1. Goals for week 6:
    • Collect samples from Drama Club volunteers.
    • Install relevant software on home computer.
    • Determine rough analysis of phoneme samples.

Semester 1 Week 6


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Theratre Guild have not responded as such delaying sample taking.
    • Klem, My Dad and myself provided samples of the 44 English Phonemes to provide samples to work from.
    • Separated phonemes and generated spectrograms of each one.

  1. Goals for Week 7:
    • Obtain samples from male work collegues including phonemes and normal speech samples
    • Follow up with Theatre Guild and look to set a date and time for sample obtainment
    • Begin zerocrossing analysis of obtained samples


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Drama club proving harder to pin down than first thought.
    • Recorded myself and Stevie and Stevie's dad saying 44 phonemes in the english language.
    • Isolated phonemes and obtained spectograms of each.

  1. Goals for Week 7:
    • Try out zerocrossing analysis on at least one phoneme.
    • Remind drama club about our sampling needs.
    • Obtain more samples from other male sources.

Semester 1 Week 7


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Continued to collect speech samples from male aquaintances
    • Developed list of speech samples required to be taken at next stage of project (Theatre Guild)
    • Developed zero-crossing technique and began to analyse phonemes
    • Researched other potential methods to analyse phonemes including Linear predictive coefficients (LPC)and Independent component analysis (ICA)
  1. Goals for Week 8:
    • Continue to analyse phonemes using zero-crossing and potentially formant or fundamental frequency analysis
    • Begin basic trial of support vector machine (SVM)
    • Follow up with Theatre Guild and look to set a date and time for sample obtainment


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Discovered Audacity's zero-crossing capabilities are limited to detecting where they occur.
    • Focused effort at analysing the phoneme 'a' as in sat.
    • Obtained more male samples.
    • Identified formants for all sample words taken so far.
    • Noted differences in samples obtained from different sources.
  1. Goals for Week 8:
    • Classify phoneme using zero crossing.
    • Attempt to classify differences between sources.

Semester 1 Week 8


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Developed MATLAB code to determine zero-crossing rate per specified frame size. Used 20 frames but will look to increase this later in the project,to increase accuracy.
    • Accuracy of MATLAB zero-crossing code was confirmed but need to take precaution in ensuring noise is not included (either zero out in audacity or define time range in MATLAB code)
    • Multiple voice samples are required of each test subject to confirm zero-crossing graph accuracy
    • Found code for short time energy
    • Continued research in other methods to analyse phonemes including Linear predictive coefficients (LPC)and Independent component analysis (ICA)
    • Not ready to work with support vector machine (SVM). Still require more work with the voice identifiers.
    • Followed up with the Theatre Guild. They are going to follow up with the relevant people and get back to us.

  1. Goals for Week 9:
    • Continue to analyse zero-crossing rate for voice samples and compare for distinguishing features between test subjects
    • Collect more voice samples, for each subject collect multiple recordings for testing
    • Test and confirm results of the short time energy MATLAB code
    • Think on how to best represent this data in the support vector machine (SVM)
    • Continue to follow up with Theatre Guild


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Attempted manual zero-crossing analysis, infeasible.
    • Recorded 50 samples of each phoneme personally for identification purposes.
    • Developed Matlab code to determine zero-crossing distribution rate.
    • Used Matlab code to acquire zero-crossing distribution rates for several phonemes.
  1. Goals for Week 9:
    • Continue acquiring zero-crossing distribution rates for more phonemes. Hopefully to be completed in the next few weeks.
    • Obtain more voice samples.

Semester 1 Week 9


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Concerns that there may not be enough distinguishable data for individual speakers from zero-crossing and short time energy
    • Began work on spectrogram processing, starting with formant identification
    • Not ready to work with support vector machine (SVM). Still require more work with the voice identifiers.
    • Followed up with the Theatre Guild. They are going to follow up with the relevant people and get back to us.

  1. Goals for Week 10:
    • Continue to analyse zero-crossing rate for voice samples and compare for distinguishing features between test subjects
    • Continue to develop spectrogram processing
    • Collect more voice samples, for each subject collect multiple recordings for testing
    • Think on how to best represent this data in the support vector machine (SVM)
    • Continue to follow up with Theatre Guild


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Still acquiring zero-crossing distribution rates for different phonemes, done 5/44.
    • Separating and isolating each sample taking longer than expected due to noise.
  1. Goals for Week 10:
    • Continue isolating samples and acquiring zero crossing distribution rates.

Semester 1 Week 10


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Began work on spectrogram processing, starting with formant frequency identification. Obtained MATLAB code, just need to confirm outputs are correct
    • Had supervisor meeting with Derek and Andrew
    • Not ready to work with support vector machine (SVM). Still require more work with the voice identifiers.

  1. Goals for Week 11:
    • Confirm outputs of formant frequency identification
    • Begin analysing and extracting pitch data from voice phoneme samples
    • Look for open source voice verification software to see techniques used
    • Continue to follow up with Theatre Guild
    • Book time and room for supervisor meeting in week 12


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Had a meeting with Derek and Andrew to keep them up to date.
    • Finished off isolating vowel phonemes so Stevie can start doing analysis.
    • Produced zero crossing distribution graph output to show Derek and Andrew next meeting.
  1. Goals for Week 11:
    • Look for open source software to see how professionals have accomplished speaker recognition.
    • Continue isolation of consonant phonemes.

Semester 1 Week 11


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Continued developing formant extraction in MATLAB. First formant frequency can be extracted but remaining two can not. Appears to be an issue with the bandwidth. Investigation ongoing.

  1. Goals for Week 12:
    • Fix issue with formant extraction MATLAB code
    • Begin Pitch evaluation
    • Begin comprising Semester A REport from data collated thus far


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Isolation of consonant phonemes continues.
    • Working on Matlab code to automatically obtain and plot zero-crossing information.
  1. Goals for Week 12:
    • Produce documentation for the Semester A Report.
    • Finish isolation of consonant phonemes. (or make majority of progress.
    • Complete working Matlab code for zero-crossing information.

Semester 1 Week 12


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Uploaded the text for the Report to the wiki page
    • Continued investigating why only the first formant is being extracted
    • No progress yet made with the pitch extraction phase
  1. Goals for Week 13:
    • Finalise the formant frequency method and begin extracting the data for a range of voice samples
    • Begin developing the pitch extraction technique


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Wrote portions of Semester A report to be finished next week.
    • Completed Matlab code for zero-crossing information.
  1. Goals for Week 13:
    • Continue isolation of consonant phonemes.
    • Design code for formant frequency method.

Semester 1 Week 13


  1. Week 13 progress:
    • Continued to upload and edit the text for the Report on the wiki page
    • Continued investigating why not all of the formants are being extracted
    • Had a meeting with the supervisors to discuss progress to date
  2. Goals for Week 14:
    • Finalise the formant frequency method and begin extracting the data for a range of voice samples
    • Begin developing the pitch extraction technique


  1. Week 13 progress:
    • Continued isolation of consonant phonemes.
    • Had a cold.

  1. Goals for Week 14:
    • Finish designing code for formant frequency method.
    • Develop code to automatically find formant frequencies.

Semester 1 Week 14


  1. Week 14 progress:
    • Continued to develop and de-bug MATLAB code for formant frequency extraction
    • Uploaded text and edited wiki page
  2. Goals for Week 15:
    • Finalise MATLAB code for formant frequency
    • Generate database of formant results including mutiple tests foreach indavidual and potential error rate of results
    • Continue to uploaded text and edit wiki page
    • View spectrogram for a scream


  1. Week 14 progress:
    • Designed code for formant frequency method.
    • Developed code to automatically find formant frequencies.
  1. Goals for Week 15:
    • Finish and polish code for formant frequency method.
    • Record screams and acquire spectrogram.
    • Look at formant frequencies for scream.

Semester 1 Week 15


  1. Week 15 progress:
    • Continue to evaluate the formant code in MATLAB

  1. Goals for Week 16:
    • Look at formant frequencies for different scream levels
    • Begin comparing formant frequency results bewteen indaviduals


  1. Week 15 progress:
    • Recorded screams to acquire spectrogram.
    • Finished code to find formant frequencies.
    • Found open source program Praat that can find formant frequencies more accurately and has a nicer GUI.
  1. Goals for Week 16:
    • Investigate Praat to see if its a good substitute for Matlab code.
    • Obtain more male vowel samples.
    • Look at formant frequencies for scream.

Semester 1 Week 16


  1. Week 16 progress:
    • Began working on support vector machine code and theories
    • Tidied up speech samples usung Audacity for input into the formant extraction code
  1. Goals for Week 17:
    • Continue to develop the SVM code
    • Obatin more speech samples from family and friends


  1. Week 16 progress:
    • Discovered Praat can find formants but less accurately than Matlab code.
    • Praat could be considered for speedier results but otherwise Matlab code is better.
    • Obtained male vocal sample and female vocal sample.
  1. Goals for Week 17:
    • Use Audacity to generate usable samples from new samples.
    • Obtain more samples where possible.

Semester 1 Week 17


  1. Week 17 progress:
    • Began developing support vector machine code in MATLAB for test scenarios
    • Collected speech samples from family and friends to use to test SVM
  1. Goals for Week 18:
    • Continue to develop SVM code
    • Continue to collect speech samples to allow a subsequent tetsing sample range
    • Tidy up speech sample for input to formant extraction code
    • Obtain database of formant frequencies for speech samples


  1. Week 17 progress:
    • Generated samples to be used with Matlab code.
    • Obtained more samples.

  1. Goals for Week 18:
    • Look at formant frequencies for screams.
    • Tidy new samples using Audacity.
    • Identify formants in new samples.

Semester 1 Week 18


  1. Week 18 progress:
    • Continued to develop support vector machine code in MATLAB for test scenarios
    • Collected speech samples from family and friends to use to test SVM
    • Began running samples obtained through formant extraction code to obtain formant frequencies. Created a database to record all results
    • Supervisor meeting
  2. Goals for Week 19:
    • Continue to develop SVM code
    • Continue to collect speech samples to allow a subsequent testing sample range


  1. Week 18 progress:
    • Identified formants in scream samples.
    • Discovered they are similar to spoken samples.
  1. Goals for Week 19:
    • Find out how screams are different to spoken samples.
    • Investigate links between screams and speech.

Semester 1 Week 19


  1. Week 19 progress:
    • Created testing phase code of SVM. Still requires refinement
    • Continued running voice samples obtained through formant extraction code, to obtain formant frequencies. Created a database to record all results
  2. Goals for Week 20:
    • Work to improve accuarcy of formant extraction code. Results only currently accurate to 1 decimal place due to time range analysed


  1. Week 19 progress:
    • Investigation of scream vs speech.
  2. Goals for Week 20:
    • Continue investigation of scream vs speech.
    • Process more samples to aid in investigation.

Semester 1 Week 20


  1. Week 20 progress:
    • Began writing updated components for the final report
    • Continued to research and develop the accuracy of the formant extraction code
  2. Goals for Week 21:
    • Continue to write components for the final report
    • Imrpove accuracy of the extraction code and re-run samples though it
    • Enquire with Acting groups outside the University of Adelaide, if anyone is willing to provide scream samples


  1. Week 20 progress:
    • Started work on the final report. Mainly background and the initial results sections.
    • Continued investigating screams vs speech. Trying to research previous works on the subject.
  2. Goals for Week 21:
    • Continue prepping final report.
    • Use previous works to finalise the relationship between screams and speech.

Semester 1 Week 21


  1. Week 21 progress:
    • Continued running speech samples for 'a' through formant extraction code
  2. Goals for Week 22:
    • Continue to extract data


  1. Week 21 progress:
    • Continued investigating the scream/speech connection.
    • Research returned unhelpful leads.
  2. Goals for Week 22:
    • Continue investigating the scream/speech connection.
    • Start accumulating material for the seminar.

Semester 2 Week 1, week starting 28/7/13


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Researched books and technical papers form the library to confirm chosen classification approach is the best option
    • Wrote project summary for exhibition
    • Continued to extract data from obtained voice samples and record in database
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • Submit project summary
    • Continue to extract data from obtained voice samples


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Progress on seminar powerpoint.
    • Continued investigation on scream/speech connection.
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • Attempt to finalise scream/speech connection.
    • Acquire more samples to have wider variety to play at seminar and exhibition.

Semester 2 Week 2, week starting 4/8/13


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Continued to research books and technical papers from the library to confirm chosen classification approach is the best option
    • Submitted project summary
    • Meeting with Supervisors
    • Continued to extract data from obtained voice samples and record in database
  2. Goals for Week 3:
    • Look to finalise the data extraction from voice samples and start extracing data from scream samples


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Progress on seminar powerpoint.
    • Continued investigation on scream/speech connection.
  2. Goals for Week 3:
    • Help Stevie extract data from scream samples.
    • Continue adding data to seminar powerpoint as it becomes available.

Semester 2 Week 3, week starting 11/8/13


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • All formant and pitch data extracted from obtained voice samples. Began extracting data from obtained scream samples
  2. Goals for Week 4:
    • Compare data extracted from scream samples to speech samples
    • Begin developing classification code for SVM and T-Test


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Gather more samples for screams.
  2. Goals for Week 4:
    • Help Stevie extract data from scream samples.
    • Continue adding data to seminar powerpoint as it becomes available.

Semester 2 Week 4, week starting 18/8/13


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Scream samples do not sit as close to the speech sample data range as hoped. After taking the averages of the data, there is a consistent increase in scream values for all subjects.
    • Investigation into T-Test shows that it may not be the best choice for classifying the data. After researching other statistical test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test looks promising.
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Write up code for SVM and KS-Test


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Use Stevie's results to aid investigation between screams and speech.
    • Visited Maths Learning Centre for help with probability functions.
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Help Stevie extract data from scream samples.
    • Continue adding data to seminar powerpoint as it becomes available.

Semester 2 Week 5, week starting 25/8/13


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Code developed fro both the KS-Test and SVM
    • Started some trial testing for speech samples only
    • Indetified that the 2D SVM developed would provide better results if it classified data in 3 dimensions
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Look to develop 3D SVM code
    • Begin classification of scream sample data


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Developed code for KS Tests and SVM.
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Trial testing for speech samples
    • Continue adding data to seminar powerpoint as it becomes available.

Semester 2 Week 6, week starting 1/9/13


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Continued to develop 3D SVM code
    • Began classification of scream samples data. Results were not as good as hoped.
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Look to apply the percentage increase to scream data to see if this improves classifiaction results
    • Continue to develop 3D SVM code


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Attempting 3D SVM code.
    • Scream samples not giving the results we'd hoped for.
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Scream/speech connection will try to be applied.
    • Continue adding data to seminar powerpoint as it becomes available.

Semester 2 Week 7, week starting 8/9/13


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Began compiling information from project to be included in final presentation
    • Continue to work on SVM Classification and KS-Test Classification
    • Continued to develop 3D SVM code
  2. Goals for Week 8:
    • Finish slides for presentaion
    • Finalise testing of SVM data outputs
    • Continue to develop 3D SVM code


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Worked on classifiers and 3D SVM code, having problems.
  2. Goals for Week 8:
    • Finalise presentation for seminar.
    • Finalise testing of SVM.

Semester 2 Week 8, week starting 15/9/13


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Outputs from KS-Test were completed
    • Outputs from SVM were completed however not as higher classification rate as desired based on inability to get 3D SVM code working
    • Prepared slides for final presentation
    • Compiled results into a easily displayable and understandable format
    • 3D SVM code was abandonned as the requirements for this to be executed in MATLAB is extensive. Freeware 3D SVM code was found and investigated but based on time requirements was put aside as the accuracy of the code could not be confirmed.
  2. Goals for Week 9:
    • Practice presentaion


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Interpreted results and finalised seminar presentation.
  2. Goals for Week 9:
    • Practice presentation.

Semester 2 Week 9, week starting 22/9/13


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Meeting with supervisors
    • Presented final presentation
  2. Goals for Week 10:
    • See if output resulys for scream data can be at all improved


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Presented final presentation. Went well.
  2. Goals for Week 10:
    • Try to gather more samples from different demographics.
    • Start to design exhibit.

Semester 2 Week 10, week starting 29/9/13


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Looked to improve scream classification results. Better SVM results were obtained but no improvement with KS-Test
  2. Goals for Week 11:
    • Begin tidying up results
    • Start to write up final report


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Gathered some samples.
  2. Goals for Week 11:
    • Tidy results.
    • Start final report and exhibition.

Semester 2 Week 11, week starting 6/10/13


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Continued to write up sections for the final report
    • Neatened up final results
  2. Goals for Week 12:
    • Continue to write final report


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Started final report draft.
  2. Goals for Week 12:
    • Continue report.
    • Design exhibit further.

Semester 2 Week 12, week starting 13/10/13


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Continued to write up sections for the final report
  2. Goals for Week 13:
    • Complete the write up for the final report


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Continued final report.
    • Started designing poster, using other posters as inspiration.
  2. Goals for Week 13:
    • Finish final report.
    • Finish poster

Semester 2 Week 13, week starting 20/10/13


  1. Week 13 progress:
    • Created and finished exhibition poster.
    • Supervisor meeting
    • Finished and handed up final report
  2. Goals for Week 14:
    • Conduct exhibiton
    • Finalise remaining deliverables - Youtube video and USB with all data from project


  1. Week 13 progress:
    • Finished everything off, poster, final report.
  2. Goals for Week 14:
    • Conduct exhibition.
    • Finish off youtube video.

Semester 2 Week 14, week starting 27/10/13


  1. Week 14 progress:
    • Conducted project Exhibition. I was pleased with how it went. Presented ourselves professionally and honourably. Indaviduals that came to the exhibition stall were impressed.
    • Supervisor meeting
  2. Goals for Week 15:
    • Complete the Youtube video
    • Finalise the close out of the project


  1. Week 14 progress:
    • Presented our exhibition.
    • Started youtube video.
  2. Goals for Week 15:
    • Complete youtube video.

Semester 2 Week 15, week starting 3/11/13


  1. Week 15 progress:
    • Finalised all components of the project for close out of the project
    • Finalised Youtube video
  2. Goals for Week 16:
    • No goals for week 16 as project is now completed


  1. Week 15 progress:
    • Completed youtube video.
    • Handed in USB with the whole project on it.
  2. Goals for Week 16:

See also
