Christophe Fumeaux
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Journal articles
[1] D. Headland, T. Niu, E. Carrasco, D. Abbott, S. Sriram, M. Bhaskaran, C. Fumeaux, W.Withayachumnankul, "Terahertz reflectarrays and nonuniform metasurfaces," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 4, art. no. 8500918, 2017, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
[2] N. P. Lawrence, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Planar triorthogonal diversity slot antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 1416–1421, 2017, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
[3] N. P. Lawrence, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Wideband substrate-integrated monopole antenna," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 1855–1857, 2016, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
[4] D. Headland, E. Carrasco, S. Nirantar, W. Withayachumnankul, P. Gutruf, J. Schwarz, D. Abbott, M. Bhaskaran, S. Sriram, J. Perruisseau-Carrier, and C. Fumeaux, "Dielectric resonator reflectarray as high-efficiency nonuniform terahertz metasurface," ACS Photonics, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 1019–1026, 2016, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia
[5] D. Headland, S. Nirantar, W. Withayachumnankul, P. Gutruf, D. Abbott, M. Bhaskaran, C. Fumeaux, and S. Sriram, "Terahertz magnetic mirror realized with dielectric resonator antennas," Advanced Materials, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 7137–7144, 2015, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[6] T. Niu, A. Upadhyay, W.Withayachumnankul, D. Headland, D. Abbott, M. Bhaskaran, S. Sriram, and C. Fumeaux, "Polarization-dependent thin-film wire-grid reflectarray for terahertz waves," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 107, No.3, Art. No. 031111, 2015, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[7] W. Withayachumankul, C. M. Shah, C. Fumeaux, B. S.-Y. Ung, W. J. Padilla, M. Bhaskaran, D. Abbott, S. Sriram, "Plasmonic resonance toward terahertz perfect absorbers," ACS Photonics, Vol. 1, pp. 625–630 2014, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[8] T. Niu, W. Withayachumnankul, A. Upadhyay, P. Gutruf, D. Abbott, M. Bhaskaran, S. Sriram, and C. Fumeaux "Terahertz reflectarray as a polarizing beam splitter," Optics Express, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 16148–16160, 2014, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[9] A. K. Horestani, J. Naqui, Z. Shaterian, Derek Abbott, C. Fumeaux, and F. Martín, "Two-dimensional alignment and displacement sensor based on movable broadside-coupled split ring resonators," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, Vol. 210, pp. 18–24, 2014, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[10] W. Withayachumankul, C. M. Shah, C. Fumeaux, B. S.-Y. Ung, W. J. Padilla, M. Bhaskaran, D. Abbott, S. Sriram, "Plasmonic resonance toward terahertz perfect absorbers," ACS Photonics, Vol. 1, pp. 625–630 2014, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[11] A. K. Horestani, D. Abbott, and C. Fumeaux, "Rotation sensor based on horn-shaped split ring resonator," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 3014–3015, 2013, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[12] W. Withayachumankul, C. M. Shah, C. Fumeaux, K. Kaltenecker, M. Walther, B. M. Fischer, and D. Abbott, "Terahertz localized surface plasmon resonances in coaxial microcavities," Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 443–448, 2013, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[13] A. K. Horestani, C. Fumeaux, S. F. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Displacement sensor based on diamond-shaped tapered split ring resonator," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1153–1160, 2013, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[14] W. Withayachumankul, K. Jaruwongrungsee, A. Tuantranont, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Metamaterial-based microfluidic sensor for dielectric characterization," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 189, pp. 233–237, 2013, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[15] W. Withayachumankul, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Near-field interactions in electric inductive–capacitive resonators for metamaterials," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 48, Art. No. 485101, 2012, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[16] A. K. Horestani, C. Fumeaux, S. F. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Split ring resonators with tapered strip width for wider bandwidth and enhanced resonance," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 450–452, 2012, Scholar Google hits ResearchGate
[17] C. Fumeaux, H. Lin, K. Serita, W. Withayachumnankul, T. Kaufmann, M. Tonouchi, and D. Abbott, "Distributed source model for the full-wave electromagnetic simulation of nonlinear terahertz generation," Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 16, pp. 18397–18414, 2012, ResearchGate
[18] L. Zou, D. Abbott, and C. Fumeaux, "Omnidirectional cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna with dual polarization," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 11, pp. 515–518, 2012, ResearchGate
[19] W. Withayachumankul, K. Jaruwongrungsee, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Metamaterial-inspired multichannel thin-film sensor," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 1455–1458, 2012, ResearchGate
[20] W. Withayachumnankul, H. Lin, K. Serita, C. M. Shah, S. Sriram, M. Bhaskaran, M. Tonouchi, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Sub-diffraction thin-film sensing with planar terahertz metamaterials," Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 3345–3352, 2012,
[21] B. S.-Y. Ung, C. Fumeaux, H. Lin, B. Fischer, B. W.-H. Ng, and D. Abbott, "Low-cost ultra-thin broadband terahertz beam-splitter," Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 4968–4978, 2012,
[22] W. Withayachumankul, K. Jaruwongrungsee, C. Fumeaux, D. Abbott, "Metamaterial-inspired multichannel thin-film sensor," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 1455–1458, 2011,
[23] W. Withayachumankul, C. Fumeaux, and D. Abbott, "Planar array of electric-LC resonators with broadband tunability," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 577–580, 2011,
[24] G. M. Png, C. Fumeaux, M. R. Stringer, R. E. Miles, and D. Abbott, "Terahertz scattering by subwavelength cylindrical arrays," Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 10138–10152, 2011.
[25] H. Lin, C. Fumeaux, B. S.-Y. Ung, and D. Abbott, "Comprehensive modeling of THz microscope with a sub-wavelength source," Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 5327–5338, 2011.