FSK Homework Assignment Questions

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Please feel free to use this page like a message board to ask any questions you like about the FSK homework assignment. Anyone can reply to a question, even other students.

Questions and Answers (Q&A)

Question 1

Answer 1:  :)

Question 2

Answer 2: <blah blah>

Question 3

To calculate the Noise Spectral Density in this assignment when compared to Assignment 1, we need to find the Energy per bits (Eb) correct? Was curious about this as there is no indication of Eb or Average power to calculate the Eb unless I am overthinking this aspect. Do we need Eb or average power to find the Noise Spectral Density of Assignment 2?

Extra Advice

  • Do not use symbolic variables in matlab for the assignment! You should only use symbolic variables in Matlab when you want to simplify an algebraic mathematical expression, such as factorising a polynomial, or finding the mathematical integral or derivative. This is usually not helpful for a simulation. In a simulation you should be using arrays of numbers. These numbers can either be real or complex. All integration and differentiation should be done numerically, e.g. we approximate integration by summing. Summing should be done just as if you were programming in some other language like C, i.e. use a loop. Differentiation is approximated by taking differences. Again, this is likely to be done in a loop.
  • Plotting graphs. It is ok to have your signal and noise traces on the same plot, provided they are easy to see. So plot each trace in a different colour, or in different line styles. However, for demonstrating your results, I would like to see at least one time domain plot and two probability of error plots. Further to this, 4-5 exploratory plots of your own choosing to demonstrate ownership of the assignment is sufficient.

See Also
