Is secure communications possible? 2014 weekly progress

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Weekly progress and questions

This is where you record your progress and ask questions. Make sure you update this every week. The deadline is every Friday evening. However, if you sometimes slip a little into the weekend (so long as you don't do it too often) we won't be too hard on your marks.

Please remember that we make use of this progress section to give you your project mark. Your mark will suffer if you don't complete this section.

Briefly record (i) progress, (ii) problems/questions, (iii) goals for following week.

Semester 1 Week 1


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Discussed Timing Based Encryption and project background at a meeting with Prof. Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn, and Yuanhao Liu (partner)
    • Attended Literature Search Training session at the library (Kay Leverett)
    • Began reading background information from various sources including last year's work on Timing Based Encryption
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • To read background information in relation to project
    • To finalise plans for the project
    • To prepare for the proposal seminar


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • met with professor Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn and Christopher Lau(partner) and discussed about project background such as One Time Pad, Time Based Encryption and Error Checking etc.
    • Attened Literature Search Trainging session at the library (Key Levertt).
    • Began to read background information about Time Based Encryption.
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • Keep reading fundermental documents relates to project.
    • Making an outline for the whole project.
    • Preparing the proposal seminar in week 3.

Semester 1 Week 2


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Dr James Chappell and Yuanhao Liu
    • Attended Risk Assessment Lecture and started work on proposal seminar
    • Proposed project work to include the construction of an eavesdropper and improvements to Timing Based Encryption (including efficiency, reliability and speed)
    • Begun analysing work done on Timing Based Encryption from last year's project
  2. Goals for Week 3:
    • Finish preparations for proposal seminar and to present it next week
    • Research background material on project including One-Time Pad and the Kish-Sethuraman cipher


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, James Chappell and Christopher Lau.
    • Decided what our project plan including construction of eavesdropper and improvements in encryption (efficiency, reliablity and speed).
    • Started work on proposal seminar.
  2. Goals for Week 3:
    • Finish proposal seminar.
    • Analyse what last year students did in Time Based Encryption.
    • Read more document relate to One Time Pad and Kish-Sethuraman cipher.
    • familiar with python.

Semester 1 Week 3


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Met with Prof Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn, and Yuanhao Liu
    • Will initially focus primarily on the construction of the eavesdropper
    • Presented at the Proposal Seminar
  2. Goals for Week 4:
    • Begin work on selecting components for the eavesdropper


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Regular meeting on Monday, talked about the draft of proposal seminar.
    • Using python worked on the example code.
    • Presentation about the final proposal seminar.
    • Signed each work of this project - I am mainly focus on encryption (software).
  2. Goals for Week4:
    • Master teh skill about python and work with the example code familiarly.
    • Deeply understand each part of the code and trying to type my own codes.
    • Preparing Hardware machine - Great Scott Gadgets.

Semester 1 Week 4


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Met with Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn, and Yuanhao Liu
    • Discussed hardware for the project including BeagleBoards
    • Continued analysing the Timing Based encryption code
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Finalise decision on hardware
    • Further analysis of Timing Based encryption code


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Met with Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn and Christopher Lau
    • Discussed about the hard and laboratory
    • Talked with two computers using example hardware
    • Using Matlab calculated the error rate
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Final decision on hardware
    • Further analysis on Time based encryption
    • Using Matlab calculates the bit error rate of the code which is captured from two computers

Semester 1 Week 5


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Met with Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn, and Yuanhao Liu
    • Decided upon hardware for the project
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Begin ordering parts for the project
    • To obtain output from an implementation of Timing Based Encryption and to use it for MATLAB analysis


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Christopher Lau
    • Decide the hardware for the project
    • Began using Matlab generates random codes and analyse the Bit Error between two codes
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Using Matlab to decrease the Bit Error by interation or other methods

Semester 1 Week 6


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, and Yuanhao Liu
    • Ordered parts for the project
    • Read literature on Cascade Algorithm
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Preliminary design for implementing Timing Based Key Encryption


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Christopher Lau
    • Decided the parts for the project
    • Well used "Parity Check" in matlab
    • Read the document about Cascade Algorithm
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Compare the "Parity Check" and Cascade Algorithm

Semester 1 Week 7


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, and Derek Abbott
    • Ordered further parts for the project
    • Updating Gantt Chart
  2. Goals for Week 8:
    • Finish updating Gantt Chart
    • Start work on operating the Cubieboard


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, and Derek Abbott
    • Ordered the further part of the Cubieboard
    • Updating the Gantt Chart
    • Solving the problem in Matlab - parity check and size problem
  2. Goals for Week 8:
    • Getting the mathmatical formulas to cluculate the Bit error Rate
    • Writting Progress report
    • Starting working on the cubieboard (waiting for the furter part, so unsure)

Semester 1 Week 8


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn and Yuanhao Liu
    • After some configuration issues, Timing Based Encryption was working on our 2 laptops
    • Updated Gantt Chart
  2. Goals for Week 9:
    • Begin writing Semester Report
    • Start work on operating the Cubieboard


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn and Christopher Lau
    • Successfully communicated with two computers and worked out Timing Based Encrytion
    • Read document "Secret-Key Reconciliation by Public Discussion" - while there are many areas which are not clear
  2. Goals for Week 9:
    • Solving the questions in the document
    • Begin generate code based on Cascade Algorithm

Semester 1 Week 9


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Met with Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn, and Yuanhao Liu
    • Begin implementing the cascade protocol
  2. Goals for Week 10:
    • Continue with implementation of the cascade protocol
    • Continue writing up semester report


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Met with Derek Abbott, Lachlan Gunn and Christopher Lau
    • Solved some questions about Cascade algorithm
    • Began generating codes based on Cascade
  2. Goals for Week 10
    • Continue writting code about Cascade algorithm
    • Preparing Progress Report

Semester 1 Week 10


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Derek Abbott and Yuanhao Liu
    • Continuing with implementing cascode protocol
  2. Goals for Week 11:
    • Finish implementation of cascode protocol
    • Write up substantial part of semester report


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Met with Lachla Cunn, Derek Abbott and Christopher Lau
    • Basically finished Cascade algorithm. using random number decide the block size and going through several passes
    • While there is a bug I think because the function works wrong after several times implementation
  2. Goals for Week 11:
    • Begin writing Progress report
    • Fix bug in the function (important)

Semester 1 Week 11


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Derek Abbott and Yuanhao Liu
    • Wrote up part of report
    • Started work on operating the Cubieboard
  2. Goals for Week 12:
    • Finish writing progress report


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Derek Abbott and Christopher Lau
    • Checked the efficiency of the Cascade Algorithm in different block size - the iteration time
    • Finished part of the Progress Report
  2. Goals for Week 12:
    • Finished the Progress Report

Semester 1 Week 12


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Derek Abbott and Yuanhao Liu
    • Finished writing progress report
    • Managed to operate the Cubieboard
  2. Goals for Mid-Year Break:
    • Design for timing part of software (may involve rewriting of existing Python code) and software to act as interface for the encrpytion


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Met with Lachlan Gunn, Derek Abbott and Yuanhao Liu
    • Finished writing progress report
    • generated some C++ code for communication between two computers
  2. Goals for Mid-Year Break:
    • Keep working on C++ code, try to finish the communication between two computers, moreover, put the Parity Check and Cascade codes into the C++ code. Making the encryption be reliable.

Semester 2 Week 1


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Uploaded Proposal Seminar in pdf format
    • Continue developing the ‘parity’ code into C++
    • Begun next phase of project – comparison between other forms of key exchange/encryption
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • Upload existing code into Cubieboard
    • Perform literature review of alternative forms of key exchange – both classical and quantum types


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • Continue developig the 'cascade' code into C++
    • Read the two documents
  1. Goals for Week 2:
    • Finish the code generating and check the working process

Semester 2 Week 2


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Successful working simulation of Timing Based Key Agreement code between Cubieboard and a notebook
  1. Goals for Week 3:
    • Implement information reconciliation and undergo further analysis on the bit stream generated from Timing Based Key Agreement code
    • Continue work on parity code
    • Finish reading the literature review on cascade.


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Successfully generated the cascade algorithm in c++, it works well with several tests
  1. Goals for Week 3:
    • Implement the result in graph to show the decrease of error rate
    • Try to implement the c++ and matlab together: matlab generates random numbers, then call the c++ function to correct errors, then implement the error rate graph.

Semester 2 Week 3


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Managed to obtain raw bits from the output of the existing Python code
    • Generated plots from performing information reconciliation of the raw bits
  1. Goals for Week 4:
    • Continue work on parity code
    • Finish reading the literature review on cascade.


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Tried to call Matlab from Visual C++, while it failed. The reason maybe the version of the Matlab in my laptop, there is a clash about redefinition.
    • Generating text files, then call them with Matlab and Visual C++. Finally it works well with random bits and can plot the error rate with Matlab.
  1. Goals for Week 4:
    • Try to generate the Eve's random bits
    • Keep working with the cascade algorithm and plotting

Semester 2 Week 4


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Continued work on an implementation of Binary
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Fix up issues with the Binary Implementation
    • Finish planning the network protocol


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Continue the implementation of Cascade
  1. Goals for Week 5:
    • finish the implementation
    • generate Eve's random bits

Semester 2 Week 5


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Preliminary version of network protocol has been planned
    • Sent TCP communications between Cubieboard and Laptop
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Begin implementation of network protocol
    • Analyse the finished cascade code


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Finish the implementation of cascade code with different block sizes
  1. Goals for Week 6:
    • Begin to build the network connection
    • Run the cascade in the network protocol

Semester 2 Week 6


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Code generated to obtain timing of packets
  1. Goals for Week 7:
    • Continue working on network protocol


  1. Week 6 progress:
    • Finish the error rate and efficiency plotting
    • Generate the C++ code for network communication, still need to work on it
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Keep working on network protocol
    • Update the plotting

Semester 2 Week 7


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Implemented Binary in Python
  1. Goals for Week 8:
    • Continue working on network protocol
    • Use existing network code on the Python implementation of Binary


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • The connection between server and client are built, they also can share information.
    • The cascade algorithm also can be added to the server and client cpp file, while there is a big problem that the function can be debug from Visual c++ software, while when I try to run the .exe application, it shows "error: vector subscribe out of range".
  1. Goals for Week 8:
    • Solve the biggest problem and finish the combination between cascade algorithm and network connection

Semester 2 Week 8


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Implementing the Blub Blub Shub pseudo-number generator so Alice and Bob can use a common seed more securely
  1. Goals for Week 9:
    • Finish implementing Blub Blub Shub pseudo-number generator
    • Use cubieboard to sniff out communication traffic between Alice and Bob


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Finished cascade algorithm for error correction between Alice and Bob
  1. Goals for Week 9:
    • Adding the pseudo-number program to the cascade algorithm
    • Trying to run the program in two computers

Semester 2 Week 9


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Successful simulation of cascade protocol on the network between two computers
    • Obtained packets from the traffic on the network using Wireshark
  1. Goals for Week 10:
    • Prepare for final seminar
    • Continue writing up final report


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Successful simulation of cascade protocol on the network between two computers
    • Finish the data analyse of the packets from the Wireshark
    • generated the code for Eve to do the cascade by using the data from Wireshark packets
  1. Goals for Week 10:
    • Finsh Eve's code before the next meeting
    • Finshing the Final seminar
    • keeping working on Final Report

Semester 2 Week 10


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Gave presentation on our project at the Final Seminar

  1. Goals for Week 11:
    • Fine tune software
    • Continue writing up the final report


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Finished the Eve's data analyse and code generation, on schedule.
    • Finished the Final Seminar Presentation.
  1. Goals for Week 11:
    • Keep working with the final report and finish it on time.
    • Keep testing whate we done before, making sure everything goes well.

Semester 2 Week 11


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Finished final report

  1. Goals for Week 12:
    • Continue with fine tuning software
    • Complete poster and attend the Project Exhibition


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Finished the final report
  1. Goals for Week 12:
    • Finish the poster before Monday
    • Keep testing all we done before, making sure all works during the exhibition
    • Prepare for the Project Exhibition

Semester 2 Week 12


  1. Week 12 progress:
    • Completed poster
    • Attended project exhibition
    • Uploaded YouTube video of project

  1. Goals for Week 13:
    • Tidy up and hand over all equipment to our supervisors and complete the closeout process


  1. Week 12 progress:
  1. Goals for Week 13:

See also
