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| person_name = Amir Ebrahimi
| person_name = Amir Ebrahimi
| image_name  = AmirEb.jpg
| image_name  = AmirEb.jpg
| birth_date  =  
| birth_date  = 1986
| birth_place = , Australia
| birth_place = Babol, Iran
| death_date  = <!--Alive -->
| death_date  = <!--Alive -->
| death_place = <!--Alive -->
| death_place = <!--Alive -->
| fields      = Microwave Engineering, Metamaterials, Microwave circuits, Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs)
| fields      = Microwave Engineering, Metamaterials, Microwave circuits, Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs)
| workplaces  = University of Adelaide
| workplaces  = University of Adelaide
| high_school = [[]]
| undergrad_university = University of Mazandaran
| undergrad_university = [[University of Adelaide]]
| undergrad_degree    = Electrical and Computer Engineering
| undergrad_degree    =  
| masters_university  = Babol University of Technology
| project_advisors    = <!--[[]]-->
| masters_degree      = Electronic Engineering
| masters_university  = <!--None-->
| masters_degree      = <!--None-->
| masters_advisors    = <!--None-->
| doctoral_university  = [[University of Adelaide]]
| doctoral_university  = [[University of Adelaide]]
| doctoral_degree      = {{nowrap|Electrical & Electronic Engineering ()}}
| doctoral_degree      = {{nowrap|Electrical & Electronic Engineering}}
| doctoral_advisors    = {{nowrap|[[Derek Abbott]]}}
| doctoral_advisors    = {{nowrap|[[Derek Abbott]]}}, {{nowrap|[[Said F. Al-Sarawi|Said Al-Sarawi]]}}, and {{nowrap|[[Withawat Withayachumnankul]]}}
| awards              = <!--None-->
'''Amir Ebrahimi'''  
'''Amir Ebrahimi''' was born in Babol, Iran, on 1986. He received the B.Sc. in electrical and computer engineering from University of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran, in 2008 and the M.Sc. in electronic engineering from Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran. From 2009 to 2012, he was a research assistant in Integrated Circuits Research Laboratory (ICRL), Babol University of Technology. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. His research interests include metamaterial-inspired microwave devices, microwave circuit design,
microwave filters and frequency selective surfaces. Mr. Ebrahimi is a recipient of an International Postgraduate Research (Ph.D.) Scholarship (IPRS), Adelaide University Scholarship (AUS) and Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) award for fabricating high performance microwave microfluidic sensors in collaboration with the Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia.
Amir Ebrahimi was born in Babol, Iran, on 1986. He received the B.Sc. in
==Bachelor's degree==
electrical and computer engineering from University
* University of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran.  
of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran, in 2008 and the M.Sc.
* Project: "Designing a Temperature Sensor with the Ability of Connecting to a PC Through a USB Port."
in electronic engineering from Babol University of
Technology, Babol, Iran. From 2009 to 2012, he was
a research assistant in Integrated Circuits Research
Laboratory (ICRL), Babol University of Technology.
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical
and electronic engineering at the University
of Adelaide, South Australia. His research interests
include metamaterial-inspired microwave devices, microwave circuit design,
microwave filters and frequency selective surfaces.
Mr. Ebrahimi is a recipient of an International Postgraduate Research
(Ph.D.) Scholarship (IPRS), Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) and Australian
National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) award for fabricating high performance
microwave microfluidic sensors in collaboration with the Ian Wark
Research Institute, University of South Australia.
==Master's degree ==  
==Bachelor's degree #1==
* Babol University of Technology (Analog Integrated Circuits Design). Total GPA 17.98/20.00 ~ (3.6/4).
* Project: "Nonlinear Analysis of Oscillation Amplitude and Phase Noise in CMOS LC Oscillators," under Prof. Hossein Miar-Naimi
* Project:
==Bachelor's degree #2==  
* Project:
==Doctoral degree==
==Doctoral degree==
* Electrical & Electronic Engineering (), University of Adelaide, Australia
* Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia
* Thesis: ''   ,'' under Derek Abbott  
* Thesis: [http://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au/personal/dabbott/theses/ADL_ebrahimi2016.pdf ''Metamaterial-inspired structures for microwave and terahertz applications,''] under [[Derek Abbott]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Withawat Withayachumnankul]]
* PhD Candidate, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Adelaide, SA, Australia (2012&ndash;Present)
* Research Assistant, Integrated Circuits Research Lab. (ICRL), Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran (2008&ndash;2011)
* Yarman-Carlin Best Paper Award, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, 2015
==Scientific genealogy==
* Simon Rockliff Scholarship, DSTO, 2015
* D. R. Stranks Fellowship, The University of Adelaide, 2014
* Australian National Nanofabrication Facility (ANFF) award, 2012
* Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), 2012
* International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), 2012
==Scientific genealogy==
* [http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=101078 Ebrahimi's math genealogy]
==Google Scholar profile==
==Google Scholar profile==
*[http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=D9Q8RKMAAAAJ Ebrahimi's Google Scholar profile]
*[http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=D9Q8RKMAAAAJ Ebrahimi's Google Scholar profile]
==Book chapters==
==Journal articles==
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]],  [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],  [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "Compact second-order bandstop filter based on dual-mode complementary split-ring resonator," ''IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,'' '''Vol.26''', No. 8, pp. 571&ndash;573, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2016.2585544 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Metamaterial-Inspired+Rotation+Sensor+With+Wide+Dynamic+Range&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:h-xndbdg2koC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281447525 ResearchGate]  [https://www.academia.edu/27576338 Academia]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Zhongxiang Shen|Z. Shen]],  [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],  [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Varactor-tunable second-order bandpass frequency-selective surface with embedded bias network," ''IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,''  '''Vol. 64''', No. 5, pp. 1672&ndash;1680, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2016.2537378
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Shruti Nirantar|S. Nirantar]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Madhu Bhaskaran|M. Bhaskaran]], [[Sharath Sriram|S. Sriram]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Second-order terahertz bandpass frequency selective surface with miniaturized elements," ''IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,'' '''Vol. 5,''' No. 5,  pp. 761&ndash;768, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TTHZ.2015.2452813 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Metamaterial-Inspired+Rotation+Sensor+With+Wide+Dynamic+Range&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:h-xndbdg2koC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281447525 ResearchGate]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "Metamaterial-inspired rotation sensor with wide dynamic range," ''IEEE Sensors Journal,'' '''Vol. 14,''' No. 8,  pp. 2609&ndash;2614, 2014, http://dx.doi.org10.1109/JSEN.2014.2313625 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Metamaterial-Inspired+Rotation+Sensor+With+Wide+Dynamic+Range&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:h-xndbdg2koC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261324156 ResearchGate]
==Journal articles==
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],[[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "High-sensitivity metamaterial-inspired sensor for microfluidic dielectric characterization," ''IEEE Sensors Journal,'' '''Vol. 14,''' No. 5,  p. 1345&ndash;1351, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2013.2295312 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=High-sensitivity+metamaterial-inspired+sensor+for+microfluidic+dielectric+characterization&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:RmcNAhKkducC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259479871 ResearchGate]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],[[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "High-sensitivity metamaterial-inspired sensor for microfluidic dielectric characterization," ''IEEE Sensors Journal,'' '''Vol. 14,''' No. 5,  pp. 1345&ndash;1351, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2013.2295312 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=High-sensitivity+metamaterial-inspired+sensor+for+microfluidic+dielectric+characterization&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:RmcNAhKkducC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259479871 ResearchGate]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. F. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "Compact dual-mode wideband filter based on complementary split-ring resonator," ''IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,'' '''Vol. 24,''' No. 3,  p. 152&ndash;154, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2013.2291869  [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Compact+Dual-Mode+Wideband+Filter+Based+on+Complementary+Split-Ring+Resonator+&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:w5CyTnyFq80C Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259289495 ResearchGate]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. F. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "Compact dual-mode wideband filter based on complementary split-ring resonator," ''IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,'' '''Vol. 24,''' No. 3,  pp. 152&ndash;154, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2013.2291869  [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Compact+Dual-Mode+Wideband+Filter+Based+on+Complementary+Split-Ring+Resonator+&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:w5CyTnyFq80C Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259289495 ResearchGate]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and [[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]], "Metamaterial-inspired rotation sensor with wide dynamic range," ''IEEE Sensors Journal,'' '''Vol. 14,''' No. 8,  pp. 2609&ndash;2614, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2014.2313625 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Metamaterial-Inspired+Rotation+Sensor+With+Wide+Dynamic+Range&btnA=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:h-xndbdg2koC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261324156 ResearchGate]
==Conference articles==
==Conference articles==
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],  and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''',
"Terahertz narrowband absorber based on miniaturized elements," ''Proc. 41th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,'' (IRMMW-THz), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 25&ndash;30, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758995
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Zhongxiang Shen|Z. Shen]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],  [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. F. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Tunable bandpass frequency selective surface with embedded biasing,"
''Proc. 2016 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications,'' (ICEAA), Cairns, Australia, September 19&ndash;23, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICEAA.2016.7731430
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]],  [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]],  [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. F. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Microwave microfluidic sensor based on microstrip-line-coupled complementary resonator,"
''Proc. 2016 IEEE 2nd Australian Microwave Symposium,'' (AMS),  Adelaide, Australia, February 11&ndash;12, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/AUSMS.2016.7593474
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Shruti Nirantar|S. Nirantar]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Madhu Bhaskaran|M. Bhaskaran]], [[Sharath Sriram|S. Sriram]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''',
"Terahertz bandpass frequency selective surface with improved out-of-band response,"
''Proc. 2015 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves'' (IRMMW-THz), 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2015.7327920
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Higher-order tunable frequency selective surface with miniaturized elements,"
''Proc. 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium'' (MMS), 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MMS.2015.7375452
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Microwave microfluidic sensor for determination of glucose concentration in water,"
''Proc. 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium'' (MMS), 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MMS.2015.7375441
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Second-order bandpass frequency selective surface for terahertz applications," ''Proc. 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves,'' (IRMMW-THz), Tucson, Arizona, September 14&ndash;19, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956237 [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&imq=Derek+Abbott&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:0iM-huCvmk0C&gmla=AJsN-F4l0SGEtAppbFhCOOZh9PpVHPvN9AA1HcC4P2MmQdNTrYk54DxIZl32i5JBQDnCRP9i3ya0iJT1jM_nRR2EwA-Wky8d3G3k1fzKXhNNFAFLmcoxCNE Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268523928 ResearchGate]
[[Amir Ebrahimi|A. Ebrahimi]], [[Pouria Yaghmaee|P. Yaghmaee]], [[Withawat Withayachumnankul|W. Withayachumnankul]], [[Christophe Fumeaux|C. Fumeaux]],[[Said F. Al-Sarawi|S. Al-Sarawi]], and '''[[Derek Abbott|D. Abbott]]''', "Interlayer tuning of X-Band frequency-selective surface using liquid crystal," ''Proc. IEEE 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference,'' (APMC 2013), Seoul, South Korea, November 5&ndash;8, 2013, p. 1118&ndash;1120, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APMC.2013.6695040  [http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=vqD_0uQAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&authuser=1&citation_for_view=vqD_0uQAAAAJ:w9ZB08sdvuUC Scholar Google hits] [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259357516 ResearchGate]
==Tutorials and other publications==
==Tutorials and other publications==
Advanced Design System (ADS) oscillator simulation tutorial by Amir Ebrahimi [[Media:OscillatorADS.pdf‎]]
Advanced Design System (ADS) oscillator simulation tutorial by Amir Ebrahimi [[Media:OscillatorsADS.pdf‎]]
==See also==
==See also==
Line 88: Line 118:
*[http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=D9Q8RKMAAAAJ Ebrahimi's GS profile]
*[http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=D9Q8RKMAAAAJ Ebrahimi's GS profile]
*[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amir_Ebrahimi5/ Ebrahimi's RG profile]
*[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amir_Ebrahimi5/ Ebrahimi's RG profile]
*[https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-ebrahimi-22966364/ Ebrahimi's LinkedIn profile]
*[https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0858-4958 Ebrahimi's ORCID]

Latest revision as of 16:45, 7 July 2018

Amir Ebrahimi
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Person_Name: Amir Ebrahimi
Birth_Date: 1986
Birth_Place: Babol, Iran
Fields: Microwave Engineering, Metamaterials, Microwave circuits, Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs)
Workplaces: University of Adelaide
Undergrad_University: University of Mazandaran
Undergrad_Degree: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Masters_University: Babol University of Technology
Masters_Degree: Electronic Engineering
Doctoral_University: University of Adelaide
Doctoral_Degree: Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Doctoral_Advisors: Derek Abbott, Said Al-Sarawi, and Withawat Withayachumnankul

Amir Ebrahimi was born in Babol, Iran, on 1986. He received the B.Sc. in electrical and computer engineering from University of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran, in 2008 and the M.Sc. in electronic engineering from Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran. From 2009 to 2012, he was a research assistant in Integrated Circuits Research Laboratory (ICRL), Babol University of Technology. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. His research interests include metamaterial-inspired microwave devices, microwave circuit design, microwave filters and frequency selective surfaces. Mr. Ebrahimi is a recipient of an International Postgraduate Research (Ph.D.) Scholarship (IPRS), Adelaide University Scholarship (AUS) and Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) award for fabricating high performance microwave microfluidic sensors in collaboration with the Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia.

Bachelor's degree

  • University of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran.
  • Project: "Designing a Temperature Sensor with the Ability of Connecting to a PC Through a USB Port."

Master's degree

  • Babol University of Technology (Analog Integrated Circuits Design). Total GPA 17.98/20.00 ~ (3.6/4).
  • Project: "Nonlinear Analysis of Oscillation Amplitude and Phase Noise in CMOS LC Oscillators," under Prof. Hossein Miar-Naimi

Doctoral degree


  • PhD Candidate, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Adelaide, SA, Australia (2012–Present)
  • Research Assistant, Integrated Circuits Research Lab. (ICRL), Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran (2008–2011)


  • Yarman-Carlin Best Paper Award, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, 2015
  • Simon Rockliff Scholarship, DSTO, 2015
  • D. R. Stranks Fellowship, The University of Adelaide, 2014
  • Australian National Nanofabrication Facility (ANFF) award, 2012
  • Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), 2012
  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), 2012

Scientific genealogy

Google Scholar profile

Journal articles

[1] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Compact second-order bandstop filter based on dual-mode complementary split-ring resonator," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol.26, No. 8, pp. 571–573, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2016.2585544 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate Academia

[2] A. Ebrahimi, Z. Shen, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Varactor-tunable second-order bandpass frequency-selective surface with embedded bias network," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 1672–1680, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2016.2537378

[3] A. Ebrahimi, S. Nirantar, W. Withayachumnankul, M. Bhaskaran, S. Sriram, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Second-order terahertz bandpass frequency selective surface with miniaturized elements," IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 761–768, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TTHZ.2015.2452813 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

[4] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Metamaterial-inspired rotation sensor with wide dynamic range," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 2609–2614, 2014, http://dx.doi.org10.1109/JSEN.2014.2313625 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

[5] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul,S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "High-sensitivity metamaterial-inspired sensor for microfluidic dielectric characterization," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 1345–1351, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2013.2295312 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

[6] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. F. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Compact dual-mode wideband filter based on complementary split-ring resonator," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 152–154, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2013.2291869 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

[7] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Metamaterial-inspired rotation sensor with wide dynamic range," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 2609–2614, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2014.2313625 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

Conference articles

[8] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, and D. Abbott, "Terahertz narrowband absorber based on miniaturized elements," Proc. 41th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, (IRMMW-THz), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 25–30, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2016.7758995

[9] A. Ebrahimi, Z. Shen, W. Withayachumnankul, S. F. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Tunable bandpass frequency selective surface with embedded biasing," Proc. 2016 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, (ICEAA), Cairns, Australia, September 19–23, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICEAA.2016.7731430

[10] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. F. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Microwave microfluidic sensor based on microstrip-line-coupled complementary resonator," Proc. 2016 IEEE 2nd Australian Microwave Symposium, (AMS), Adelaide, Australia, February 11–12, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/AUSMS.2016.7593474

[11] A. Ebrahimi, S. Nirantar, W. Withayachumnankul, M. Bhaskaran, S. Sriram, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Terahertz bandpass frequency selective surface with improved out-of-band response," Proc. 2015 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2015.7327920

[12] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Higher-order tunable frequency selective surface with miniaturized elements," Proc. 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MMS.2015.7375452

[13] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Microwave microfluidic sensor for determination of glucose concentration in water," Proc. 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MMS.2015.7375441

[14] A. Ebrahimi, W. Withayachumnankul, S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Second-order bandpass frequency selective surface for terahertz applications," Proc. 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, (IRMMW-THz), Tucson, Arizona, September 14–19, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956237 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

[15] A. Ebrahimi, P. Yaghmaee, W. Withayachumnankul, C. Fumeaux,S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, "Interlayer tuning of X-Band frequency-selective surface using liquid crystal," Proc. IEEE 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, (APMC 2013), Seoul, South Korea, November 5–8, 2013, p. 1118–1120, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APMC.2013.6695040 Scholar Google hits ResearchGate

Tutorials and other publications

Advanced Design System (ADS) oscillator simulation tutorial by Amir Ebrahimi Media:OscillatorsADS.pdf‎

See also

External links
