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(Weekly progress and questions)
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# Week 1 work:
# Week 1 progress:
#* First Meeting with Aidan and Derek
#* Introduction to the 'wiki' site
#* Watched the ABC report on the 2009 project
#* Attended to the Literature Search Training Session with Aidan, ran by Kay Leveret in the Barr Smith Library
# Goals for Week 2:
# Goals for week 2:
#* Perform more research on previous year's projects
#* Start work on Proposal Seminar presentation
#* Burn a copy of last years work for Aidan and I.
#* Review the project goals put forward by Derek in the meeting.
# Work Done this Week
# Week 1 progress:
#* Initial meeting with Steven and Derek
#* First Meeting with Thomas & Derek
#* Had a brief read of 2009/10 Final Reports
#* Introduction to wiki page
#* Watched ABC Documentary of the Somerton Man case
#** Researched background to project
#* Watched the 2010 group's YouTube video.
#** Attended Literature Search Training session with Thomas, run by Kay Leverett
# Goals for Next Week
# Goals for Week 2:
#* Detailed examination of Previous Years' work
#* Read through wiki pages for previous years
#* Begin preparation of Proposal Seminar - to be presented in week 3.
#* Start proposal seminar
#* Identify the Tasks and Paths of the project
#** Create Work Breakdown Structure
#** Divide up tasks between team members and assign deliverables to tasks
=== Semester 1 Week 2===
=== Semester 1 Week 2===
# Week 2 work:
# Week 2 progress:
#* Attended meeting with Patrick and David Knight from the CS School
#* Began work on Proposal Seminar
#** Discussed Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher implementation options and difficulties
#* Researched more into the case
#** Provided with additional resources for internet programming
#* Met up with Aidan to confirm our approach to the project
#* Attended Occupational Health and Safety Lecture with Braden Phillips and Stephen Guest
#* Confirmed with Derek to obtain links to relevant information on the project  
#** Clarified requirements for project risk assessment and OH&S risk assessment for progress reports
# Goals for Week 3:
#* Patrick and I planned the project approach
#* Finalise and present Proposal Seminar
#** Established project work breakdown structure and proposed schedule
#* Review more into previous work
#* Analysed the Final Reports of the 2009 and 2010 projects, attention towards;
#* Plan out strategy for working through the project
#** Understanding their procedures and results
#** Develop ideas for improvement or extension
#* Started work on Proposal Seminar
# Goals for week 3:
#* Prepare a gantt chart to represent proposed project schedule
#* Complete and present Proposal Seminar on Friday 18/03/11
# Work Done this Week
#* Meeting with David Knight from the CS School
#** Discussed Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher implementation options and difficulties
#* Detailed analysis of 2009/10 Final Reports - Purpose to:
#** Summarise the main findings
#** Identify any areas missed in previous years.
#* Drew up Work Breakdown Structure and planned project approach
#* Started work on the Proposal Seminar.... Due to be presented next week
# Goals for Next Week
#* Complete and PRESENT Proposal Seminar
#* Begin work on verifying previous years' results
# Week 2 progress:
#* Began work on proposal seminar
#* Reviwed previous years' wiki pages
#* Met up with Thomas
# Goals for Week 3:
#* Finish proposal seminar
#* Break down project into individual tasks
#* Obtain access to an SVN repository for project backing up
=== Semester 1 Week 3===
=== Semester 1 Week 3===
# Week 3 work:
# Week 3 progress:
#* Work this week was devoted to the Proposal Seminar
#* Finished off Proposal Seminar
#* Prepared gantt chart representing project schedule
#* Presented the Proposal Seminar with Aidan to Derek
#* Attended meeting with Patrick and Derek
#* Researched into aspects of the 2011 project, and the improvements required
#** Main focus on preparing Proposal Seminar
#* Began looking into enquiring a 3d camera for reconstruction aspect of project
#* Completed and presented Proposal Seminar with Patrick – only one attendee, Derek
#* Set up an SVN for use in the project.
# Goals for week 4:
# Goals for Week 4:
#* Establish software development environment on my laptop.
#* Begin reviewing and confirming previous results from project
#* Begin review of 2009 and 2010 software development
#* Enquire further into obtaining a 3d camera
#* Begin work on the Stage 1 Progress Report
#* Plan out the progress, and milestone required for the project.
#*  Look into Matthew's idea about using Amazon EMR
# Work Done this Week
# Week 3 progress:
#* Spent the majority of the week working on the Proposal Seminar
#* Drafted Project outline and Gantt Chart
#* Had a meeting with Derek regarding Proposal Seminar
#* Finished proposal seminar
#* Downloaded and installed JDK and Java Eclipse on Laptop as a working/development environment for project work
#* Presented proposal seminar with Thomas to Derek
#* Presented our Proposal Seminar! ... to one person, Derek. They don't know what they missed!
#* Set up SVN repository to store work
# Goals for Next Week
#* Looked into acquiring 3D camera for image reconstruction
#* More work on Verifying previous results.
# Goals for Week 4:
#* Begin code for text parser - the core of the pattern matcher
#* Begin review of previous years' work
#* Start work on the Stage 1 Progress Report... does documentation ever end?
#* Research alternative 3D cameras
=== Semester 1 Week 4===
=== Semester 1 Week 4===
# Week 4 progress:
#*  Discussed Amazon EMR, decided to differ for the now
#*  Looked into the 3D camera, and other modeling software
#*  Reviewed previous languages from past work
# Goals for Week 5:
#*  Discuss division of project
#*  Look into further languages to review
# Week 4 work:
# Week 4 progress:
#* Began work on the Stage 1 Progress Report – due Friday Week 5
#* Discussed Amazon EMR, decide against for the time being
#* Established a SVN repository for the project
#* Compared Somerton Man code to initial letters of English language (Oxford English dictionary)
#** For use by Patrick and I as a code exchange point
#* Compared Somerton Man code to initial letters for 100 most common English words
#* Under Linux installed Java IDE for project use and establish a project working environment
#* Compared Somerton Man code to initial letters for 1000 most common English words
#* Brief review of 2010 “web crawler” code
# Goals for Week 5:
# Goals for week 5:
#* Discuss division of project
#* Requirements for another course will restrict my available time in Week 5
#* Complete Stage 1 Progress Report including integration onto wiki page
#* Continue with previous project software investigation if time permits
# Work Done this Week
#* Began preparation of the Stage 1 Prog Report, due end of next week
#* Created simple text parser to work from.
#** Current ability:
#*** removes punctuation
#*** converts all letters to lowercase.
#** Successfully tested on a Rubaiyat text file!
# Goals for Next Week
#* Complete Stage 1 Progress Report and Submit/Put on wiki
#* Continue with text parser work
=== Semester 1 Week 5===
=== Semester 1 Week 5===
# Week 5 progress:
#*  Discussed how the project will be divided up with Aidan
#*  Began looking into further languages to compare to the code
#*  Discussed Cyrillic languages and the possible use of them
# Goals for Week 6:
#*  Review Cypher GUI
#*  Review PM Scanner and 123D Catch
# Week 5 work:
# Week 5 progress
#* Limited availability this week due to requirements for another course
#* Test run of webcrawler
#* Worked heavily focused on the Stage 1 Progress Report
#* Discussed eliminating Eastern European languages as possibilities with Tom
#** Integrated contributions from Patrick and myself and submitted to MyUni
#* Looked into transliteration of Cyrillic languages
# Goals for week 6:
# Goals for Week 6:
#* Complete Stage 1 Progress Report
#* Make webcrawler interface more user-friendly
#* Integrate Stage 1 Progress Report onto the wiki page
#* Technical work:
#** Begin formulation of cipher scheme testing that will extend on results from 2009 and 2010
#** Begin exploration of additional cipher schemes that can be tested
#*** Summarise methodology for testing validity
# Work Done this Week
#* Lots of work on Stage 1 Progress Report
#* Submitted a semi complete copy to MyUni
#* Drew up design plans for pattern matcher and web crawler, and their integration
# Goals for Next Week
#* Finish Stage 1 Progress Report
#* Post up proper Stage 1 Progress Report onto the Wiki
#* Spotted a gap in Documentation - next one not due til week 12! Time for some proper work.
#** Look into statistically analysing some results gathered last year.
#** Continue work on text parser, start adding pattern matching features.
=== Semester 1 Week 6===
=== Semester 1 Week 6===
# Week 7 progress:
#*  Decided against using the PM Scanner and 123D Catch, as the software didn't meet the requirements for the project
#*  Corresponded with Henry Hu about Laser Safety
#*  Ordered DAVID-Laserscanner
# Goals for Week 7:
#*  Meet up with Henry to find out about Risk Assessment and SOPs
#*  Convert the language texts into a usable format
# Week 6 work:
# Week 6 progress
#* Completed and integrated the Stage 1 Progress Report to the project wiki page. See the link Patrick has provided below.
#* Wrote Java program to analyse frequencies of letters in text documents
#** Learnt valuable wiki syntax and semantics
#* Ordered laser scanner kit
#* Formulated cipher scheme tests that will extend the results from 2009 and 2010
# Goals for Week 7:
#* Identified possible additions to the cipher “cross-off list”
#* Look into doing risk assessment and SOPs for laser safety
# Goals for week 7:
#* Meet with Derek and Patrick and plan availability and work for the mid-semester break
#* Begin implementation and testing of cipher schemes that will extend the results from 2009 and 2010
#* In collaboration with Patrick, begin implementation and testing additional cipher schemes for use in the “cross-off” list
#* Get a good result on my Engineering Management test.
# Work Done this Week
#* Stage 1 Progress Report, Stage 1 Progress Report and more Stage 1 Progress Report. The completed report has been formatted for the Wiki site and is now available [[Stage 1 Design Document 2011|here]].
#* Developed a plan to analyse the pattern matching results gathered in 2010. Unfortunately it relies on a working pattern matcher to gather more data, which leads to:
#* Further development of pattern matching software. An Initialise function has been added and pattern matching features are currently being designed.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Continue work on text parser/pattern matcher
#* Start testing Ciphers on the Cipher Cross-Off list
#* Set up a plan with Steven/Derek as to what we plan to achieve over the mid-semester break
#* Get a good result in my Financial Institutions Management test.
=== Semester 1 Week 7===
=== Semester 1 Week 7===
# Week 7 progress:
#*  Discussed Risk Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with Aidan and Henry
#*  Began downloading Tower of Bible verses in multiple languages
# Goals for Week 8:
#*  Finalize the language texts
#*  Convert into Frequency format to review with SM Code
# Week 7 work:
# Week 7 progress
#* Attended a meeting with Derek and Patrick and summarised the work completed to date and intentions for the mid semester break
#* Discussed Risk Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures with Tom and [http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/wing.ho@student Henry Ho]
#* Patrick and I finalised use of the Cipher Cross-Off List as the means for presenting and centralising results of continued 2009 project cipher scheme testing. Specific page to be added to wiki by Patrick.
# Goals for Week 8:
#* Investigated one cipher scheme from the “Cipher Cross-Off list”. Results provide more thorough proof of conclusions from 2009
#* Draft Risk Assessment
# Goals for “break”:
#* Draft SOPs
#* Begin detailed research into web-crawler implementations – ensuring there is compatibility with Patrick’s pattern matcher software
#* Refine Java program to output CSV (Comma Separated Values) file
#* Examine at least one more cipher on the Cipher Cross-Off list – results will be added to the page created by Patrick
#* Investigate possible additional university computer resources for use in developmental testing
# Work Done this Week
#* Worked on text parser some more, developed a version that is capable of analysing the structural statistics of the Rubaiyat.
#* Used Text parser to gather statistics on the Rubaiyat. Results indicate that the code and the poems inside are NOT structurally related. See reports (to come) for further details.
#* Set up the wiki [[Cipher Cross-off List|Cipher Cross-off List!]]
#* Had a meeting with Derek and Steven to go through our work done so far and to plan out work for the next period.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Test one cipher identified on the Cipher Cross-Off list
#* Further development of the Text Parser/Pattern Matcher
#* Look into creating a closed web environment in which our Web Crawler can be safely tested.
#* Enjoy my "holidays"
=== Semester 1 Mid-Semester Break===
# Mid-semester break work:
#* Detailed examination of code used in cipher scheme testing for 2009 project
#* Completed testing of two more cipher schemes from the Cipher Cross-off List – results yet to be added to project wiki
#* Investigated potential web crawler implementations – research documentation needs further compilation
#* For the purposes of future testing contacted Braden Phillips and learnt how to apply for access to the university servers for additional computing power
# Goals for week 8:
#* Add results of cipher scheme testing to the project wiki
#* Test another cipher identified on the Cipher Cross-off list
#* Further investigation of web crawler implementations. In addition, update supporting documentation
#* Meet with Patrick and discuss compatibility of current web crawler options with regard to the pattern matcher software
# Work Done this Fortnight
#* Tested and disproved a cipher on the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Alphabet Reversal Cipher|Alphabet Reversal Cipher]].
#* Started modifying text parsing code for html style web pages.
#* Researched web crawling requirements and created a broad web crawler/text parser concept document.
#* Looked into test environments for help in developing the web crawler and identified two possible options:
#** A closed environment in a local directory
#** Limit the crawling to only pages starting with the start URL. E.g. if the start URL is http://www.adelaide.edu.au, then it should only crawl websites starting with this address – no outside websites.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Test another cipher on the cross-off list.
#* Begin the development of a test environment for the web crawler.
#* More development on the text parser/pattern matcher.
=== Semester 1 Week 8===
=== Semester 1 Week 8===
# Week 8 work:
# Week 8 progress:
#* Met with Patrick and concluded pattern matcher implementation can be adapted to any web crawler implementation
#* Helped Aidan with draft Risk Assessment
#* Tested another cipher on the Cipher Cross-off list – results yet to be added to wiki with Shift Cipher (Caesar Cipher) results and Auto-Key Cipher results.
#* Finished downloading all 85 languages into text files
#* Web crawler investigation postponed to week 9 pending limited availability.
# Goals for Week 9:
# Goals for week 9:
#* Begin reviewing and confirming previous results from project
#* Test another cipher on the cross-off list
#* Further web crawler investigation and supporting document development
# Week 8 progress
#* Research HTML coding language for purpose of providing a personal web crawler testing environment
#* Drafted a Risk Assessment
#* Complete a document summarising web crawler findings and development to week 10 – to be completed over week 9 and 10.
# Goals for Week 9:
#* Draft SOP
# Work Done this Week
#* Disproved another cipher on the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#ADFGVX Cipher|ADFGVX Cipher]].
#* Began design and development of pattern-matching code and strategies.
#* Created a simple test environment for Web Crawl testing. It is a closed environment in a local directory containing multiple pages.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Test another cipher on the cross-off list.
#* Evaluate the pattern matching code developed by last year's group and produce a document summarising their efforts.
#* Continue the development of our own pattern-matching algorithms and code.
=== Semester 1 Week 9===
=== Semester 1 Week 9===
# Week 9 work:
# Week 9 progress:
#* Tested and disproved another cipher scheme on the Cipher Cross-off List – the VIC Cipher
#* Coded out program to produce frequency analysis of all the language files
#* Began document summarising web crawler findings of 2010
#* Began converting analysis into graphs
#* Researched and implemented a small local HTML environment. Further expansion required for web crawler testing.
# Goals for Week 10:
# Goals for week 10:
#* Finalize conversion of analysis
#* Begin Stage 2 Progress Report in accordance with planned schedule
#* Code program to take first letter of each of the languages files
#* Complete development of web crawler summarising document
#* Repeat analysis with new data
#* Compile formal summarising document of the ciphers on Cipher Cross-off List tested thus far
# Work Done this Week
# Week 9 progress
#* Disproved another cipher on the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Affine Cipher|Affine Cipher - Proof here]]. Resultant output of code has been uploaded [[Media:Affine_output.rar|here.]]
#* Drafted a Standard Operating Procedure
#* Examined and evaluated the 2010 pattern matching code - internal document produced.
# Goals for Week 10
#* Designed algorithm for Exact pattern matching function.
#* Work on Risk Assessment & Standard Operating Procedures
# Goals for Next Week
#* Meet up with Tom and Derek, Tom and Henry
#* Test another cipher on the cross-off list.
#* Implement design of Exact pattern matching function.
#* Design 'wildcard' pattern matching function.
#* Begin work on the Stage 2 Progress Report as per Gantt Chart schedule.
=== Semester 1 Week 10===
=== Semester 1 Week 10===
# Week 10 work:
# Week 10 progress:
#* In accordance with the planned schedule began compilation of the Stage 2 Progress Report
#* Finialised the RA
#* Compiled formal documentation of 2010 web crawler implementation
#* Met up with Aidan and Henry to discuss RA and SOP
#* Worked on a document to summarise findings of cipher investigations for Cipher Cross-off List
#* Met up with Aidan and Derek to discuss current progress
# Goals for week 11:
#*  Continued processing the frequency analysis data
#* Continue Stage 2 Progress Report as per the Gantt Chart
# Goals for Week 11:
#* Prepare an updated Gantt Chart for use in the Stage 2 Progress Report
#* Continue processing frequency analysis data
#* Get a copy of developmental software from Patrick – for use in document/presentation preparation
#* Repeat results for initial frequency analysis
#* Test another cipher on the cross-off list
#* Continue development of the cipher investigation documentation
# Week 10 progress
#* Update Cipher Cross-off List wiki page
#* Met up with Tom and Derek to discuss progress
#* Met up with Tom and Henry to review RA and SOP
#* Updated SOP and RA
# Work Done this Week
#* Submitted SOP and RA to [http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/stephen.guest Stephen Guest] for acceptance
#* Discounted another cipher on the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Two-square Cipher|Two-square Cipher]].
# Goals for Week 11
#* Coded up and tested algorithm for Exact pattern matching function.
#* Start on Progress Report
#* Began design of next pattern-matching algorithm, the 'wildcard' matcher.
#* Contact Computer Science department regarding accessible web index data
#* Started documentation of Stage 2 Progress Report.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Identify and test another cipher for the cross-off list.
#* Complete design and begin implementation and test of wildcard pattern matching function.
#* Continue work on the Stage 2 Progress Report.
=== Semester 1 Week 11===
=== Semester 1 Week 11===
# Week 11 work:
# Week 11 progress:
#* Investigated another cipher on the cipher cross-off list – the Bifid cipher
#* Set up mean and standardised analysis of frequency data
#* Continued Stage 2 Progress Report in accordance with planned schedule
#* Set up mean and standardised analysis of initial frequency data
#* Continued cipher investigation documentation
#* Drafted Progress Report
#* Prepared updated Gantt Chart for use in the Stage 2 Progress Report
# Goals for Week 12:
# Goals for week 12:
#* Finish Progress Report
#* Update cipher investigation documentation to include Bifid Cipher
#* Complete and submit Stage 2 Progress Report
# Week 11 progress
#* Attend meeting with Derek and Patrick and summarise work completed to date and intentions for the mid-year break
#* Recoded Java program to extract frequencies of initial letters
#* Meet with Patrick and get a copy of developmental software
#* Ran Java program, initial letter frequencies stored in text file
#* Imported text file into Excel for data analysis
#* Drafted Progress Report
# Work Done this Week
#* Contacted Brad Alexander and Hong Shen in CS department regarding accessible web index data
#* Disproved another cipher on the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Rail Fence Cipher|4-rail Rail Fence Cipher]].
#* Organised SVN Repository
#* Added and tested wildcard letter feature to Exact pattern matching function.
# Goals for Week 12
#* Stage 2 Progress Report reportedly progresses.
#* Finish Progress Report
# Goals for Next Week
#* Identify and test another cipher for the cross-off list.
#* Design (and maybe begin implementation) of the next function for the pattern matching software - likely to be Generic Pattern Matcher - e.g. search for $%$% pattern returns ABAB, CDCD, GDGD etc.
#* Continue work on the Stage 2 Progress Report.
#* Complete and submit Stage 2 Progress Report.
#* Set up meeting with Steve and Derek to discuss progress and plans for the mid-year break.
=== Semester 1 Week 12===
=== Semester 1 Week 12===
# Week 12 work:
#Week 12 progres
#* Attended a meeting with Derek and Patrick, reviewed Stage 2 Progress Report and planned work for the Mid-year break.
#* Completed Progress Report
#* Work heavily oriented towards Stage 2 Progress Report
# Goals for Week 1 Semester 2
#** Report should now be available on wiki
#* Collect David Laser Scanner
#* Completed analysis of another cipher - the Trifid Cipher
#* Install and test the software
#* Obtained copy of developmental software from Patrick
#* Test scanner on a small object
#** Successfully installed!
#* Light beginning to flicker at the end of the tunnel...
# Goals for "break":
#* Test at least one cipher per week following exams
#* Adapt cipher analysis code for use with Cipher GUI
#* Implement Web Crawler prototype
#* Begin preparation of Poster and Final Seminar
#* Write up some ideas for the project video
#* Attend Somerton Man exhbition at the Bay Discovery Centre with Patrick
# Work Done this Week
# Week 12 progress
#* Met with Derek and Steven regarding Stage 2 Progress Report and work for the mid semester break.
#* Completed Progress Report
#* Completed structural and statistical tests on the Rubaiyat.
# Goals for Week 1 Semester 2
#* Spent many an hour working on Stage 2 Progress Report
#* Collect Laser Scanner
#* Handed up said report.
#* Install Laser Scanner software
# Goals for Mid-Year Break
#* Project Description and Image for [http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/braden.phillips Braden Phillips]
#* Identify and test multiple ciphers for the cross-off list.
#* Design, implement and test all of the remaining functions for the pattern matching software.
#* Work with Steven on the Web Crawler.
#* Implement Affine Cipher on Cipher GUI
#* Look at possibility of adding frequency plot graphs to the Cipher GUI.
===Mid-Year Break===
# Mid-year break work:
#* Attended “The Body on the Beach” exhibition at the Bay Discovery Center
#* Implemented following ciphers on Cipher GUI:
#** Auto-key Cipher
#** Bifid Cipher
#** Caesar Cipher
#** Hill Cipher
#** Trifid Cipher
#** Vigenere Cipher
#* Added functionality to the cipher GUI:
#** Modified layout to include areas for cipher information and letter frequency graphs
#** Load and storing of plaintext or ciphertext
#** Added information area about cipher techniques
#* Investigated several different prototype web crawlers
#* Investigated for the cipher cross-off list – the Rotary Phone Dial Cipher and the Nihilist Cipher
#* Acquired additional resources for the preparation of Poster(s)
# Goals for week 1:
#* Test another cipher for the cross-off list
#* Investigate and implement letter frequency graphs for integration into Cipher GUI
#* Meet with Patrick to review and reassess project schedule
#* If time permits - conduct further investigation of the web crawler prototypes to assess suitability
#** Findings to be documented accordingly
# Work Done over Break
#* Added and ruled out several ciphers on the [[Cipher Cross-off List|Cipher Cross-off List]], including the Atbash Cipher, Baconian Cipher and Number-based ciphers
#* Completed all the Pattern Matching functions.
#** These include:
#*** ExactMatch - to detect exact String matches, e.g. a search for "ABAB" is successful in "Kebab ahoy!"
#*** ExactMatchInitial - the same as ExactMatch but only uses initial letters in detections
#*** PatternMatch - to detect patterns in Strings, e.g. a search for "ABAB" is successful in "Crisis"
#*** PatternMatchInitial - identical to PatternMatch but only uses initial letters in detecting
#** These functions have all been successfully tested
#** I have written a short report detailing the workings of the code as well as it's strengths and weaknesses
#* Investigated some methods for including bar charts (frequency plots) in the Cipher GUI
#* Set up the project's svn repository to encourage collaborative work, and added the pattern matcher software to it
#* Visited the Somerton Man Photography and Paint exhibition titled "The Body on the Beach" at the Bay Discovery Center. Very thought-provoking and intriguing.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Identify and test more ciphers for the cross-off list
#* Start looking at integrating pattern matching code into a candidate web crawler
#* Bug Steven to add the Cipher GUI to the svn repository so I can work on it and implement some ciphers
#* Review the goals and timelines of the project to ensure we are still on track
=== Semester 2 Week 1===
=== Semester 2 Week 1===
# Week 1 work:
# Week 1 progress
#* Investigated web crawler prototypes with testing completed in closed local environment
#* Collected Laser Scanner
#* Investigated another cipher for the cipher cross-off list – The Trithemius Cipher
#* Organised a locker for storage of scanner
#* Implemented Trithemius Cipher on Cipher GUI
#* Created laser warning sign
#* Implemented Java based letter frequency graphs for Cipher GUI
#* Met with Aidan to determine current status and plans
#* Met with Patrick and reaffirmed project development and schedule
# Goals for Week 2
# Goals for week 2:
#* Test scanner on a small object
#* Test another cipher for the cross-off list
#* Create a draft image of the object
#* Prepare and submit the Project Exhibition requirements (due Friday August 5)
#* Prepare and submit brochure description and image for Project Exhibtion (due Friday August 5)
#* Add letter frequency graph functionality to Cipher GUI
#* Add Cipher GUI code to project SVN repository
#* Meet with Patrick and outline how additional user functionality will be added to CipherGUI
# Work Done this Week
# Week 1 progress
#* Added and ruled out several ciphers on the [[Cipher Cross-off List|Cipher Cross-off List]], including the Pigpen Cipher and Homophonic Substitution Cipher
#* Collected Laser Scanner
#* Discussed details of Web Crawler implementations with Steve and how the pattern matching code is likely to integrate.
#* Installed Laser Scanner Software
#* Evaluated current project progress regarding key arms, including the Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher side and the Cryptanalysis sides. Both seem to be progressing well and on schedule.
#* Drafted Project Description
# Goals for Next Week
# Goals for Week 2
#* Identify and test more ciphers for the cross-off list
#* Test scan using Laser Scanner package
#* Begin integrating pattern matching code into a candidate web crawler
#* Test 3-D Image Manipulation
#* Implement the Affine Cipher in the Cipher GUI
#* Prepare Exhibition information - due Friday Week 2 - regarding the project exhibition in week 12. This includes:
#** A brief description about the project and a small picture both to go in the Exhibition Guide brochure
#** Submit requirements for our stall at the exhibition
=== Semester 2 Week 2===
=== Semester 2 Week 2===
# Week 2 work:
# Week 2 progress
#* Analysed and added the Templar Cipher to the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Scanned an apple as a test scan
#* Management and documentation:
#* Used software on test scan to create image fusion
#** Compiled and submitted Project Exhibition requirements
#* Finalised project description and image for brochure
#** Prepared and submitted Project Exhibition brochure description and image
# Goals for Week 3
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
#* Scan a second test object a bust
#** Added letter frequency graph functionality to Cipher GUI
#* Attempt image manipulation
#** Added all Cipher GUI code to project SVN repository (following connection issues between my laptop and Electrical Engineering Department Server)
#* Met with Derek to update on progress
#** Met with Patrick and established how additional user functionality – entering keywords etc. will be added to Cipher GUI
# Goals for week 3:
#* Test another cipher for the cross-off list
#* Implement cipher on cipherGUI if applicable
#* Identify and test candidate web crawlers suitable for use with Pattern Matching code
#* Modify Cipher GUI layout to enable cipher interactivity capabilities
# Work Done this Week
# Week 2 progress
#* Investigated another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List - the Book Cipher.
#* Performed test scan (apple)
#* Cipher GUI work:
#* Tested image fusion - need better subject (too similar around for program to identify joins)
#** Implemented the Alphabet Reversal Cipher (aka Atbash Cipher) on the Cipher GUI
#* Modified Project Description
#** Began implementing the Affine Cipher on the Cipher GUI - more work required (see Goals for next Week)
# Goals for Week 3
#** Discussed with Steven the future development of the Cipher GUI - namely how we are going to add interactive abilities for the user for ciphers that involve the choice of a keyword/key number.
#* Second test scan with more realistic subject hopefully
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#* Proper image manipulation - create 3-D model
#** Not much progress this week as still waiting on a candidate web crawler to begin working on.
#* Test 3-D Image Manipulation
#* Management and Documentation work:
#** Aided Steven in designing the brief project description and picture to be put in the Exhibition day Brochure
#** Helped Steven with identifying our requirements for the Project Exhibition.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Investigate another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Add interactivity to the Affine Cipher in the Cipher GUI allowing users to pick which shifts and multipliers are used in encrypting/decrypting
#* Identify and investigate a candidate web crawler within which we will implement the Pattern Matching code
=== Semester 2 Week 3===
=== Semester 2 Week 3===
# Week 3 work:
# Week 3 progress
#* Investigated another cipher for the cipher cross-off list – the Beaufort Cipher
#* Met up with Derek and Aidan
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
#* Performed a second test scan of hat model
#** Implemented Beaufort Cipher on Cipher GUI
#* Created a fusion model of the test scan
#** Worked with Patrick to develop an interactive panel for user to control cipher characteristics where applicable
#* Looked into using photoshop for image manipulation
#* Work for Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher:
# Goals for Week 4
#** Tested use of pattern matcher with regard to use in three candidate web crawlers
#* Scale the calibration boards to larger size
#** Met with Patrick and passed on the three alternative web crawlers for him to perform independent testing and assess suitability
#* Card backing for larger calibration boards
# Goals for week 4:
#* Further investigate use of photoshop
#* Design and implement a prototype graphical user interface for the web crawler
#* Look through Cipher GUI for errors, and more ciphers to be included
#* Investigate implementation of pattern matcher code in three candidate web crawlers
#* If time permits, begin converting ciphers implemented on Cipher GUI to include interactive cipher capabilities
# Work Done this Week
# Week 3 progress
#* Investigated another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Null Cipher| Null Cipher]].
#* Met up with Derek and Thomas
#* Cipher GUI work:
#* Performed second test scan: hat model
#** Developed the blueprint for adding user functionality to the Cipher GUI (though no blueprint for using keywords for ciphers yet).
#* Better image fusion model generated
#*** Namely by way of designating a section of the Cipher GUI that each cipher can form as it chooses.
#* Looked into use of [http://www.blender.org/ Blender] for 3-D model manipulation
#** Used this to finish off the Affine Cipher implementation. Fully functional and tested!
# Goals for Week 4
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#* Enlarge calibration panels for use with larger bust
#** Downloaded the three Web Crawlers Steve recommended.
#* Card backing for larger panels to provide rigidity
# Goals for Next Week
#* Look into scanning sections not visible from front - e.g. under chin, top of head
#* Investigate another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Begin upgrading some of the currently implemented ciphers on the CipherGUI to match the newest interactive nature
#* Investigate the web crawlers downloaded this week.
=== Semester 2 Week 4===
=== Semester 2 Week 4===
# Week 4 work:
# Week 4 progress
#* Work for Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher:
#* Continued using photoshop to try and edit the scan
#** Designed and implemented a prototype web crawler GUI
#* Looked into further ciphers to include in the GUI, including the Baconian Cipher
#** Investigated implementation of pattern matcher code in three candidate web crawlers
# Goals for Week 5
#* Cipher GUI:
#* Take calibration boards to Officeworks to enlarge and back the panels
#** No time permitting for conversion of existing Cipher GUI ciphers to include interactive key functionality
#* Perform a test scan using the new calibration boards
# Goals for week 5:
#* Code the Baconian Cipher into the GUI
#* Test another cipher for the cross-off list
#* Implement tested cipher on Cipher GUI
#* Upgrade some of the ciphers currently implemented on the Cipher GUI to include interactive key functionality
#* Consult with Patrick to further investigate identified web crawlers for suitability and adaptation with pattern matching code
# Work Done this Week
#* Investigated another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Four-square Cipher|Four-square Cipher]].
# Week 4 progress
#* Cipher GUI work:
#* Resolved most compilation errors with Webcrawler
#** Added unique panels to both the Alphabet Reversal/Atbash and Auto-key Cipher implementations on the GUI - enabling user interactivity for choosing keys.
# Goals for Week 5
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#* Enlarge calibration panels for use with larger bust
#** Attempted to investigate the 3 web crawlers Steve advised me to have a look at. Failed on 3 accounts, mainly due to install issues.
#* Card backing for larger panels to provide rigidity
# Goals for Next Week
#* Look into scanning sections not visible from front - e.g. under chin, top of head
#* Investigate another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Successfully compile Webcrawler
#* Upgrade some more of the currently implemented ciphers on the CipherGUI to add interactive key choices
#* Get help from Steve in investigating these web crawlers!
#* In consultation with Steve, begin identifying:
#** Which web crawler(s) we'll base ours around
#** Where we will integrate pattern matching code
=== Semester 2 Week 5===
=== Semester 2 Week 5===
# Week 5 work:
# Week 5 progress
#* Analysed another cipher for the cipher cross-off list – the Gronsfeld Cipher
#* Took calibration boards to Officeworks, enlarged and backed the boards
#* Work for web crawler/pattern matcher:
#* Scanned the hat bust using the enlarged calibration panels
#** Met with Patrick and discussed web crawler GUI. Changes required – see goals for week 6
#* Fused the images into one image
#** Attempted to run web crawler candidates from university computers (through proxy) – unable to get one of three running. Need to consult with Derek regarding a mutual account
#* Fixed some of the errors with the CipherGUI, including the decryption of the Affine Cipher
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
# Goals for Week 6
#** Implemented Gronsfeld Cipher on CipherGUI
#* Load the new image into Photoshop, and trial adjusting the image
#** Modified several Cipher GUI ciphers to include interactive key functionality
#* Complete Baconian Cipher, and look for more ciphers to add
# Goals for week 6:
#* Upload 3D trial scan into the Wiki
#* Test another cipher for the cross-off list
#* Implement cipher on cipher GUI
#* Continue upgrading existing ciphers within the Cipher GUI to include interactive key functionality
#* Modify web crawler GUI to include area for additional search patterns
#* Meet with Derek to discuss web crawler implementation and account access for testing at the university
# Work Done this Week
# Week 5 progress
#* Investigated another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Dvorak Encoding|Dvorak Cipher]].
#* Emailed [[Patrick Johnson]] regarding Webcrawler
#* Cipher GUI work:
#* Investigated shortcomings of CipherGUI
#** Implemented Dvorak Cipher on the Cipher GUI.
#* Fixed Decryption of Affine Cipher with [[Thomas Stratfold]]
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#* Managed to compile and run Webcrawler, with a search
#** Continued to work on investigating identified web crawlers. Got one working well.. crawler4j looks promising. Was able to crawl web pages successfully.
#* Successful scan with enlarged calibration panels, full bust (including top of head, under chin)
#** Discussed with Steve issues involving the implementation of a web crawler (and GUI) and its integration with pattern matching code.
# Goals for Week 6
# Goals for Next Week
#* Draft new look GUI for Webcrawler
#* Investigate another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Try modifying .obj file
#* Add investigated cipher to the Cipher GUI
#* Upload Bust2Fuse to David Wiki (for later linking here)
#* Upgrade some more of the currently implemented ciphers on the CipherGUI
#* Continue to investigate web crawler implementations and functionality
#* Meeting with Steve and Derek to discuss future directions of the project.
=== Semester 2 Week 6===
=== Semester 2 Week 6===
# Week 6 work:
# Week 6 progress
#* Investigated another cipher for the cipher cross-off list – the Porta Cipher
#* Attempted to scan an ear using David Laserscanner, produced poor quality image
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
#* Created an 'Ear GIF' using multiple images of an ear
#** Implemented Porta Cipher on Cipher GUI
#* Downloaded AutoCAD Max
#** Unable to make good progress with upgrading existing ciphers to include interactive key functionality – focus next week
# Goals for Week 7
#* Work for web crawler/pattern matcher:
#* Perform the actual scan of the Somerton Man Bust
#** Modified web crawler GUI to include area for additional search patterns
#* Create 3-D model from scans
#* Management and documentation:
#* Explore use of AutoCAD Max for modifying image
#** Attended a meeting with Derek and Patrick and summarised the work completed to date. Changes to be made to cipher GUI – see goals for week 7. Next meeting scheduled for Week 9.
# Goals for week 7:
# Week 6 progress
#* Add cipher names to titles of letter frequency graphs in Cipher GUI in accordance with recommendations from meeting
#* Tried to do "Ear Scan" for Derek
#* Continue upgrading existing ciphers within the Cipher GUI to include interactive key functionality
#* Took pictures for "Ear GIF" instead
#* Update information panels of remaining ciphers implemented in Cipher GUI
# Goals for Week 7
#* Commence final report (for submission 21/10/11)
#* Actual Scan
#* Create 3-D model from scans
#* Start looking into modifying model
# Work Done this Week
#* Investigated another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List - the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Keyword Cipher|Keyword Cipher]].
#* Re-organised the Cipher Cross-off List - finished off linking and put all ciphers alphabetically
#* Cipher GUI work:
#** Added Keyword Cipher to the GUI - including keyword functionality
#** Cleaned up some of the other implemented ciphers - namely Atbash, Affine, Autokey, Dvorak
#** Edited Barchart code to enable the Frequency Plots to scale with the data.
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#** Further investigated crawler4j. Seems to have most the functionality required.
#* Project Management:
#** Had a meeting with Derek and Steve. General feeling that we're satisfactorily on track.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Investigate another cipher for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Implement a cipher on the Cipher GUI
#* Further investigate the web crawler
#* Identify ways to interface between the pattern matching code and the web crawler output.
=== Semester 2 Week 7===
=== Semester 2 Week 7===
# Week 7 work:
# Week 7 progress
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
#* Travelled to SA Police Museum with [[Derek Abbott]] and [[Aidan Duffy]]
#** Added cipher names to the titles of letter frequency graphs in accordance with recommendations from Derek
#* Performed 60 scans of the Somerton Man bust
#** Updated information panels for the Beaufort Cipher, Porta Cipher, Shift Cipher, Trithemius Cipher and Vignere Cipher
#* Attempted first fusion of scans
#** Added image magnification functionality to the Porta and Trithemius Cipher information panels
# Goals for Week 8
#** Added interactive key functionality for the Bifid and Trifid Ciphers – information areas still need to be updated
#* Start preparing for Final Year Seminar presentation
#** All changes above have been committed to the project repository
#* Finalise fusion of scans to create the 3D model
#* Management and documentation:
#** Commenced final report (to be submitted 21/10/11)
# Week 7 progress
# Goals for week 8:
#* Did actual scan of Somerton Man bust
#* Implement a cipher on Cipher GUI
#* Took video of scanning process
#* Implement interactive key functionality for remaining ciphers on the Cipher GUI
#* First try at fusing scans
#* Continue work on web crawler
# Goals for Week 8
#* Continue final report
#* Start Final Year Seminar presentation
#* Commence work on final seminar presentation to be held 30/09/11
#* Modifying 3-D model
# Work Done this Week
#* At Derek's suggestion, had a second look at one of the ciphers investigated in 2009 - the Playfair Cipher. No conclusions yet.
#* Cipher GUI work:
#** Added the Playfair Cipher to the GUI - was quite complex to add including the ability to specify keywords to form the matrix.
#** Fixed a few small annoying bugs in the cipher GUI.
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#** Looked into what pages the crawler (crawler4j) can access
#** Examined how the crawler (crawler4j) returns page content - so that we can tap into it to pattern match
# Goals for Next Week
#* Further investigation of ciphers for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Implement a cipher on the Cipher GUI
#* Continue working with the web crawler
#** Hopefully develop a prototype implementation that can pattern match web page content
=== Semester 2 Week 8===
=== Semester 2 Week 8===
# Week 8 work:
# Week 8 progress
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
#* Started Powerpoint for Final Year Project Seminar
#** Implemented the Double Playfair Cipher including interactive key functionality in accordance with request from Derek after previous meeting
#* Created a fused image using 32 of the scans
#** Added interactive key functionality for Hill Cipher – all ciphers in Cipher GUI now have interactive key functionality!
#* Collated statistical data from Semester 1
#* Work for web crawler/pattern matcher:
# Goals for Mid-Semester Break and Week 9
#** Redesigned web crawler GUI to include:
#* Finish Seminar Powerpoint
#*** Tab layout to separate seed, pattern and saving controls
#* Attend Final Year Project Seminars
#*** Ability to add/edit/remove multiple search seeds
#* Deliver Final Year Project Seminar
#*** Capacity to add/edit/remove multiple search patterns
#* Add in more scans into fusion of bust
#*** Control over number of pages to search
#* Attempt image manipulation of bust image
#*** Control over search depth
#** Began integrating the web crawler/pattern matcher into the GUI frontend
# Week 8 progress
#** Examined resource highlighted by Matthew – search engine company blekko allowing public submission of regular expressions to analyse
#* Tried using Autodesk 3ds Max Design for model manipulation
#* Management and documentation:
#* Created sped-up version of video (1hr 20 min down to ~80 seconds)
#** Continued final report (to be submitted 21/10/11)
#* Started work on new Web Crawler GUI
#** Decided with Patrick to postpone commencement of final seminar until next week to better accommodate advice from the scheduled meeting
#* Started Powerpoint presentation for Final Year Seminar
# Goals for week 9:
# Goals for Mid-Semester Break and Week 9
#* Meet with Derek and Patrick to discuss progress and final seminar
#* Finish Seminar Powerpoint
#* Commence work on presentation for final seminar to be held 30/09/11
#* Deliver Final Year Project Seminar
#* Upload investigated ciphers to cross-off list (not uploaded earlier as I had no access to project page)
#* Make progress on Web Crawler GUI
#* Create demonstration web crawler/pattern matcher GUI
#* Work on Substitution Cipher values (can currently use same letter for multiple substitutions)
#* Formulate some regular expressions with Patrick that can be submitted to the blekko analysis tool
#* Update information panels in Cipher GUI
# Work Done this Week
#* Examined the [[Cipher Cross-off List#Playfair_Cipher|Playfair Cipher]] using the code and the Cipher GUI updated last week. Concluded we can rule it out. [[Cipher Cross-off List#Playfair_Cipher|Click here for reasoning.]]
#* Cipher GUI work:
#** Fixed a bug in Playfair Cipher relating to forming the Playfair Square
#** Changed the default plaintext display to lowercase and ciphertext display to uppercase as per cryptological norms.
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#** Completely re-designed  and re-coded pattern matching code for the following reasons:
#*** Make the setup neater, easier to understand and more flexible to change/add functionality.
#*** New understanding on how the web crawler provides data enabled a more direct design approach.
#** Created a demo pattern matching web crawler that successfully detected patterns in a live Web-Crawling test!
#** Had a look at an article, pointed out by Matthew, regarding a similar project by the search engine company ''blekko'' that allows users to submit a regex to run a search on.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Further investigation of ciphers for the Cipher Cross-off List
#* Implement a cipher on the Cipher GUI
#* Work with Steve in integrating the web crawler/pattern matcher into a GUI
#* Upgrade the pattern matching code further
#* Come up with some regex's we can submit to the ''blekko'' crawler to see if we can get them to test for us
#* Meet with Steve and Derek regarding progress to date and plans for the Final Seminar
#* Begin work on said Final Seminar.
=== Semester 2 Week 9===
=== Semester 2 Week 9===
# Week 9 work:
# Week 9 Progress
#* Work for Cipher GUI:
#* Finished Final Seminar
#** Modification of Cipher GUI postponed to ensure there are no conflicting versions with the updates Patrick plans to make
#* Performed and Recorded Final Seminar
#* Work for web crawler/pattern matcher:
#* Finished an initial reconstruction of bust
#** Met with Patrick and reviewed the web crawler GUI
#* Attended five other groups seminars
#** Continued integrating the web crawler and pattern matching software into the GUI frontend
# Goals for Week 10
#** Reconfigured web crawler and pattern matching programs for improved user operation and feedback
#* Begin work on Final Report
#** Added the ability to select exact and initial pattern definitions into the web crawler GUI
#* Begin work on Exhibition Poster
#** Reviewed the blekko analysis tool highlighted by Matthew and concluded a submission would not be made. The major factors were the inability to control the web crawl and uncertainty as to whether our submission would be used.
#* Finialise the reconstruction
#** Formulated regular expressions initially for use with blekko analysis tool. Now will be used with the additional pattern matching functionality that Patrick is developing.
#* Management and documentation:
#** Attended a meeting with Derek and Patrick and summarised the progress to date. Plans for the final seminar were also discussed.
#** Commenced work on presentation for final seminar (30/09/11)
# Goals for "break":
#* Week 1 (final seminar 30/09/11)
#** Continue compilation of final seminar presentation
#** Present the final seminar on Friday 30/09/11
#** Complete integration of web crawler, pattern matcher and graphical user interface
#** Update web crawler graphical user interface to include regular expression functionality
#** Any further software modifications that are required for the demonstration component of the final seminar
#* Week 2 (final seminar complete)
#** Meet with Patrick and review all work required for project closeout
#** Begin poster(s) for the final exhibition (28/10/11)
#** Plan project video – acquire all additional resources
#** Work with Patrick to establish how our software can be deployed on the project wiki
#** Continue final report (submission 21/10/11)
# Work Done this Week
# Week 9 Progress
#* Cipher Cross-off List
#* Finished Final Seminar
#** Ruled out Flat Frequency Response ciphers from being used in creating the code - done via statistics. Proof is [[Cipher_Cross-off_List#Flat Frequency Ciphers|here.]]
#* Delivered Final Seminar
#*** This rules out both the [[Cipher_Cross-off_List#One Time Pad|One Time Pad]] and [[Cipher_Cross-off_List#Homophonic Substitution Ciphers|Homophonic Substitution Ciphers.]]
#* Recorded Final Seminar
#** Identified what sort of Keyword could have been used if the [[Cipher_Cross-off_List#Keyword Cipher|Keyword Cipher]] was used to create the code.
#* Uploaded Recording to Youtube
#* Cipher GUI work:
#* Uploaded Scan video to Youtube
#** Added Substitution Cipher that lets the user pick their own Cipher Alphabet.
#* Uploaded Fusion video to Youtube
#** Improved Keyword Cipher by added a JTable that displays the current Cipher Alphabet according to the user-entered keyword.
# Goals for Week 10
#** Improved Playfair Cipher by addinga Table that shows the Playfair square. The table updates when the Keyword is changed by the user.
#* Work on Final Report
#** Added the unique center panel for the Caesar Cipher.
#* Work on Exhibition Poster
#* Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher work:
#** Discussed the Crawler GUI setup with Steve who is working on the integration into the GUI
#** Investigated Regular Expressions (regexs) for the purpose of using them for a crawl on ''blekko's'' web data as identified last week
#*** Identified Regexs that could successfully match to Initial Letters and character patterns
#*** Decided that ''blekko'' wouldn't be much help since they aren't providing the option to run a web crawl, they are just offering to run two crawls a day themselves.
#*** However these regexs have given me an idea and the production of an additional Pattern Matching feature is under way! A Regex option - crawl the web for a regex of your choice.
#* Project Management work:
#** Had a meeting with Steve and Derek. Addressed progress on work to date, and discussed plans for the final seminar coming up.
#** Began planning on the content of the Final Seminar.
# Goals for Next Fortnight
#* Week 1
#** Work on the Final Seminar
#** More work on the Final Seminar
#** Even More work on the Final Seminar! Present the Seminar on Friday.
#** Look into recording our Seminar so Derek (who is overseas) can watch it.
#** Implement a Regular Expression Pattern Matching option in the web crawler.
#** Do whatever other final touches are needed for the Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher and Cipher GUI for the Final Seminar's Demonstration section.
#* Week 2 (Seminar over)
#** Meet with Steven to identify work still needed to finish off the project - review progress on the Gantt Chart
#** Begin work on the Poster(s) for the Project Exhibition.
#** Begin planning our project Video
#** Look into how we can host our software on the internet
=== Semester 2 Mid-Semester Break===
===Semester 2 Week 10===
# Mid-semester break work:
# Week 10 Progress
#* Week 1:
#* Started Final Report
#** Significant work conducted on presentation for final seminar – rehearsals conducted over three days
#* Developed layout for Exhibition Poster
#** Presented final seminar (30/09/11)
#* Attended Exhibition Briefing
#** Modified web crawler and pattern matcher for demonstration with final seminar
#* Continued work on final reconstruction
#** Integrated the web crawler, pattern matcher and GUI frontend into a single piece of software
# Goals for Week 11
#** Added regular expression functionality to web crawler graphical user interface
#* Finalise the reconstruction
#** Downloaded videos for possible use in project video
#* Finish Final Report
#* Week 2:
#* Continue work on Poster
#** Project video:
#*** Analysed 2009 and 2010 project videos.
#Week 10 Progress
#*** Commenced planning of project video.
#* Started Final Report
#*** Acquired more potential videos for use in the project video.
#* Started Exhibition Poster
#** Project poster:
#* Attended Exhibition Briefing
#*** Examined 2009 and 2010 poster designs
# Goals for Week 11
#*** Commenced formulation of a layout for the project poster.
#* Finish Final Report
#*** Researched possible content for additional poster(s).
#* More work on Poster
#** Reviewed and updated the cipher cross-off list.
#** Continued final report (to be submitted 21/10/11)
# Goals for week 10:
#* Attend project exhibition briefing with Braden Phillips (11/10/11)
#* Meet with Patrick to discuss requirements for project closeout
#* Add webpage prefix filtering capability to the web crawler
#* Continue poster(s) for the final exhibition
#* Continue final report
#* Complete conversion and upload of final seminar video onto YouTube.
===Semester 2 Week 11===
# Work Done this Fortnight
#* First Week
# Week 11 Progress
#** Plenty of work on Final Seminar; for a "Holidays week" in at uni each day but Monday!
#* Finished Final Report
#** Gave Final Seminar; was well received
#* Finished reconstruction of bust
#** Downloaded software to enable recording of Final Seminar for Derek who is overseas.
#* Contacted Ian in the workshop about creating 3D model using 3D printer
#** Implemented Regular Expression Pattern Matching into the Web Crawler!
# Goals for Week 12
#** Fixed+Modified other issues with Web Crawler/Pattern Matcher in preparation for Final Seminar demonstration.
#* Create a wiki version of Final Report
#* Second Week
#* Finish Exhibition Poster
#** Poster:
#* Undertake Exhibtion
#*** Did background research for our project poster, including examining multiple previous year examples
#* Create Youtube video
#*** Identified some possible setups for our main project poster
#* Finalise everything for closeout
#*** Identified possible content for a second poster
#** Video:
#Week 11 Progress
#*** Did background research for the planned video including analysing previous years' videos
#* Analysed ratio of Cymba to Cavum from Ear GIF
#*** Began planning some content ideas for our video
#* Finished Final Report
#** Hosting Software:
#Goals for Week 12
#*** Successfully packaged the current Pattern Crawler into a single executable jar file
#* Wiki version of Final report
#*** A lot of work integrating the CipherGUI into a single jar file, including its images. Successfully integrated all but two ciphers so far.
#* Finish exhibition poster
#*** Looked into hosting software on the wiki page. Due to limited acceptable Upload file types, they will most likely have to be uploaded as jar files in a zipped package.
#* Exhibit
# Goals for Next Week
#* Closeout
#* Finish off enabling the CipherGUI to be compiled into a single executable jar file
#* Help Steven with numerous bug fixes and required functionality implementations in the Pattern Crawler...
#* Design pattern matching code to enable a search for multiple patterns on the same page - e.g. to return a result both patterns must be present.
#* Finish compiling/packaging/editing the Final Seminar video and host it on YouTube so others (inc. Derek and Matthew) can view it.
#* Attend lecture on Exhibition to be held Tuesday
#* Continue work on Posters for Exhibition
#* Continue work on project Video
#* Begin work on Final Report; due end Week 11.
=== Semester 2 Week 10===
===Semester 2 Week 12===
# Week 10 work:
# Week 12 Progress
#* Attended project exhibition briefing with Braden Phillips
#* Finished Wiki's version of Final Report
#** Clarified timetable of day (28/10/11) and requirements for poster(s)
#* Finished and submitted Poster for Exhibition
#* Met with Patrick and discussed project posters, project exhibition, project video and deployment of software on the project wiki
#** Decided on two posters and their layouts for project exhibition.
#Week 12 Progress
#* Modified web crawler and pattern matcher to include webpage filtering.
#* Finished Final Report on Wiki
#** A webpage prefix can now be specified in interface to control crawling behaviour.
#* Finished and submitted Exhibition Poster
#* Continued final report (to be submitted 21/10/11)
#* Final Year Project Exhibition
#* Formatted video of the final seminar into three parts and converted each to a type suitable for YouTube
#* Final Year Project Video
# Goals for week 11:
#* Meet with Derek and Patrick to discuss progress, final seminar video, final report and the final exhibition
#* Attend School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering final year photograph (27/10/11)
#* Complete and submit Final Report
#* Continue posters for the final exhibition (28/10/11)
#* Continue project video
# Work Done this Week
#* Added in the Gronsfeld Cipher's unique description panel in the CipherGUI.
#* Fixed pattern matching bugs in pattern crawler code
#* Modified the layout of some pattern matcher code to make it uniform with other implementations
#* Successfully set up CipherGUI for executable jar file format
#* Met with Steven to discuss poster/video layouts/content
#* Attended Exhibition lecture; got a pep talk from Braden about what is expected
#* Worked with Steve on Final Seminar video and uploaded them to YouTube
#* Final Report commenced
# Goals for Next Week
#* Meet with Derek and Steven to discuss project progress to date and closeout
#* Finish and submit Final Report
#* Run pattern matching tests on code segments using complete web crawler.
#* Aid Steve with work on posters/video
=== Semester 2 Week 11===
# Week 11 work:
#* Week committed to the final report. Submitted to myUni Friday night.
#* Reformatted and compiled the final report onto wiki page.
#* Attended a meeting with Derek and Patrick and summarised current project progress, project closeout, the final report and the final seminar including the project video and poster.
#* Attended School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering final year photograph.
#* Unable to make any further progress with posters or video this week – focus next week.
# Goals for week 12:
#* Complete project poster for the project exhibition – a “theme” is yet to be decided.
#* Complete “general interest” poster. Provides information about three other famous ciphers – Zodiac, Beale and Kryptos.
#* Complete project video for use in the project exhibition
#* Attend project exhibition on Friday 28/10/11
#* Assist Patrick to add executable jar files of the CipherGUI and the web crawler/pattern matcher to the project wiki webpage.
#* Provide Derek with a disc of all project software and electronic files.
# Work Done this Week
#* Many an hour on Final Report, submitted Friday night.
#* Many more hours spent reformatting [[Final Report 2011|Final Report]] and compiling onto the wiki page
#* Worked on cleanup and modification of code for both CipherGUI and Web Crawler for Final Report purposes
#* Ran pattern searches on Somerton Code portions using Web Crawler
#* Met with Steven and Derek. Discussed project outcomes, final work to complete, Final Report and video/poster ideas
# Goals for Next Week
#* Finish off CipherGUI - namely Trifid/Bifid descriptions and interactive tables
#* Attempt to provide proxy options for Web Crawler to enable crawling on the University network
#* Aid Steve with Poster for Exhibition
#* Aid Steve with Video production
#* Attend Exhibition on Friday 28/10/2011
#* Upload CipherGUI and Web Crawler executable jar files onto project wiki
#* Handover all project products and work to Derek
=== Semester 2 Week 12===
# Week 12 work:
#* Web crawler/pattern matcher:
#** Added proxy interface fields to the web crawler graphical user interface.
#** Assisted Patrick in the investigation of the proxy settings for crawling on the uni network.
#** Created two alternative executable jar files of Crawler
#*** One that is a single jar file containing all required libraries. Too large to add to the project webpage.
#*** A second split version that segments external libraries from the operational functionality. Will be added to the wiki for public access.
#* CipherGUI:
#** Tested feasibility of compiling CipherGUI into single executable jar file.
#** Created single executable CipherGUI jar file as insurance. Not required - Patrick's version to be uploaded to wiki.
#* Project Exhibition:
#** Worked with Patrick to compile a project poster with the theme of a 40’s era investigation wall.
#** Worked with Patrick to complete second “general interest” poster containing three other famous ciphers – Zodiac, Beale and Kryptos. Uses the same theme as the project poster.
#** Attended Project Exhibition on Friday 28/10/11. Well received with a lot of interest. Unfortunately no prizes.
#* Completed project video. Will be added to the final seminar videos on YouTube and a link from the wiki provided.
#* Management and documentation:
#** Attended a final meeting with Derek and Patrick to conclude project closeout and handover a CD containing all project software and electronic files for the year.
#** Exams next week. Thank you to both Derek and Patrick for all your help throughout the year and a great project.
# Work Done this Week
#* CipherGUI work:
#** Added descriptions and interactive tables to both Bifid and Trifid ciphers
#** Re-coloured all cipher panels for consistency and re-organised central class naming setup of CipherGUI
#** Wrote up README.txt file instructing use of CipherGUI
#** Created final finished product executable jar file of GUI
#** Uploaded CipherGUI onto project wiki-site available here: [[Media:Cipher GUI.rar|Cipher GUI]]
#* Web Crawler work:
#** Investigated proxy settings for crawling on the uni network
#** Successfully identified correct settings (for uni) and designed a way to allow the user to input these into the GUI
#** Wrote up README.txt files - instructions for others to use our crawler.
#** Created final product executable jar file of Crawler
#** Uploaded Crawler jar file onto project wiki-page, see [[Web Crawler 2011]]
#* Exhibition
#** Aided Steven with Poster designs and contents for the main project poster
#** Wrote up Beale story and Zodiac Killer story for the Additional poster
#** Got Additional Poster printed at Officeworks, nice and shiny on glossy paper!
#** Attended exhibition and showed off products to plenty of interest
#* Other:
#** Uploaded project video to YouTube
#** Slept not much
#** Had final meeting with Derek and Steve and handed over CD containing all my work throughout the year.
# Goals for Next Week
#* Start studying for exams!
#* Over and out. Thanks for the brilliant experience this project has been.
==See also==
==See also==
* [[Cipher Cracking 2011]]
* [[Cipher Cracking 2012]]
* [[Final Report 2011]]
* [[Semester A Progress Report 2012]]
* [[Stage 1 Design Document 2011]]
* [[Final Report 2012]]
* [[Stage 2 Progress Report 2011]]
* [[Cipher Cross-off List]]
* [[Cipher Cross-off List]]
* [[Media:Cipher GUI.rar|Cipher GUI 2011]]
* [[Media:Cipher GUI.rar|Cipher GUI 2011]]
* [[Cipher GUI 2012]]
* [[Web Crawler 2011]]
* [[Web Crawler 2011]]
* [[Web Crawler 2012]]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0DEF-FDLso 2011 YouTube Project Video]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0DEF-FDLso 2011 YouTube Project Video]
* [http://youtu.be/Zd8gQDM43iI 2012 Final Seminar (YouTube)]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmorbe01mTA The scanning process (YouTube)]
* [http://youtu.be/SEAo4pt-JHU The fusion process]
* [2012 YouTube Project Video]
Line 910: Line 502:
*[http://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au Back to EEE Department page]
*[http://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au Back to EEE Department page]
*[http://www.adelaide.edu.au Back to the University of Adelaide homepage]
*[http://www.adelaide.edu.au Back to the University of Adelaide homepage]
*[https://www.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au/personal/dabbott/wiki/index.php/Cipher_Cracking_2012 Back to Cipher Cracking 2012 homepage]

Latest revision as of 07:51, 31 October 2012

Weekly progress and questions

This is where you record your progress and ask questions. Make sure you update this every week. The deadline is every Friday evening. However, if you sometimes slip a little into the weekend (so long as you don't do it too often) we won't be too hard on your marks.

Please remember that we make use of this progress section to give you your project mark. Your mark will suffer if you don't complete this section.

Semester 1 Week 1


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • First Meeting with Aidan and Derek
    • Introduction to the 'wiki' site
    • Watched the ABC report on the 2009 project
    • Attended to the Literature Search Training Session with Aidan, ran by Kay Leveret in the Barr Smith Library
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • Perform more research on previous year's projects
    • Start work on Proposal Seminar presentation
    • Burn a copy of last years work for Aidan and I.
    • Review the project goals put forward by Derek in the meeting.


  1. Week 1 progress:
    • First Meeting with Thomas & Derek
    • Introduction to wiki page
      • Researched background to project
      • Attended Literature Search Training session with Thomas, run by Kay Leverett
  2. Goals for Week 2:
    • Read through wiki pages for previous years
    • Start proposal seminar

Semester 1 Week 2


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Began work on Proposal Seminar
    • Researched more into the case
    • Met up with Aidan to confirm our approach to the project
    • Confirmed with Derek to obtain links to relevant information on the project
  2. Goals for Week 3:
    • Finalise and present Proposal Seminar
    • Review more into previous work
    • Plan out strategy for working through the project


  1. Week 2 progress:
    • Began work on proposal seminar
    • Reviwed previous years' wiki pages
    • Met up with Thomas
  2. Goals for Week 3:
    • Finish proposal seminar
    • Break down project into individual tasks
    • Obtain access to an SVN repository for project backing up

Semester 1 Week 3


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Finished off Proposal Seminar
    • Presented the Proposal Seminar with Aidan to Derek
    • Researched into aspects of the 2011 project, and the improvements required
    • Began looking into enquiring a 3d camera for reconstruction aspect of project
    • Set up an SVN for use in the project.
  2. Goals for Week 4:
    • Begin reviewing and confirming previous results from project
    • Enquire further into obtaining a 3d camera
    • Plan out the progress, and milestone required for the project.
    • Look into Matthew's idea about using Amazon EMR


  1. Week 3 progress:
    • Drafted Project outline and Gantt Chart
    • Finished proposal seminar
    • Presented proposal seminar with Thomas to Derek
    • Set up SVN repository to store work
    • Looked into acquiring 3D camera for image reconstruction
  2. Goals for Week 4:
    • Begin review of previous years' work
    • Research alternative 3D cameras

Semester 1 Week 4


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Discussed Amazon EMR, decided to differ for the now
    • Looked into the 3D camera, and other modeling software
    • Reviewed previous languages from past work
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Discuss division of project
    • Look into further languages to review


  1. Week 4 progress:
    • Discussed Amazon EMR, decide against for the time being
    • Compared Somerton Man code to initial letters of English language (Oxford English dictionary)
    • Compared Somerton Man code to initial letters for 100 most common English words
    • Compared Somerton Man code to initial letters for 1000 most common English words
  2. Goals for Week 5:
    • Discuss division of project

Semester 1 Week 5


  1. Week 5 progress:
    • Discussed how the project will be divided up with Aidan
    • Began looking into further languages to compare to the code
    • Discussed Cyrillic languages and the possible use of them
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Review Cypher GUI
    • Review PM Scanner and 123D Catch


  1. Week 5 progress
    • Test run of webcrawler
    • Discussed eliminating Eastern European languages as possibilities with Tom
    • Looked into transliteration of Cyrillic languages
  2. Goals for Week 6:
    • Make webcrawler interface more user-friendly

Semester 1 Week 6


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Decided against using the PM Scanner and 123D Catch, as the software didn't meet the requirements for the project
    • Corresponded with Henry Hu about Laser Safety
    • Ordered DAVID-Laserscanner
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Meet up with Henry to find out about Risk Assessment and SOPs
    • Convert the language texts into a usable format


  1. Week 6 progress
    • Wrote Java program to analyse frequencies of letters in text documents
    • Ordered laser scanner kit
  2. Goals for Week 7:
    • Look into doing risk assessment and SOPs for laser safety

Semester 1 Week 7


  1. Week 7 progress:
    • Discussed Risk Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with Aidan and Henry
    • Began downloading Tower of Bible verses in multiple languages
  2. Goals for Week 8:
    • Finalize the language texts
    • Convert into Frequency format to review with SM Code


  1. Week 7 progress
    • Discussed Risk Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures with Tom and Henry Ho
  2. Goals for Week 8:
    • Draft Risk Assessment
    • Draft SOPs
    • Refine Java program to output CSV (Comma Separated Values) file

Semester 1 Week 8


  1. Week 8 progress:
    • Helped Aidan with draft Risk Assessment
    • Finished downloading all 85 languages into text files
  2. Goals for Week 9:
    • Begin reviewing and confirming previous results from project


  1. Week 8 progress
    • Drafted a Risk Assessment
  2. Goals for Week 9:
    • Draft SOP

Semester 1 Week 9


  1. Week 9 progress:
    • Coded out program to produce frequency analysis of all the language files
    • Began converting analysis into graphs
  2. Goals for Week 10:
    • Finalize conversion of analysis
    • Code program to take first letter of each of the languages files
    • Repeat analysis with new data


  1. Week 9 progress
    • Drafted a Standard Operating Procedure
  2. Goals for Week 10
    • Work on Risk Assessment & Standard Operating Procedures
    • Meet up with Tom and Derek, Tom and Henry

Semester 1 Week 10


  1. Week 10 progress:
    • Finialised the RA
    • Met up with Aidan and Henry to discuss RA and SOP
    • Met up with Aidan and Derek to discuss current progress
    • Continued processing the frequency analysis data
  2. Goals for Week 11:
    • Continue processing frequency analysis data
    • Repeat results for initial frequency analysis


  1. Week 10 progress
    • Met up with Tom and Derek to discuss progress
    • Met up with Tom and Henry to review RA and SOP
    • Updated SOP and RA
    • Submitted SOP and RA to Stephen Guest for acceptance
  2. Goals for Week 11
    • Start on Progress Report
    • Contact Computer Science department regarding accessible web index data

Semester 1 Week 11


  1. Week 11 progress:
    • Set up mean and standardised analysis of frequency data
    • Set up mean and standardised analysis of initial frequency data
    • Drafted Progress Report
  2. Goals for Week 12:
    • Finish Progress Report


  1. Week 11 progress
    • Recoded Java program to extract frequencies of initial letters
    • Ran Java program, initial letter frequencies stored in text file
    • Imported text file into Excel for data analysis
    • Drafted Progress Report
    • Contacted Brad Alexander and Hong Shen in CS department regarding accessible web index data
    • Organised SVN Repository
  2. Goals for Week 12
    • Finish Progress Report

Semester 1 Week 12


  1. Week 12 progres
    • Completed Progress Report
  2. Goals for Week 1 Semester 2
    • Collect David Laser Scanner
    • Install and test the software
    • Test scanner on a small object


  1. Week 12 progress
    • Completed Progress Report
  2. Goals for Week 1 Semester 2
    • Collect Laser Scanner
    • Install Laser Scanner software
    • Project Description and Image for Braden Phillips

Semester 2 Week 1


  1. Week 1 progress
    • Collected Laser Scanner
    • Organised a locker for storage of scanner
    • Created laser warning sign
    • Met with Aidan to determine current status and plans
  2. Goals for Week 2
    • Test scanner on a small object
    • Create a draft image of the object


  1. Week 1 progress
    • Collected Laser Scanner
    • Installed Laser Scanner Software
    • Drafted Project Description
  2. Goals for Week 2
    • Test scan using Laser Scanner package
    • Test 3-D Image Manipulation

Semester 2 Week 2


  1. Week 2 progress
    • Scanned an apple as a test scan
    • Used software on test scan to create image fusion
    • Finalised project description and image for brochure
  2. Goals for Week 3
    • Scan a second test object a bust
    • Attempt image manipulation
    • Met with Derek to update on progress


  1. Week 2 progress
    • Performed test scan (apple)
    • Tested image fusion - need better subject (too similar around for program to identify joins)
    • Modified Project Description
  2. Goals for Week 3
    • Second test scan with more realistic subject hopefully
    • Proper image manipulation - create 3-D model
    • Test 3-D Image Manipulation

Semester 2 Week 3


  1. Week 3 progress
    • Met up with Derek and Aidan
    • Performed a second test scan of hat model
    • Created a fusion model of the test scan
    • Looked into using photoshop for image manipulation
  2. Goals for Week 4
    • Scale the calibration boards to larger size
    • Card backing for larger calibration boards
    • Further investigate use of photoshop
    • Look through Cipher GUI for errors, and more ciphers to be included


  1. Week 3 progress
    • Met up with Derek and Thomas
    • Performed second test scan: hat model
    • Better image fusion model generated
    • Looked into use of Blender for 3-D model manipulation
  2. Goals for Week 4
    • Enlarge calibration panels for use with larger bust
    • Card backing for larger panels to provide rigidity
    • Look into scanning sections not visible from front - e.g. under chin, top of head

Semester 2 Week 4


  1. Week 4 progress
    • Continued using photoshop to try and edit the scan
    • Looked into further ciphers to include in the GUI, including the Baconian Cipher
  2. Goals for Week 5
    • Take calibration boards to Officeworks to enlarge and back the panels
    • Perform a test scan using the new calibration boards
    • Code the Baconian Cipher into the GUI


  1. Week 4 progress
    • Resolved most compilation errors with Webcrawler
  2. Goals for Week 5
    • Enlarge calibration panels for use with larger bust
    • Card backing for larger panels to provide rigidity
    • Look into scanning sections not visible from front - e.g. under chin, top of head
    • Successfully compile Webcrawler

Semester 2 Week 5


  1. Week 5 progress
    • Took calibration boards to Officeworks, enlarged and backed the boards
    • Scanned the hat bust using the enlarged calibration panels
    • Fused the images into one image
    • Fixed some of the errors with the CipherGUI, including the decryption of the Affine Cipher
  2. Goals for Week 6
    • Load the new image into Photoshop, and trial adjusting the image
    • Complete Baconian Cipher, and look for more ciphers to add
    • Upload 3D trial scan into the Wiki


  1. Week 5 progress
    • Emailed Patrick Johnson regarding Webcrawler
    • Investigated shortcomings of CipherGUI
    • Fixed Decryption of Affine Cipher with Thomas Stratfold
    • Managed to compile and run Webcrawler, with a search
    • Successful scan with enlarged calibration panels, full bust (including top of head, under chin)
  2. Goals for Week 6
    • Draft new look GUI for Webcrawler
    • Try modifying .obj file
    • Upload Bust2Fuse to David Wiki (for later linking here)

Semester 2 Week 6


  1. Week 6 progress
    • Attempted to scan an ear using David Laserscanner, produced poor quality image
    • Created an 'Ear GIF' using multiple images of an ear
    • Downloaded AutoCAD Max
  2. Goals for Week 7
    • Perform the actual scan of the Somerton Man Bust
    • Create 3-D model from scans
    • Explore use of AutoCAD Max for modifying image


  1. Week 6 progress
    • Tried to do "Ear Scan" for Derek
    • Took pictures for "Ear GIF" instead
  2. Goals for Week 7
    • Actual Scan
    • Create 3-D model from scans
    • Start looking into modifying model

Semester 2 Week 7


  1. Week 7 progress
    • Travelled to SA Police Museum with Derek Abbott and Aidan Duffy
    • Performed 60 scans of the Somerton Man bust
    • Attempted first fusion of scans
  2. Goals for Week 8
    • Start preparing for Final Year Seminar presentation
    • Finalise fusion of scans to create the 3D model


  1. Week 7 progress
    • Did actual scan of Somerton Man bust
    • Took video of scanning process
    • First try at fusing scans
  2. Goals for Week 8
    • Start Final Year Seminar presentation
    • Modifying 3-D model

Semester 2 Week 8


  1. Week 8 progress
    • Started Powerpoint for Final Year Project Seminar
    • Created a fused image using 32 of the scans
    • Collated statistical data from Semester 1
  2. Goals for Mid-Semester Break and Week 9
    • Finish Seminar Powerpoint
    • Attend Final Year Project Seminars
    • Deliver Final Year Project Seminar
    • Add in more scans into fusion of bust
    • Attempt image manipulation of bust image


  1. Week 8 progress
    • Tried using Autodesk 3ds Max Design for model manipulation
    • Created sped-up version of video (1hr 20 min down to ~80 seconds)
    • Started work on new Web Crawler GUI
    • Started Powerpoint presentation for Final Year Seminar
  2. Goals for Mid-Semester Break and Week 9
    • Finish Seminar Powerpoint
    • Deliver Final Year Project Seminar
    • Make progress on Web Crawler GUI
    • Work on Substitution Cipher values (can currently use same letter for multiple substitutions)

Semester 2 Week 9


  1. Week 9 Progress
    • Finished Final Seminar
    • Performed and Recorded Final Seminar
    • Finished an initial reconstruction of bust
    • Attended five other groups seminars
  2. Goals for Week 10
    • Begin work on Final Report
    • Begin work on Exhibition Poster
    • Finialise the reconstruction


  1. Week 9 Progress
    • Finished Final Seminar
    • Delivered Final Seminar
    • Recorded Final Seminar
    • Uploaded Recording to Youtube
    • Uploaded Scan video to Youtube
    • Uploaded Fusion video to Youtube
  2. Goals for Week 10
    • Work on Final Report
    • Work on Exhibition Poster

Semester 2 Week 10


  1. Week 10 Progress
    • Started Final Report
    • Developed layout for Exhibition Poster
    • Attended Exhibition Briefing
    • Continued work on final reconstruction
  2. Goals for Week 11
    • Finalise the reconstruction
    • Finish Final Report
    • Continue work on Poster


  1. Week 10 Progress
    • Started Final Report
    • Started Exhibition Poster
    • Attended Exhibition Briefing
  2. Goals for Week 11
    • Finish Final Report
    • More work on Poster

Semester 2 Week 11


  1. Week 11 Progress
    • Finished Final Report
    • Finished reconstruction of bust
    • Contacted Ian in the workshop about creating 3D model using 3D printer
  2. Goals for Week 12
    • Create a wiki version of Final Report
    • Finish Exhibition Poster
    • Undertake Exhibtion
    • Create Youtube video
    • Finalise everything for closeout


  1. Week 11 Progress
    • Analysed ratio of Cymba to Cavum from Ear GIF
    • Finished Final Report
  2. Goals for Week 12
    • Wiki version of Final report
    • Finish exhibition poster
    • Exhibit
    • Closeout

Semester 2 Week 12


  1. Week 12 Progress
    • Finished Wiki's version of Final Report
    • Finished and submitted Poster for Exhibition


  1. Week 12 Progress
    • Finished Final Report on Wiki
    • Finished and submitted Exhibition Poster
    • Final Year Project Exhibition
    • Final Year Project Video

See also
