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− | Single letter words: [[*]] , [[a]] , [[c]] , [[d]] , [[e]] , [[f]] , [[g]] , [[k]] , [[l]] , [[m]] , [[n]] , [[o]] , [[p]] , [[q]] , [[R]] , [[s]] , [[t]] , [[v]] , [[x]] , [[y]] | + | Single letter words: [[*]] , [[a]] , [[c]] , [[d]] , [[e]] , [[f]] , [[g]] , [[k]] , [[l]] , [[m]] , [[n]] , [[o]] , [[p]] , [[q]] , [[r]] , [[s]] , [[t]] , [[v]] , [[x]] , [[y]] |
| + | |
| + | The table below shows the most frequency word which are unique to each section. |
| + | |
| + | {| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" |
| + | |- |
| + | ! Section!!Most frequency unique word by section |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan=1 align="center"| Herbal |
| + | | colspan=1 align="center"| [[choiin]] , [[cthaiin]] , [[x]] , [[f]] , [[ksho]] , [[v]] , [[cfhy]] , [[chkchy]] , [[kcho]] , [[kshy]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan=1 align="center"| Astronomical |
| + | | colspan=1 align="center"| [[oteotey]] , [[cheteey]] , [[okeodar]] , [[otoar]] , [[choekeey]] , [[choikhy]] , [[okady]] , [[okcheo]] , [[okeedaly]] , [[okeodaly]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan=1 align="center"| Biological |
| + | | colspan=1 align="center"| [[qolchedy]] , [[qoly]] , [[rshedy]] , [[shckhedy]] , [[olkol]] , [[olshdy]] , [[qolky]] , [[solchey]] , [[solkeey]] , [[keeedy]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan=1 align="center"| Cosmological |
| + | | colspan=1 align="center"| [[kshd]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan=1 align="center"| Pharmaceutical |
| + | | colspan=1 align="center"| [[sheom]] , [[ckheo]] , [[cpheol]] , [[olchor]] , [[shockhey]] , [[shokol]] , [[cfheol]] , [[cheodam]] , [[cheodor]] , [[cheokal]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan=1 align="center"| Recipes |
| + | | colspan=1 align="center"| [[lkeeey]] , [[oteeey]] , [[chedam]] , [[oteal]] , [[ail]] , [[lkal]] , [[lkchdy]] , [[qotched]] , [[alkeedy]] , [[lkair]] |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | |
| | | |
| Table shows all the word in the Voynich which absolute frequency is between 5 ~ 15. There are 495 words which absolute frequency is between 5 ~ 15 in the Voynich. | | Table shows all the word in the Voynich which absolute frequency is between 5 ~ 15. There are 495 words which absolute frequency is between 5 ~ 15 in the Voynich. |
The similar illustrations in the Voynich Manuscript are grouped together. According to the illustrations, there are six sections can be identified.
The table below shows the sections and folios of each section.
Section |
Folio number
1r , 1v , 2r , 2v , 3r , 3v , 4r , 4v , 5r , 5v , 6r , 6v , 7r , 7v , 8r , 8v , 9r , 9v , 10r , 10v , 11r , 11v , 13r , 13v , 14r , 14v , 15r , 15v , 16r , 16v , 17r , 17v , 18r , 18v , 19r , 19v , 20r , 20v , 21r , 21v , 22r , 22v , 23r , 23v , 24r , 24v , 25r , 25v , 26r, 26v , 27r , 27v , 28r , 28v , 29r , 29v , 30r , 30v , 31r , 31v , 32r , 32v , 33r , 33v , 34r , 34v , 35r , 35v , 36r, 36v , 37r , 37v, 38r , 38v , 39r , 39v , 40r , 40v , 41r , 41v , 42r , 42v , 43r , 43v , 44r , 44v , 45r , 45v , 46r, 46v, 47r , 47v , 48r, 48v , 49r , 49v , 50r , 50v , 51r , 51v , 52r , 52v , 53r , 53v , 54r , 54v , 55r , 55v , 56r, 56v, 57r , 57v , 58r, 58v, 65r , 65v , 66r , 66v
67r1 , 67r2 , 67v1 , 67v2 , 68r1 , 68r2 , 68r3 , 68v1 , 68v2 , 68v3 , 69r , 69v , 70r1 , 70r2 , 70v1 , 70v2 , 71r , 71v , 72r1 , 72r2 , 72r3 , 72v1 , 72v2 , 72v3 , 73r , 73v
75r , 75v , 76r , 76v , 77r , 77v , 78r , 78v , 79r , 79v , 80r , 80v , 81r , 81v , 82r , 82v , 83r , 83v , 84r , 84v
85r1 , 85r2 , 86v3 , 86v4 , 86v5 , 86v6 , Rosettes page
87r , 87v , 88r , 88v , 89r1 , 89r2 , 89v1 , 89v2 , 90r1 , 90r2 , 90v1 , 90v2 , 93r , 93v , 94r , 94v , 95r1 , 95r2 , 95v1 , 95v2 , 96r , 96v , 99r , 99v , 100r , 100v , 101r1 , 101r2 , 101v1 , 101v2 , 102r1 , 102r2 , 102v1 , 102v2
103r , 103v , 104r , 104v , 105r , 105v , 106r , 106v , 107r , 107v , 108r , 108v , 111r , 111v , 112r , 112v , 113r , 113v , 114r , 114v , 115r , 115v , 116r , 116v
The table below shows the most frequency word which are unique to each section.
Table shows all the word in the Voynich which absolute frequency is between 5 ~ 15. There are 495 words which absolute frequency is between 5 ~ 15 in the Voynich.
Initial |
aim , alam , alar , aldy , alkain , alkam , alody , alol , alom , alor , an , araiin , aram , arar , arody , arol , aror
c , cfhol , cfhy , chan , chary , chckhdy , chckhedy , chckhhy , chcphy , chcthdy , chcthedy , chcthey , chcthhy , chd , chdain , chdam , chdor , checkhey , chedam , chedol , cheeey , cheekey , cheeody , cheeol , cheeor , cheeos , chekaiin , chekain , chekal , chekar , chekeey , chekey , cheockhy , cheodaiin , cheodain , cheodal , cheoky , cheom , chepy , chetar , chkain , chkal , chkar , chkchy , chkeey , chkey , choaiin , chocthey , chod , chodain , chodal , chodar , choiin , chokain , chokal , chokar , chokeey , chokey , chokor , choldy , choly , chom , chory , chotaiin , chotal , chotar , chotchy , choteey , chotey , chotol , choy , chr , chtal , chty , chyky , ckheey , ckheol , ckhor , cphaiin , cphedy , cphey , cphol , cphor , csedy , cthaiin , cthal , cthdy , cthedy , ctheey , ctheody , ctheol , ctheor , ctho , cthom
da , daiidy , daim , dalam , dalol , dalor , dals , daram , dchdy , dcheey , dcheo , dcheol , deey , dody , doiir , dom , dsheey , dsheol , dshey , dsho , dshor , dshy
eedy , eeedy , eees , ees , ety
f , fchedy
k , kair , kam , kchody , keeey , keeo , keeody , keeol , keeor , keor , key , kody , koldy , kshedy , kshey , ksho
laiin , lal , lam , lar , lchal , lched , lcheedy , lcheey , lcheol , lchor , lchy , lkam , lkchey , lkeeey , lkeeody , lkey , lkl , lo , loly , lpchedy , lr , ls , lsheedy , lsheey , ltedy , ly
oain , ochedy , ochey , ochor , ockhedy , ockhey , ockhy , octhey , octhy , odal , odam , odor , oeedy , oeees , oees , oeey , ofchedy , oiiin , okaiir , okalal , okalar , okaldy , okary , okchd , okcheey , okcho , okchol , okeal , okear , okechy , okedal , okedar , okeeedy , okeeo , okeeor , okeeos , okeo , okeod , okeoly , okeom , okeos , oko , okoiin , okoldy , okom , okos , okshey , okshy , olain , olal , olam , olar , olchdy , olcheey , olcheol , olchy , oldaiin , oldam , oldar , olkal , olkam , olkchedy , olkeeey , olkeeody , olkeol , olkey , olr , olsheey , olshey , opaiin , opal , opar , opcheol , opchol , opchor , opchy , opor , opy , oral , oram , orar , orchey , orol , osaiin , oshey , ot , otaldy , otcham , otchar , otcho , otchody , oteal , otedar , oteed , oteeey , oteeo , oteeody , oteeol , oteeos , otees , oteo , oteodaiin , oteodal , oteodar , oteor , oto , otody , otoldy , otoly , otshedy , otshey , oy
paiin , pchdy , pchedar , pcheody , pcheol , pchey , pchol , pchor , polaiin , polchedy , por
qoain , qoar , qochey , qockhol , qocthy , qod , qodain , qodal , qodar , qoeeey , qoeey , qofchedy , qok , qokaldy , qokan , qokchd , qokcho , qokchor , qokear , qokechy , qoked , qokedar , qokeechy , qokeed , qokeedar , qokeeody , qokeeol , qokeeor , qokees , qokeo , qokeod , qokl , qoko , qokod , qokody , qokoiin , qokshedy , qokshey , qokshy , qolchedy , qolchey , qolkeedy , qolkeey , qoly , qoor , qopaiin , qopchdy , qopchey , qopchol , qopchy , qopol , qopy , qot , qotair , qotam , qotcho , qotchol , qotchor , qoteeody , qoteody , qoteol , qotody , qoy
rair , ram , raraiin , rchedy , rchey , ro , rshedy , ry
saiir , sam , saral , sary , schedy , sh , shain , shal , sham , shckhedy , shckhey , shcthey , shd , shdar , sheaiin , shedaiin , shedain , shedal , shedar , shee , sheed , sheeey , sheeky , sheeo , sheeol , sheeor , shees , sheety , shek , shekeey , sheod , sheoky , shes , shety , shky , shocthy , shod , shoiin , shokchy , shoky , sholdy , shory , shos , shoty , sodar , soiiin , solchedy , soraiin , sos , sshey
t , tair , tchdy , tcheey , tcheo , tcheody , tcheol , tcho , tchody , tchol , teedy , teody , teol , tey , todaiin , tody , tshedy , tshey , tshol
yaiin , ychedy , ycheedy , ycheeo , ycheo , ycheol , ycheor , ychol , ydy , ykain , ykair , ykaly , ykchdy , ykchedy , ykchey , ykcho , ykchol , ykeeey , ykeeo , ykeeody , ykeeol , ykeol , ykeor , ykey , ykol , ykor , ypchdy , ypchedy , yshedy , ysheedy , ysheey , yshey , ytain , ytam , ytchdy , ytchedy , ytchey , ytchol , ytchor , yteeody , yteody , yteol , ytey , ytody , ytol , ytor